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Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

First Part

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Part 7: The Alien Con at AlienCon

Serellis woke first. She had dreamed she was Chad, a buff and tough alpha male with huge pecs and amazing abs, and a gorgeous college cheerleader on each arm. She was a macho figure, an apex of a man, and yet . . . something about it felt all wrong. She knew exactly why when she woke.

Because it was all a lie. It had been a lie even before she changed. The echoes from within that locker, all that time ago, stuck with her. Taunting her. Reminding her how she’d transformed on the inside become long before she transformed on the outside.

She was not Chad. She was Serellis. A green-skinned alien space babe with three big Double-D cup tits, if not slightly bigger. Who had a prehensile tail that was now four feet long with its own little ‘grabber’ at the end of it. Who had three eyes, and the ability to sense emotions and arousal, and felt unnaturally devoted to the nerd named Derek.

The same nerd she was nestled comfortably against right at that very moment. Her alien body breathed in his scent, and not just with her slightly flattened nose either, but with her adorable antennae with their spherical ends, which sensed his comfortable sleep, and even his warm dreams. God, it made no sense, but that damn change had made him her mate, of all people. Yes, sure, she no longer wanted to be his bully. Wanted to remain his friend, in fact. She’d come to enjoy his company more than a bit the past few days. But she’d had sex with him. Actually let him fuck her with his surprisingly big dick.

And worse of all, she’d actually loved it.

She needed to get away from him. Take stock of herself. She wasn’t going to be some half-alien, half-human bimbo devoted to this man. But he was so very, very comfortable. He was on his back, and she was nestled against his side, her tail wound gently around his leg. One of his hands rested upon her hip, his fingers sinking just a little into the peachy flesh of her green rear. She in turn had one arm stretched across his shoulders. He wasn’t broad like Serellis had been as Chad, but he wasn’t as scrawny as he’d assumed. He had a kind of whipchord feel: thin, but stronger than one would suspect. And all three of her large breasts pressed against him, flattening so that they ‘spilled’ against her upper arms.

She bit her lip, fighting the small uptick of arousal that marked her new role. She was too comfortable to move, too bewildered to want to confront what had happened last night. So she rested against him, and slowly fell to sleep.


When Serellis woke again an hour later, something was immediately off. Her mate - no, Derek! - was moaning gently. And she could feel an increasingly hard something being gripped by her tail’s ‘hand.’

“Ohhhhhh,” she moaned, as a firm, masculine hand ran across her ass. “Wh-what’s happening.”

“You - you tell me,” Derek said, gasping a little. “You were suddenly all - oohhhh - over me!”

“I’m not all - ahh - over you!” Serellis replied, though her nipples brushing against her chest made them stiffen with further arousal. “I - what’s that in m-my tail! It f-feels kinda good! Kinda like a -”

Her eyes widened. All three of them. In the darkness of the room, with its curtains off, she could still see perfectly. And what she saw and felt, courtesy of her antennae, was Derek’s incredibly erect penis being stroked and teased by her prehensile tail’s rubbery claw.

“Oh f-fuck!” she cried. “I didn’t mean to! I wasn’t even awake!”

Derek panted, grinning slightly. “It was c-certainly one - Nghh! - way to wake up! Oh God this feels so fucking good!”

“Stop it! Let it g-go!”

He looked at her like a crazy person. “Me let go? You’re h-holding onto m-me!”
She tried to remove her tail, but it refused her own commands. And even as it rubbed further, it lit up a sort of sensitivity at its end that she didn’t even know existed, like all sorts of pleasure nerves were clustered there that could only activate during moments like these. Regardless of what it was, it made her whimper in pleasure. She shifted over Derek, her three big boobs jiggling as she did so.

“I c-can’t get it off! Just cum already!”

“I’m n-nearly there! I - ahh! Can I touch your tits again?”

She furrowed her brow, causing all three eyes to glare at him. But in truth, she needed it. She needed her mate to pleasure her. “F-fine! Just hurry up! G-get it over with!”

She leaned down against him, and once more the two of them took advantage of her additional boob. He squeezed and caressed her left and right mammaries, while plunging his face straight into the teardrop middle sucking on her throbbing nipple, licking her areola. She immediately became delirious, overcome with ecstasy, and her tail rubbed him ever harder.

Finally he came, and her tail milked him until he was dry. Most of his seed landed on her green belly and tits. She came with him, her own sensitive breasts more than enough to push her over the edge.

In the aftermath, her mind raced.

“Holy shit, I just fucked you again. I didn’t even mean to, dude.”

“I know.”

“Why didn’t you fight me off?”

Derek raised an eyebrow. “Would you?”

She couldn’t think of a reply. In his place, Serellis absolutely would not have. In fact, she would have been far more aggressive in squeezing her frankly fantastic set of triple tits.

