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Farm Life 1

Farm Life 2

Farm Life 3 [NSFW]

Farm Life 4 [NSFW]

Farm Life 5 [NSFW] 

This section's a little longer. At this point I'm just kinda rolling wherever I feel like the story is going. Comments appreciated!


That morning as I went down to breakfast, feeling a latent soreness in every corner of my body, I elected not to ask Darleen about Nel. She’d elected not to tell me about her directly, after all. It wasn’t my history and I wasn’t about to go rooting through Darleen’s dirty laundry. Not unless I was even more of a pervert than I was quickly turning out to be.

It was another brutally hot day. Though this time, Darleen hooked me up with more water and lemonade before we went out to the fields together.

“Farm animals are willful creatures,” Darleen told me, as I hung onto her on the back of her ATV. “They have different temperaments, but you can’t let yourself underestimate them and you can’t let them dictate their behavior to you. You gotta show a strong hand. Let ‘em know who is boss, else they can start to act spoiled around you. They can smell your weakness and will take advantage.”

If you’d asked me before I arrived on the farm, I would have said that I could do that easy. I could project authority! One time, I stood up in front of my civics class and gave a presentation and didn’t even piss my pants once. But I had a feeling this was going to be a bit harder than that.

Darleen stopped at the goat pens first, since they were on the whole, smaller. She excused herself to the stable, carrying at least a hundred feet of rope with her as she went inside. And all around me was quiet in the warm morning heat; at the moment it was somewhat comfortable with the gentle wind, but it was going to stagnate soon. I looked out to the perimeter of the farm, wondering for a moment if I was going to spot Nel somewhere out there, but I had a feeling she could decide if she wanted to be seen.

“Boo,” said the little voice from behind me.

I jumped, and turned around on the ATV’s seat. “Ivory!” I snapped.

Ivory giggled. “Hey, farmhand.” She shook her chest and hips. Her teats had gotten rather heavy, as she hadn’t been milked yet.

I huffed, trying to put on an air of authority like Darleen had shown me. “You need to call me Sammy,” I said. “Darleen said you gotta call us by our names.”

Ivory considered this for a long moment. “Is Darleen here?”

“She just went into the goat stable.”

“Okay, Sammy it is, then.”

I folded my arms firmly. “Good. Ivory, why didn’t you warn me about Nocturne?”

“Was that a problem?” The spotted goat tilted her ears. “I thought you and him were having fun.”

“You couldn’t know that!” I snipped. “I’m starting to suspect you’re all conspiring to chase off the new guys.”

“Aw, no!” Ivory hopped the fence post, and with another light leap, landed her hooves deftly just between my legs. She then hopped back down, seating herself just between my legs. I felt fortunate I was wearing my overalls this time.

“Thing is,” she said, “all the other farmhands around here are super stoic. They’re not at all fun to be around. Only way we can get some kicks is messing with the new guy a bit.”

“You chased the new guys all off!” I said. “You want to chase me off?”

Ivory shrugged, frowning. “I wouldn’t like that. I want to have a bit of fun. Cross the barrier sometimes. Be a little naughty.”

“Ivory, there’s only three ways this ends,” I said. “Either I leave, I become just as stoic as the other farmhands, or I…” I huffed and hesitated, not sure I wanted to plant the idea in her head. But she already knew full well. “Or I switch. And even if I switched, which isn’t going to happen, I wouldn’t be a farmhand anymore and that part of your little thrill expires.”

“All thrills expire!” Ivory giggled. “What’s wrong with having a little fun right now?”

Ivory suddenly leaned in and kissed me again. I was all ready to push her away, but the moment I felt that soft, yielding contact of her flesh and fur, I pulled her in closer, holding her to me. She did taste of fermented grass—not entirely unpleasant—and her tongue was quite soft and forgiving. I couldn’t believe I’d done it again, I let myself get wrapped up in delightful, soft and warm feelings. I wanted to chastise her, to scold at her for being so duplicitous, but my fingers wanted to run themselves up and down the small of her slender back. Oh, that part of me didn’t care if she was a little monster; it found her exciting and daring. My heart raced as my overalls suddenly tightened once again.

I really didn’t want to switch, honestly. But I didn’t understand why it had to be inevitable, or why the thrill had to expire. Couldn’t I just ride this delicate line the entire way? Was there any other option?

“Sammy!” I heard Darleen call out.

I suddenly jumped with a start and turned. I didn’t see Darleen at first—I saw Nocturne, being led out of the barn, wrapped up in ropes again. I turned back to tell Ivory to go, but without feeling it, she’d already hopped off the ATV and was running across the field toward the milking stations. But she winked and waved at me as she left.

I rubbed my eyes and turned back around as Darleen made her way around Nocturne, bringing the massive, broad-shouldered goat to within a few yards of me, and with a quick tap of a switch, the male fell to his knees in the grass. He looked startlingly handsome in the light as well, even if it was harder to make out the curves of his muscle as they melted like shadow. I tried not to look at his large black testicles, which were apparently now a turn-on for me.

