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Hi team! 💜 Feeling well enough to make a simple graphic today, so here we have the prompt list for the JC Journaling Challenge 😄 Hopefully you enjoy the prompt list, I tried to be quite intentional with picking prompts that I thought would provide value. Let me know if you have any feedback!

I've also attached the picture file of the prompt list, just if you want to "blow it up" or whatnot, and I'll list the prompts in text form below just in case you wanted to print them off in a different format: 

June 2022 - JC Journaling Challenge

1. What is one of the goals you currently have for yourself? How much progress are you making towards this goal?

2. Small steps add up to big progress. What small steps can you take regularly to get you where you want to go?

3. What is something that you have changed your mind on? What made you change your mind?

4. If someone took control of your life tomorrow, what’s the first thing they would change?

5. What is something that causes you friction on a regular basis? How can you eliminate or lessen this friction?

6. What are the first five words that come to mind when asked about your values? Does your life currently reflect these values?

7. What is something you aren’t getting enough of in your life? What needs to change to let you get more of this?

8. Do you let fear hold you back from doing things? In what ways do you do this?

9. When was the last time you tried something new? What do you want to “try new” next?

10. What do your daily, weekly, and monthly energy cycles look like? When are you at your most energetic and productive?

11. What is something good about your life that you don’t appreciate as much as you should?

12. If you were to plan a perfect “regular” day, what would it look like?

13. What has been one of the most memorable moments from the past 10 years for you? What made it memorable?

14. How do you spend your “free time”? Does this fulfil the purpose you want?

15. Is there something you have been lying to yourself about? What impact has this been having?

16. What are the things that make you genuinely happy? How can you incorporate more of these into your daily routines?

17. What is something you often over-indulge in? What impact is this having on you?

18. What parts of your organisation system are most essential to you? Is there any way to make them even more useful?

19. What parts of your organisation system aren’t serving you? Can you eliminate them, or tweak them to make them useful?

20. What is something you'd like to improve on over the next five years? How can you work toward that outcome today?

21. What items on your task list do you often avoid or put-off? Why are you avoiding these?

22. What is one of the best lessons you have learned? How has this impacted your life?

23. What is a negative habit you have? How can you make it less likely that you will do this?

24. What kind of things make you feel loved? Do you communicate this to the people close to you?

25. What is a skill you are good at? How do you share this skill with others?

26. Do you enjoy your own company? What are some of the things you like to do by yourself?

27. What is a small thing that irritates you? What do you have to do to fix this?

28. What spaces in your home do you spend the most time? How are they designed to bring out the best for you?

29. How do you measure your success? What impact do you think this metric has on your actions?

30. Considering one of your goals, how much progress have you made on it this month? How can you make more progress next month?



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