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Hey Patrons,

Hope you have a lovely March! Ours was full of pre-production for a couple of different projects we're working on.

Firstly, an update on Anime Academy: The first shoot day earlier this month went quite smoothly and we're happy with the cast - we know we'll get some great comedic performances out of them in the future. The goal with this show was to set it up as a long-running web-series of stand alone episodes that you could tune in and watch in any order. After watching the episode we filmed, we felt like it needed more context to truly understand. I've been describing it as a great Episode 3 but not a great Episode 1. We want to start with a bit more of a bang, so Ned, our composer, has started working on a kick-ass Anime OP which we'll record in April. Once it's complete, we'll be filming some live-action footage to go along with it - think lots of running.

Unfortunately that means our release window is likely going to be mid-May. We'll keep you updated on the recording process!

Secondly, here's a little tease of another web-series we're developing:

Do any of you guys play D&D? We've been playing a lot recently and had so much fun, we decided to write down all our funny moments and turn them into live-action skits. The series will cut back and forth between the characters in full costume in the fantasy scenarios, and the players irl surrounding the table in their living room. We've assembled a cast of Deerstalker favourites from over the years and we think they'll do a great job. We look forward to filming it next month!

Last but not least: our Overwatching Teamwork PSA is nearly finished, so keep an eye out for it!




The Ferret

So much cool stuff coming out from you guys. Looking forward to all of it. :)