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Hello !

I felt that something was gonna go wrong when they asked the candidates to make pairs for the next game, and was praying for it to not be a 1vs1. How can I describe to you how I felt when they announced that it was and that Ali/Sang-Woo & Gi-Hun/Grandpa were together. Yes, I cried. A lot. Because when Sang-Woo began to manipulate Ali, I knew it and it hurt me in advance. Because when Ji-Yeong looked at the wall, I knew she was gonna fail on purpose and it broke me in advance.

I think that I can never forgive Sang-Woo for what he did, being so dishonest and betraying his friend like that. And I know that it's hypocritical because during the same time, Gi-Hun did the same and I was not shocked by it. And not only because I still suspect Grandpa to be the creator, or one of the masterminds. And even that, they made me doubt about it and cry for him. This episode was a lot, I said. That's why I put the full reaction part on my Patreon for this episode. So you can count how many times I said "No-no-no-no".

I'm still french, so I'm still sorry if my english hurts you.

My Twitter : https://twitter.com/ReactionsLaura




Yup. This is why it's my favorite episode. The moment they went into pairs, I knew they were going to be forced to kill each other. And it was pretty predictable who'd win since they were the main characters and all But despite knowing how it was going to turn out, it was still incredibly enjoyable because everything was played out and acted so well. What really broke me was when Ji-Yeong kept making plans for the future with her new bestie only to remember that only one of them was making it out alive. Powerful stuff. Looking forward to watching your reaction after work. T_T


First thing you say in the video is how much you love Ali. And I'm like, "oh. that's why this hit her hard." He was definitely WAY too pure, nice, and innocent for this world. To live in a world where everyone can be like that would be great though; never have to worry about being screwed over by other people. :/ I feel like I cry more for the self-sacrifice plays, so it hit me harder with Ji-Yeong and grandpa when they just accepted their fates and let their partner live. Ji-Yeong especially. I liked that they added to her story that her father was a pastor which is why she was especially hard to the religious guy in the previous episode. I just love Sae-Byeok so much. Like, she's been so closed off and guarded because the world is scary and you can't trust anyone. And yet, of all the places, it's here where she actually meets people who are kind and genuine towards her; people who don't manipulate her and are actually interested in her well-being. And she has absolutely no idea what to do about it. That poor girl.


Hello again ! Now that I can read fans opinions without any spoilers, I can see that a lot of people loved Ali but also concluded that he was too pure for this game but also for this world. That maybe his story is a message of the show : even if you're nice with people, at the end if they need to betray you for their own interests, they would do it. I cried also for Grandpa and Ji-Yeong, and I was even surprise to cry that much for the second one that we "just met" in fact. Only during this episode she told us her story. But this sacrifice was so honest, and to see Sae-Byeok opening herself like that, understanding what her new friend was doing, for her, it was heartbreaking.

Uhohmykokoro (Ari)

“I love Ali” We’re off to a great start 🥲 Your face dropped so fast when you saw those bodies. It was funny, in a dark way haha. I still cannot believe that Ali is gone. I’ve seen a lot of discourse about what Sang Woo did—lots of moral and philosophical questions being discussed. Sure, Sang Woo acted logically and realistically in a game where you either win or you die. That doesn’t mean that he’s not a snake 😅. I’m not meant for this type of game like he is. Ji-Yeong and Sae-Byeok had such a great scene together. It was short, but it is one of my favorites in the show 🙁


Hello again ! Same here, for that scene between the girls, it was intense and really deep, I loved it. About Sang-Woo you'll see that my opinion about what he did here changed a little in the intro of the next episode 😊