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Farm Life 1

Farm Life 2

Farm Life 3 [NSFW]

Farm Life 4 [NSFW]

Farm Life 5 [NSFW]

Farm Life 6 [NSFW] 

This section is surprisingly less NSFW than previous sections. I mean... there's still some of it everywhere but I don't think enough to mark this section NSFW outright. Comments appreciated!


That’s how it went for a few weeks. Darleen was wary about letting me handle any of the animals except the goats. The goats seemed to like me, and I learned the names of more of the females than just Ivory—Jackie, Lady, Melanie, Lizzy, Caramel, Smoky, Toffee, Lucy (short and feminine for Lucifer, of course), Coco, Madeline, Storm… there were nearly fifty of them. It didn’t surprise me; the farm’s main production was dairy, and I also learned how to operate the milking machines for the goats, and also how to work them by hand if I needed to. I was embarrassed quite a lot during that time, especially when it came to Ivory. Most of the goats behaved themselves, even if they clearly liked being touched by a farmhand they didn’t do much but smile and wink at me as I learned to milk them manually or by machine. But even with Darleen standing over my shoulder, Ivory continued to make overt sexual moans as I eased the milk from her soft, supple teats into the buckets.

“Just ignore her,” Darleen told me. “She’s just acting out.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I told Darleen. Truth be told, though, I really liked handling her like that. It was an excuse to be close to her, especially since Darleen was breathing down my neck the whole time.

I had to think she suspected something, the way she was watching me so closely even when she had other work to do. We did roping practice in an empty field with Nocturne, and sometimes some of the female goats. I learned how to lasso, which was surprisingly simple once you knew the trick to throwing, and Nocturne acted all obedient out in the open whenever I managed to hook him, and yank him down to the ground.

But when Darleen suddenly headed over the hill, Nocturne gave me that knowing look. I turned away with embarrassment, really hoping he wasn’t about to call me in on my promise at some point.

“Darleen!” I called out, heading for wherever she’d gone in such a hurry, leaving the billy wrapped up and on the ground. He was used to it, he could handle it. “Darleen, where’d you go?”

I heard some voices. Crouching down, I peeked through a split in the hill where some of the ground had eroded away, and several yards away, I spotted Darleen and Nel, standing next to each other, talking with firm tones. My eyes widened as I ducked into the tall grass; I didn’t know exactly what to expect between them, given the obvious animosity between a farmer and a wild animal on the outskirts, former farmhand or not.

It was hard to pick out what they were saying over the cool wind, but I could eventually tune my ears to them.

“You can’t look over his shoulder forever,” Nel said. “He’s a farmhand. What good is he if you’re gonna micromanage him every day?”

“It’ll only take a year,” Darleen said. “He’ll get the hang of it.”

“The temptation isn’t going to go away.”

“I know that,” Darleen said. “It don’t ever go away. It can be managed, though. That’s what I told you.”

Nel scoffed. “Your idea of management is denial. That’s not who we are. Civilization is phony and you know it.”

“Don’t you ever say that to me!” Darleen growled. “I clawed my way up here. There ain’t no way I’m giving up the farm just to play Tarzan again. I did it! It’s not worth it!”

“It wasn’t worth it when we were young,” Nel said. “You’re older now, you’re wiser, you got a head on your shoulders. Survival is a lot easier when you’ve already learned the hard lessons.”

“And get your body beaten up like you have?” Darleen whimpered. “Nel, I can see the scars…”

“It’s nothing. Animals respect you more the more you’ve survived. Did this one on purpose.”


“I’m just saying that it’s not as bad as you figure. You have to have a certain mindset, maybe; can’t make too much fuss about killing to eat. But that’s just the way of the world.”

“Nel, please. I want you to come back.”

“We already tried that,” Nel said. “I failed, remember? Too tainted. Too freethinking, more like.”

“Not for the test, Nel.”

Nel’s dirty ears lowered. “Yeah. I know.”

Nell pulled Darleen close, and they kissed. My ears stood straight up at the sight, and I was certain I felt a stirring down below. I growled at my erection, because then turning to watch the two females kiss in the cool cloud cover, the lights on the hills rolling behind them…

It was sweet. It was more than sweet. I’d never been much of a sucker for romance, but I could put the picture together in my mind. They did love each other, and they loved each other still. That much was apparent from how they pressed their bodies against one another, how long the kiss lingered. But as Nel pulled away, sorrowfully, and pressed her nose up under Darleen’s chin, she finally parted, and ran away across the fields again, back towards the edge of the woods in the distance.

