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I am very happy to announce the Add-on Script Index, a Google sheet with a listing for all the add-on scripts we could find, mostly those posted on the /r/mpmb subreddit. The index has been made by PoetOfGod and edited/styled by me. As you can imagine, it took some effort to gather all this information in one spot and make it (hopefully) easy to navigate. A big thanks to PoetOfGod is in order for all the hard work put into this and, in doing so, motivating me to update some old scripts.

If you are looking for adding content to MPMB's Character Sheets, this is you place to start looking!

>> Click here for the MPMB Community Add-on Script Index <<

( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15xq5gP3MujE7nc7POGngFWKLhabkun9BoUW7vvrhkTY/edit?usp=sharing )

You are welcome to share this link wherever you see fit.

For those who aren't familiar, the PDFs allow you to import add-on scripts to add materials to the options in the sheet. This way you can add stuff like new classes, subclasses (archetypes), races, feats, magic items, spells, backgrounds, etc.

Steps to using the Script Index:

  • Read the "Read Me" tab
  • Navigate the other tabs to find the content you want
    Optionally, use Ctrl+H to search through all the tabs at once
  • Click the link in the "Content Link" column
  • Download the raw JavaScript file [see how-to guide]
  • Import the content to the sheet [see how-to guide]

If the last two steps sound difficult to you, see the How-To-Guide: Add More Content on my website. It has a step-by-step walkthrough for exactly this, as well as a video showing where to click.

For discussing this Google Sheet, please use the "📝scripts-index " channel on the MPMB Discord server.

If you see any errors, have suggestions, or want to add stuff to the index, please do tel (preferably on Discord).

>> Click here to join the MPMB Discord server <<

( https://discord.gg/Qjq9Z5Q )

This Discord is also the place for:

  • Sharing add-on scripts you've made
  • Asking help with making add-on scripts
  • Requesting others to make add-on scripts for you
    (although these are rarely fulfilled due to the number of requests)
  • Suggestions for how to improve the sheets, the Script Index, or anything else MPMB related

Please understand that the comment section of this post is NOT for requesting new content. If you can't find the specific material you are looking for in the Script Index, then please consider making the add-on script for it yourself, or asking someone else to make it.

I have done these kind of additions for a long time for the higher-priced tiers on this Patreon. However, because I am still working on the backlog for that, I am not committing myself to taking on any more add-on script requests. You can find all the add-on scripts I have made in the Script Index.



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