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Pictured: How my May felt.

The good news is that I've finished the semester at university and once I've gotten through these last couple of freelance jobs on my backlog I'll find myself with a lot of free time this June. The bad news is that our composer is now feeling the same way as my May and won't be able to get started scoring this Overwatch skit until later this month.

In the meantime we'll be organising our upcoming web-series. Here are some quick updates!

Anime Academy

Our next, and final, shoot date for Anime Academy Season 1 is scheduled for July 7. We'll be filming our 3rd episode which will be a parody of anime protagonist hairstyles.

Spot the protagonist.

By that date I'm hoping to have finalised all the opening titles, commercial bumpers, end cards, etc for the series, and have final cuts for the other two episodes, so all that's left is to cut this last episode and start posting. I'll let you know how it all goes!

D&D Web-Series [Tentative Title]

We've finalised our character designs for the D&D web-series, and have begun making the costumes.

A shoot date has been set, and it'll be a challenge to prepare everything in time, but there are a bunch of talented individuals involved in this project and we're very excited to see how it all shapes up!

Can't wait to share more with you all soon!




The Ferret

Congrats on pushing through it and looking forward to what comes next on the channel. :)