Darleen then spotted me sitting atop the hill. She didn’t make any attempt to hide what’d happened, with resignation, she came up to the side of the hill and sat down next to me.

“You miss her?” I asked.

“Every day,” she said. “But I can’t give this up. And you can’t either.”

“I know,” I said, ashamedly. “Maybe I should go home. I’m messing things up here.”

“Sugar, things were already messed up here,” Darleen said. “Tweren’t none of your doing.”

“I thought you said this was your grandfather’s farm.”

“It was,” Darleen said. “I was adopted after I passed my citizen test. Wasn’t by blood or nothing. But someone had to inherit, and I’d poured my heart and soul into this place. I love it here. I breathe this place day in and day out. Then one day I hired Nel, and I don’t need to tell you we fell in love. She was whip-smart at accounting, something I was only ever mediocre at. It wasn’t until then I realized how close this place was to falling apart without her. And then she… well, she fell in with the animals. She still did her job, of course. Every day. And I looked the other way, and well… government inspectors came by, and said her moral character had deteriorated. And she has her citizenship revoked. She was devastated. Tried to make it work for a while, but things are different when you’re an animal, socially. I couldn’t… I couldn’t rightly sleep with her no more, lest the government come and say my moral character has deteriorated, and she couldn’t stand that. She hated the fact that we were suddenly a different class of person even when we were doing the same things we always had been.”

“And she left?”

Darleen nodded. “She’s been here the whole time, but… things have gotten worse between us.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “You seem to still love each other.”

“Darling, the farm is still in trouble,” Darleen said. “And I think Nel is doing it on purpose. She wants me to fail so that I’ll give this all up and go join her again.”

I blinked. “She’s… doing this deliberately?”

Darleen wiped her eyes. “I don’t know. But I do know that we have too much work to do and not enough hands to do it; didn’t used to be this way, animals used to know their place, but it’s been harder recently and I don’t know why. ‘Swhy I was still so eager to sign you on. Anyone will do. Anyone. I’ll take that chance.”

She then wrapped and arm around me and pulled me close to her. I blushed, fiercely, because even if she was absurdly strong underneath that layer of long, flowing fur, she was still disastrously beautiful.

“Please stay,” she said. “I need you. If only to prove to myself I can still do this.”

“I-I promise,” I said, wrapping my arms around her as well. I ran my fingers through her mane of fur, along the soft streaks along her ears, across her arms, and down her legs.  Before I knew it, we were kissing. We fell to the grass together under the cool and cloudy weather.

I reached up to pull her top down, to get a good long look at her lovely breasts, but she pulled my hand away.

“Darleen…” I said.

“Shush,” she said. “You’re very, very adorable, darling. It’s been a long while since I’ve had anyone. But I think I’ve finally got you figured after all this time. The way you look at the animals, the nervousness you exhibit. You don’t want to feel in control, do ya?”

I blushed. “Uh…”

She laughed, clearly feeling the firmness of my cock swell under her legs. “There we go! None of this longing and pining for you. You wanna be absolutely wild, to be let loose or tamed, and I figure that’s what the animals are latching onto.”

I nodded, my cock growing stiff and unnaturally hard. She had me pinned pretty hard, having distilled down to a few words what I’d been struggling for the last several weeks to sort out. “Yes’m,” I mumbled underneath the burning blush.

“That’s something I can’t exactly rid you of. That’s just how some people are built, nothing wrong with it. But if you’re gonna be a farmhand and work with animals that need a strong hand, you need to work those feelings out.”

I nodded again. “Y-yes, ma’am.”

Darleen grinned. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.”



Well that’s a development, feel so bad for them all Also weird thought is what keeps the animals from doing the work? Not really looking for an answer more just trying to think what makes them different besides a piece of paper but maybe that’s the entire point that’s all it is


I'm liking where this is going. Would be hilarious if Darleen loses her citizenship before Sammy. However, I will say at this point I'm hoping they make the farm work first. She wants to prove she can do it. Would be awesome if she does that before switching (assuming she does). I would hate to see her fail when this means so much to her. Though, if that's the plan I'm sure that can work too!