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Hello wonderful Deluxe Tier patrons, thanks for your suggestions and ideas from the last post. I have decided to compile what people suggested last week and make it an official poll to decide our epilogues and endings, as well as add a couple myself.

One thing I have decided, is that I won't strictly do ONE Epilogue and ONE Alt Ending. I'll just go with what people want most! Tell me if you'd prefer otherwise, though!

Have a vote, and yes, you can choose more than one option!

Epilogue Choices:

Camp Queenlay: John finally becomes a ruling alien broodqueen in his own right.

Mutated!: Chopper ends up going into the desert & transforming, ending up with Braka's tribe.

Good Girl:  We follow Kade, who's super sperm has hyper-impregnated Polly and his annoyed ex-girlfriend Lizzie, who may be in for more pregnancy than expected!

The Clownfish Gene: We check in on Quinn a few years later, now that her twitch stream has taken off to become a massive, sexy online celebrity.

Salon Girl: Continuation straight from the original, where Li discovered what it's like to be made fully a woman, courtesy of a hunky man.

Always Knocking Me Up: An extension to the recent mini-story, where our main character finds out what that third wish might entail . . . (suggestions welcome!)

Erutell:  A look down the line at how our transformed characters are doing . . .

Alternative Ending Choices:

Henry 2 Haruko: Henry doesn't regain his personality, & Haruko remains in charge.

Mutated!: Chopper follows Braka into the desert, and they mutate into a single merged individual with two competing minds!

Alien Assumptions (Woman to Cow TF): Monica is turned last second into an anthro cow instead of a regular cow.

See How You Like It: An alternative wish sees both men becoming hot women, and only one is really happy about it!'

If you have specific ideas about what you'd like to see in these alt endings/epilogues, feel free to comment below!



An alternative dark ending to Henry to Haruko would be awesome!