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Hey everyone!

I feel like I owe you all an explanation on what's been happening for the last couple of months. It's been quite slow going here with not a whole lot of progress. Our YouTube and Patreon income hasn't been all that great this year so we've both taken on a lot more freelance work which is really cutting into our productivity time. Unfortunately that's just life - we gotta make sure we can keep the lights on before we go Plus Ultra into another short film.

That said, we have made some small progress on our long-teased Overwatch: Uprising PSA short. The 3D elements have all come in and our composer is hard at work making some epic music for us!

I'm hesitant to say it'll come out in the next few weeks because it's so close to being finished, but it all depends on how much free time I have to work on it - I'm flat out with freelance work atm. Fingers crossed I can smash it out!

We'll be back to more regular updates soon. Thanks everyone for your continued support, we appreciate it all! 




The Ferret

Sorry things have been a bit tight, glad the freelance work is helping out though. Take your time and keep the lights going.