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Hi team! 💜 Over the past few months during the lives we've been talking about whether people would get more value out of hangouts rather than livestreams as a perk. For this month, I was thinking we could trial doing a hangout rather than a livestream and see if people enjoyed that more 😄

Some general thoughts:
- Livestreams are replay-able, hangouts are not
- Livestreams are done through YouTube, hangouts are done through Discord
- Hangouts allow for us to talk to each other, in livestreams you can text-chat with me
- Hangouts would typically run for longer than livestreams

Let me know what your thoughts in the attached poll, or feel free to add extra thoughts in the comments! 😊



I have to admit, I really like having both the livestream and the hangout as a perk for the tier I’m in, instead of just two hangouts. I’ve been lucky that I’ve been able to make most of both of them live so far, but it’s really nice to have the option to rewatch the livestreams later so that if I can’t make either one or both live, I haven’t missed out on everything for the month. I also like that the livestream and the hangouts are a bit different in that the hangout is just do what you like and chat whereas the livestreams are “topical” in that we get to follow along as you are doing something in one of your journals—setting up a spread or walking through a design or whatnot—so we are learning something.