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Hello guys ! 

Did you miss her ? I'm sure you did and guess what, I do too. Because when I'm thinking of her now, I'm not just seing the character who hurt Zuko and who just wanted power. I see also her development, which really began in my opinion when Mai and Ty Lee left the place. Starting from there, she showed more and more who she truly is, she was forced to take off her mask, and to see her weaknesses made me appreciate her more. I knew she wanted to please her father, but I didn't know how much it meant also for her, that she had only that in her life, that purpose.

At least, that's what she thought and she understood when her friends left that no, she needed also them, to support her. Because without them, there is no more than her objective of being the Fire Queen and without it, she's nothing. That's why she lost her nerves and then totally her mind at the end. And that's why I make a drawing of her as the Fire Queen she always dreamed to be.
