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Farm Life 1

Farm Life 2

Farm Life 3 [NSFW]

Farm Life 4 [NSFW] 

This section is a little less NSFW than the previous, it really only ramps up at the end. In response to yesterday's post, I think I should tell people my intent with this upfront: this is not a romance. This is a harem comedy. Okay it's not exactly *funny* but you know what I mean. So I'm asking you again: use your judgement, this story might not be for you. That's okay if it's not, there will be others.

Comments appreciated


The hottest part of the day was just after noon, and so instead of being out in the field, I’d been given tasks at the cold house, taking the canisters and carefully unloading them into the giant tanks marked raw milk. I was rather amazed at how much milk a farm could produce in a day, as I’d never really considered milk to be something that could be produced in such quantities it needed to be towed around the same way as oil or gasoline. I expected it to be loaded on pallets, not tankers.

Afterwards, Darleen showed me one of her side projects—her cheese cellar, which had apparently been a canning cellar in her grandfather’s day. But the farm had shifted from produce to animal products and it had been sitting largely empty since.

“You can sell this stuff for a premium when it comes direct from the farm,” she said, taking a block wrapped in paper and plastic and turning it over in her hands. “Course, I just started this last year when milk prices plummeted. Couldn’t get rid of the stuff. So tried my hand at cheesemaking.”

She offered me a glob of some soft white cheese, and I took a bite, the whole time wondering if the milk used for it came out of Ivory or Belle. But then I slowly rolled it along the roof of my mouth with my tongue. “Good texture,” I said, “but there’s hardly any flavor.”

Darleen sighed. “I know. Turns out cheesemaking is a mite bit harder than they make it look in the magazines. You need proper cultures, and hell if I know what kind are the right kind for this climate. I know how to tame animals, not bacteria.”

“I’m sure that information is out there,” I said. “I could scour the internet for you, I’m at least good at that.”

“I’d be mighty grateful to ya,” Darleen smiled. “I should have probably waited until the farmer’s convention had a class on it instead of jumping in headfirst; I was just in a hurry to get rid of the milk. In any case, all that really means is I screwed up this batch, and probably the second from three months ago. Gonna need to figure out what to do with it.”

“Recycle to animal feed?” I asked.

“Probably. Still a waste. Wondering if it’s not too late to turn some of this to yogurt instead…”

“I can get started on looking that up right away,” I said, and turned to go. But Darleen took my by the shoulder and I stopped.

“Sammy…” she said. “I uh… was thinking about what to do with you and the animals.”

“I said it was fine…”

“I know, but, maybe I was a bit harsh about it. I was waiting to see if you were hiding trauma, but I don’t think you’re the kind. If you’d been hurt you’d be on the ground bawling your eyes out.”

In the coolness of the cellar I could definitely feel my face warm up as I blushed. “Well, thanks for not saying that in front of everyone else…”

“Oh I consulted them about it.”

“Darleen!” I turned, my face burning red.

She laughed. “See? You wear your feelings on your sleeves, if you were wearing a shirt at least. So, okay, I’ll take you at your word that you’re not humiliated or embarrassed. That’s commendable of ya.”

I actually was quite humiliated and embarrassed by the whole incident, but the problem was my brain had somehow gotten my wires crossed. Those two facts should have been mortifying, but instead it’d gotten me all elated. I’d been trying my best to calm that part of me the hell down, and just doing a bunch of other work seemed to be mechanically helping. But every time I stopped, my mind went racing right back to those encounters. I wanted more. I didn’t want to want more, but I sure as hell wanted it.

“So I was thinking of introducing you to the animals proper-like.”

My eyes went wide. “But I thought—”

“It doesn’t always happen that way, but sometimes the males get protective and aggressive cause yer the new guy. So I figure, they and the other animals need to get used to you, so there’s no sense having you skulk around the back fields at the edge of their vision. Prolly see you as a coyote. So we need to make sure they know you’re trustworthy. And to make sure that they know you’re in charge.”

“I uh…” I rubbed the back of my neck. What the hell? You’re just gonna throw me back into the middle of that? “Okay. Yeah. I can do that.”

“Oh, I’m so glad, darling. I really didn’t want to chase you off so quickly. We’ve been having a hard time retaining new blood on the farm as it is.”

“Really?” I asked. “I can’t imagine why.”

“Aw, you’re silly.” She grinned and pinched my cheek as she made her way out of the cellar before me. “Such a sweetheart, too.”

I blushed hard.

That night, I was naked in my loft and pacing back and forth. Now that the say was over, I should have been absolutely exhausted. But it was now so quiet I had no choice but to be left alone with my thoughts and feelings. I was trying to move enough to get my erection to go away, but it insisted on remaining full-mast no matter how much I tried to get it back down.

“Goddammit, Ivory…” I muttered. She was so cute, but I had a feeling she’d done all of that on purpose. To what end? Did they somehow clock me as a crazy person who’d instantly melt under a stud, despite never experiencing that feeling before? Or was their intent to humiliate me? Or maybe they really did like me, and just didn’t care in their own animal way if I got humiliated along the way.

I would have really liked to have talked to her some more, but I had a feeling if I saw her again it’d just end up with us having sex and me forgetting about all of this.