“Nocturne, do you have something to say to Sammy here?” Darleen asked, pulling on the rope.

Nocturne huffed, averting his eyes from me. “I’m… I’m sorry,” he said

I started to reply; I was still probably blushing quite hard by then, and mostly wanted to get this reconciliation over with. But Darleen interrupted. “Nocturne, you can do better than that.”

“I should know my place better,” Nocturne said, with great reluctance in his voice. “You’re a citizen and I’m just an animal.”

“Good. Sammy, now you gotta give him a show of dominance.”

“I… er, uh, w-what kind of show?” I stammered.

“Take the rope, wrestle him to the ground and pin him. Carefully; don’t want to hurt him, but you need to make it clear that you can assert yourself whenever you like.”

“A bit easier said than done…” I said, carefully climbing off the ATV seat, and taking the rope from Darleen into my hands.

“Aw, it’s nothing too difficult,” Darleen laughed. “I’ll show you how to rope an animal proper. You’ve proved pretty hardy, shouldn’t take more’n a couple of weeks to master it.”

Nocturne glared at me. Though his legs were unbound—the rope was only tied around his wrists and shoulders, he made no other motion to try and wrest control, I assumed because Darleen was leaning against the fence watching. Despite that, I swallowed, and then puffing my chest out, I lifted a leg, and planted a paw on his chest, and pushed. Nocturne grunted, and resisted the shove.

“Harder’n that!” Darleen said. “Come on, he’s tough, he can take it.”

I kicked. Nocturne budged, but refused to move. So I took the rope around the back of his neck, and pulling, kicked him in the stomach. Nocturne’s breath was forced out and he bent over.

“S-sorry!” I said, petting his back.

“Don’t apologize to em!” Darleen said. “He’s apologizing to you!”

Finding some strength, I pulled on the rope under the back of his horns. Nocturne bleated, and eventually fell forward into the dust. Quickly, I climbed atop his back and tugged firmly on the rope, and shoved my bare paw against his face so his muzzle was pressed against the dirt.

“You don’t do that again!” I said. Internally, I thought, not without asking first…and had to mentally whip that side of myself away. “Bad goat!”

“Good, good…” Darleen said, obviously unimpressed. “But a bit more like this…”

She took the rope from me, and then plunged a knee down on Nocturne’s neck. Growling, she said, “You ain’t evergonna chase away any more of my farmhands, you hear? I’ll have you neutered. I canreplace you.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Nocturne yelped, his eyes suddenly going wide.

I backed off. “That’s a bit mean, Darleen.”

“It’s the language he knows, sugar,” Darleen said. “You don’t say it with hate or anger, just conviction. Then when he stops struggling, you hold him there for a few moments longer to make sure. Count to five. Then slowly release. Make sure he’s not ready to struggle out from under you again.”

She released Nocturne, and he got back to his knees slowly. He regarded me with a little more softness, which was strange; I was certain he’d just resent me all the more for putting him through this.

“Check his eyes, make sure he’s not planning something,” Darleen said. “If he seems placated, you can untie him then. If not, leave him to stew for a while. He’ll change his mind eventually.”

“This really doesn’t seem like the proper way to treat people,” I said.

“He’s an animal, darling. We have a certain order to things.”

Just as Darleen helped Nocturne back to his hooves, a loud engine buzzed from just over the hill. One of the other farmhands was riding out quickly on another ATV, and he stopped right when he got into shouting range. “Darleen! Nel’s making trouble at the silos again!”

Nel? I thought. What’s she doing?

“Gawd dammit,” Darleen sighed. She shoved the rope into my hands and jumped back atop the ATV. “Sammy, I’m so sorry, I’ll be back in a few. Tie Nocturne up in his pen, I’ll untie him when I get back.”

“But I—” I started, but Darleen already peeled off on the ATV, following the farmhand back over the hills until she vanished behind the ridge.

I looked up at Nocturne nervously. He grunted, but made no attempt to struggle. I tugged the rope, and he followed me all the way back into the stable.

We didn’t say anything to each other, the wind gusted warmly and I was happy to get into the shade. Nocturne gestured me toward his own pen—I thought it would have been the big one, but on second look I realized it was the maternity pen. Nocturne had his own way in the back, and it was rather bare save for the water trough.

“I am sorry,” I said, regardless of what Darleen had told me. I wrapped the rope around the metal post and gave it the firm knot Darleen showed me. “I probably seem like an interloper.”

“You’re really soft for a farmhand,” Nocturne said. Then he added, “…Sammy.”

“You really are softening to me?” I asked.

“I don’t like strangers,” he said. “Suppose the more I see of you the less strange you are. But what I don’t understand is why you’re not scared of me. Suppose it’s the citizen in you.”

