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The usual introduction with an apology for not getting this to you faster.
I had very much planned to release this before the end of May, but then my daughter got sick... Unfortunately, she's still not better, but she started antibiotics this morning and has improved a lot since.

Add my poor time management skills, an unsuccessful all-day bug hunting session, and a full weekend to the mix, and here we are... several days into the new month. I finished all the code and testing on Friday, but ran out of time to update the PDFs and write a post.

I hope this new update will satisfy an often-received request: support for sidekick classes.

See the gif (second image of this post) on how to setup the sheet to create a sidekick. Please read the pop-up dialog (first image of this post) for the limitations of creating a sidekick.

>> Click here to get v13.1.7+230605 via Patreon <<

( https://www.patreon.com/posts/14927098 )

>> Click here to get v13.1.7+230605 via MPMB's website <<

( https://www.flapkan.com/patrons )

  • NEW CONTENT: Sidekick classes from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
    Some notes:
    The classes work just like regular classes, so you'll have to use a separate PDF for your sidekicks. You can't add the class to a companion page!
    - These classes are excluded by default. If you want to make a sidekick, make sure to set the classes to included using the Functions >> Source Material bookmark and click on "Classes/Archetypes" button in the dialog that opens.
    - There is no support for the base creature that the sidekick class is added to, as it is not feasible to transcribe every CR 1/2 and lower creature as a player race. Also, the race drop-down box would be an incomprehensible mess.
    - Thus, you'll have to manually add the ability scores, proficiencies, and special actions for the selected base creature. A prompt will ask for the base creature's hit dice, as that is needed for the automation.
  • NEW FEATURE: the sheet now remembers manually changed HD when changing level
  • Fix removing a class not removing all the features from the second and third page and errors in the console showing up. This happened for any (sub)class with `autoSelectExtrachoices` attributes
  • Fix the `times` attribute being an array not resulting in level-based changes for feats or magic items where the `spellcastingBonus` is an object and not an array
  • Fix spellcasting ability not being properly set for items who rely on a class, if the magic item is selected before selecting the corresponding class
  • Fix not importing all settings for disabled automation when importing from one sheet to another (e.g. if you disabled the automation for magic items)




Thank you for the work you are doing. These sheets have streamlined a lot of work for me as I tend to run a lot of one shots with Pre-gens. Hope your Daughter continues to feel better, and don't sweat being a day or two late. Life happens and you have been very forthcoming about the reasons.


Family comes first. Please, look to your daughter before worrying about this. Hope she recovers soon.


Thank you, but no worries, I'm luckily not alone in looking after my daughter. My partner and I alternate who takes time off for when she is sick. Today she is almost back to normal, albeit with a more stuffy nose.


What matters really is you daughter comes first, I’m happy to hear she’s doing better and I hope she continues to recover more.


Thanks for all your hard work for the DnD community. It is noted and appreciated by all.


happy to contribute..... and hope you and your family is healthy and happy :)