“You’re blaming that goat?” I heard a voice say.

I glanced up and gasped. In the skylight, a dark, shaggy figure had opened up the window by its hinges. With barely a sound besides the slightest rush of air, it had slipped through and dropped ten feet to the floor, landing with the same soft slumping noise as dropping my overalls had made. I didn’t really know how to react to someone entering my room, but the first thing I thought of was just grabbing my bedsheets and sliding them over my cock, pinning it to the mattress.

“Oh you don’t have to hide that,” the figure said, and she stepped up into the lamplight. I nearly squeaked out a bark on seeing her, a coyote taking full shape on the other side of my bed. Finding my voice, I tried to call out a warning, but she reached over, grabbed me by the muzzle and shoved me onto the bed. She threw her weight atop me, which was rather gaunt, but she was nevertheless larger than I was and completely pressed her lithe but muscular body against mine.

“None of that,” She said, leaning her chest over me; her breasts hardly existed, and she had numerous scars under her fur. But they all just accentuated the rough and scrappy strength she possessed—her fingers were absurdly strong as they held my jaw shut. “The woods outside this farm is my territory, but I know better than to go messing about with a citizen’s concept of property. You citizens think we’re just a bunch of savages out there, and maybe we are, but we ain’t stupid. I eat rabbits and voles, nobody you care about. I’m not here to steal your chickens, farm boy. Honest. I just came in cause I wanted to talk to you.”

She let go of my muzzle. “I—what about?” I asked.

“I saw you out there today,” she said, twisting herself atop me to make herself more comfortable. “Making so much noise you coulda made bones get up and walk. Getting pounded by Nocturne. Don’t usually see citizens mixing with us animals like that.”

“T-that wasn’t anything,” I whispered. “He forced me.”

The coyote stifled a laugh. “Trying to pretend like you tripped and fell onto that billy’s cock?”

I blushed hard. “Hey, where do you get off? Did you come in here just to shove accusations in my face?”

“No,” she said. “I’m just saying, I know where this is headed. It’s the same path I took, farm boy.”

I blinked. “You… are you…”

“I used to work on this farm years back,” she said. “Name’s Nel. Don’t suppose Darleen’s mentioned me.”

“No…” I said, averting my eyes as I tried not to stare at her.

“Well, there ain’t no use for an animal coyote on a farm,” she said, playing with my floppy ears in her fingers. “So once the government came and declared me switched, I had to skedaddle into the hills. Tried to keep up some aspects of my old life; Darleen let me back to use the computer and take the tests, but I’d already been branded. My siblings won’t even talk to me. Not sure they would even if I managed to switch back.”

I winced. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, don’t be sorry!” Nel chuckled. “If I really wanted back, I’d go begging to Darleen to have me, and I think she would try. Blames herself for what happened to me, but after a while I realized, it was inside of me all along. Nothing made me an animal. I always was.”

“Well, you don’t know me,” I said. “I can make a choice, you know.”

“Uh-huh. Maybe some people can. But others are dragged along.” Nel reached behind me and ran a rough finger up my erection. The electric feeling shot into my brain, and I tried to shut it down at once. I would not be pulled into that headspace again! I struggled to stand, but she pushed me back to the bed, and I whimpered.

“Cheer up, pup,” she said. “It’s really not all bad. I mean, why’d a city boy like you come out to the farm to begin with? Wanted to get back to nature?”

Had she been eavesdropping on everything I’d said? “Kinda…”

“Ain’t no better way to get back to nature than to become one with it.”

“I really don’t want to do that,” I pleaded. “I don’t want to become an animal. I have friends and family, I have a career, I have a future. Animals don’t get a future.”

“Future’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” Nel shrugged. “When you’re an animal, you realize there’s only three parts to life that matter. Eating, fucking, and dying. Everything else is excess.”

“I like the excess,” I said. “I know it might seem shallow, but so is everything if you want to strip away all nuance.”

“Bullshit,” she said, then she kissed me. And I let my guard down, if only because the kiss was so sincere and honest. Whimpering, I grabbed onto her arms, wanting to pull her down atop my erection, wanting to feel that warmth again. She was wrong, of course, but she was wrong in such an exciting way I wanted to at least pretend to believe her for a moment.

But she pushed me away. “You’re a cute one, Sammy,” she said. “And we can fuck if you want, but not here. I want you to come out and meet me when you’re ready.”


Nel stood up on the bed, and with a swift and quiet spring, she heaved herself back up to the open skylight window, and pulled herself through the gap in moment. Peeking back down to me below, before she closed the window, she said, “Switch.”

I sighed, and finally just decided to masturbate myself to sleep. It took a while; my erection was so thick I could barely get any feeling on it. But, thinking about how badly I wanted her on me, I finally burst out a long, thick rope of cum all over my face and the backboard. I tried to wipe it up, but the moment my dick stopped twitching, I collapsed to the bed and passed out.



Well some one is going to get into trouble I’m just not sure what type, how much or how often :p Enjoying lots thank you so much for creating and sharing

Deko Puma

Awesome to see coyotes, I hope we get more of Nel!