“I’m not scared of you cause you didn’t scare me,” I said. I wasn’t sure exactly how much I could confide in a goat about what, exactly, he awakened in me, in part because I was still wrestling with it myself. “It was… fun.”

Nocturne laughed. “Fun?” Nocturne stood up, and stepping up to me, he pushed the straps of my overalls aside. I didn’t stop him; I wasn’t sure I wanted to stop him, as my overalls fell to the floor. I kicked off my boxers as well, until I was standing naked in front of the massive billy goat again.

“Turn around,” he said, his erection quickly spilling out of his sheath.

I folded my arms. “I’m not switching,” I said, regardless of my own erection swelling beneath me.

“Naw,” he said. “This is just… for fun.”

That was enough for me, so I turned around in place. Suddenly, even though Nocture’s hands had been tied together, he slipped then over my shoulders and under my arms, picking me right up. I gasped, then wheezed as the goat’s massive erection plunged deep inside me. Oh God, I couldn’t believe how happy it made me feel, a dour expression on my face instantly lit to joy as the animal’s shaft teased my buttons again. I stifled my expressions of desire, trying to keep my voice down as the billy tightened his arms around me, and shoving me into the wall, plunged his cock in and out of me like a hammering piston.

There was something a little missing from the last encounter. It wasn’t much, I was still overloaded with so much ecstasy I couldn’t help but drool all over the wooden walls of the pen. Weakly reaching up, I grabbed hold of the edge of the boards, whining in need, feeling the goat’s hands scrape against my chest. My whole body had become a receptor of pleasure; no matter where he touched, the sensation spread like a wildfire through my body.

“You really wanna be my bitch,” he whispered.

“Yeah,” I moaned, unable to conceive of a defense. “God, yeah. Just use me, Nocturne!”

“You letting me in charge?”

“Y-yes, sir,” I muttered dumbly.

“Good,” He said, slowing his thrusting. I whimpered and whined, bucking my hips, pleading for him to keep going. My erection was throbbing hard, numbly in the warm air, wanting badly to spill its seed as it was made to do.

Nocturne pulled out of me, and left me shivering, my knees ready to give out. “Untie me,” he said.

I did as he asked without really thinking. If I’d been in a more serious state of mind, I would have left him there and walked right out, but with shaking hands I eased the knot around his midsection and his wrists, and the rope fell to the floor. The moment that Nocturne was free, he grabbed me and tossed me on the pile of straw that made his bed. It smelled strongly of him, and in a half a moment, he’d dropped himself atop of me.

“H-hey!” I started to protest.

“Shut up,” he said, and kissed me

I thought I’d felt electricity from Ivory, but Nocturne was something else entirely. As he wrapped his lips around mine, I submitted entirely, just lifting and spreading my legs far apart right where I was. Nocturne pulled away, mounting me fully and plunging his cock deep into me right where I was, pinned down hard against the dirt floor.

I saw so many stars I’d roamed the galaxy. God, I loved being stretched out, forced to the ground, pounded so hard my nerves were on the edge of catching fire. Finally, I couldn’t hold it back anymore, and I howled. My dick let loose the moment I did, spilling my seed in thick lines all over my chest and face. Soon after, Nocturne unloaded himself into me, my inside suddenly warming up to burning hot as his own seed flooded my insides.

I didn’t know what to do with the release and elation; I felt so relaxed, like nothing I’d been worrying about the last day was even real. The elation was all that I could feel, numbing everything else. After Nocturne’s cock finally stopped twitching, and he pulled out, my legs flopped to the floor. I tried to pick myself back up, but I felt so, so tired; the heat of the day was catching up to me, but it wrapped me like a warm blanket. Pins and needles still slowly restoring feeling to my legs, I fell asleep.


I awoke with a start. Darleen was looking down at me, and immediately I was out of the zone. I thought she’d caught me for sure this time, but as I sat up, I suddenly realized I was wearing my overalls. And my face had been washed. I touched it with my paws.

“Uh?” I asked.

“Sorry I took so long,” she said. “Is nearly noon now. At least it looks like you’n Nocturne have made up.”

I looked over to Nocturne’s pen. I’d been asleep inside of it, and Nocturne, unbound, was curled up on his pile of straw, sleeping peacefully with me just a few feet away.

“You really shouldn’t have untied him,” Darleen said. “But looks like he decided to be obedient regardless.”

“Uh,” I started, “Yeah…”

“I guess you do have a knack for this kind of thing! Well, let’s get going. Lunch, then gotta get you to practice roping on your own. Heck, maybe you’ll actually be able to handle the males by yourself eventually!”

“Yeah,” I said, standing. My legs were still quivering with residual numbness. “Maybe.”



Good for Nocturne cleaning up and dressing Sammy after he dozed off, so Sammy doesn't get in trouble.


Nocturne's not gonna go and ruin a good thing that easily.


Well I guess that’s one way to control the animals and have them behave :p Have them really wanting you to stay around :) and hopefully also in your position of authority because it just makes having fun easier