“Let’s just get cleaned up.”

She got out of bed, then pointed her tail in his direction as she continued walking.

“And don’t perv at my ass.”

“Sure thing, Chad.”

She sighed. “It’s Serellis now. I need a cure.”


The hotel clerk gave Serellis a funny look as the two of them headed downstairs to the lobby, but it wasn’t a look that was too funny, at least. After all, there were several other alien enthusiasts, some in suits resembling the classic grey men design, others in ridiculous robot costumes. But what made Serellis clearly stand out was the same thing that made the other AlienCon attendees stare at him. At her.

To put it simply, she was a woman. A hot woman. And one that appeared to have a very, fascinatingly realistic costume that emphasised her best features. A number of pasty nerds looked her way, and she felt an overwhelming urge to reach out and grab Derek’s hand for support, which she did, much to the other’s clear surprise.

“Don’t look so surprised,” she said through gritted teeth, smiling awkwardly, “I’m just showing all these sweaty losers that I have a boyfriend so they won’t fucking come on to me.”

Derek held her hand a little more firmly. “Not a problem. Boyfriend, huh?”

“Shut up, dork.”


“I meant it nicely. Like a . . .”

“Loving nickname?”

She batted him with her tail, which elicited an impressed gasp from the wider circle of nerds in the lobby.

“It’s, uh, entirely mechanical!” Derek declared. “She made it all herself.”

Serellis rolled all three eyes, antenna drooping a little in frustration. “Yep! I made it! Just a regular human gal wearing a suit!”

“Is that a Total Recall reference.”

“The fuck is that?” she snapped.

The large man who had spoken seemed lost for words. “The three . . .”

She thrust out her chest. “My three what, hmm? Go on, say it.”

His words died in his mouth.

“Come on,” she said, grabbing Derek’s arm, flipping off the nerd with her tail. “Let’s just get to this alien con.”

Derek smiled, clearly admiring her form. She felt him doing so, but whereas usually she’d be annoyed, perhaps even angry, it only made her chest feel a little more flushed, and her instincts full of pride. Ever since the final changes to her mental state she’d found herself feeling all warm and gooey when he looked at her like that, especially when he stared at the full lines of her twin cleavages. It was a hard thing to wrestle with. God knows her father would have killed her on the spot just for finding it even slightly pleasurable.

“You’re looking at me,” she murmured.


“Ugh, don’t be. My instincts sort of like it. It’s keeping me calm.”

“Is that permission to stare?”

Another bat from her tail.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

“Correct,” she said, taking large strides to keep up with him. Thankfully, she had a lot of energy, and got the sense that her fast speed remained. “Just . . . look, but don’t stare. Like all those stupid feminist ads or whatever.”

“I’ll walk that fine line, my lady.”

She grinned, actually feeling quite . . . pretty, as he occasionally glanced over her. She hooked her arm around his, pulling a little closer.

“There better be some hot chicks at this convention,” she said.

“You planning on seeing if you’re bi?”

“No, this stupid alien body is only attracted to you. Dumb fucking aliens. But I’d like some magnets for male attention. I just hope this costume isn’t too sexy.”

Derek chuckled. He didn’t even need to speak. His thought patterns lit up, as if to tell her that she could hardly be sexier.


An hour later, that costume was making its debut at AlienCon. The convention itself had several thousand attendees in its series of venues, many of whom were simply interested outsiders, but many others of which belonged to hardcore conspiracy groups and alien UFO societies. Most wore themed gear, sci-fi t-shirts and the like. A Darth Vader roamed the halls, flanked by two stormtroopers. There was even an out-of-place Gandalf. But when Serellis entered on Derek’s arm, a lot of attention instantly went her way.

“Yep, this was a big fucking mistake,” she sighed.

The costume she wore was indeed sexy. It was black short sleeve leather jacket with a high collar. Underneath, she wore a thick grey swimsuit that had been modified with vertical grey strips of black plastic, making it look like a revealing alien costume. After all, was supported by those same strips over her shoulders, but her three large breasts were pushed upwards, firm and ripe, her twin cleavages displayed alluringly to the world, and jostling lightly with each step. Up to mid-thigh were a set of stockings with similar adornments, and black military boots to cap it off. With her sunglasses, and her third-eye tucked beneath her dark hair, she looked like a sexy alien from some sort of half-gritty half-campy TV show, though Derek had done good work making her not look too under budget. In fact, she kind of looked badass, even if she was still too sexy by half. Her tail was on open display, and she did her best to not make it too lively. A round black suction ring had been sewn into the swimsuit to make it look like where the tail was ‘attached.’ It also wasn’t incredibly comfortable.

“Dude, I want to free my tail up,” she complained. “And all these sweaty nerds are getting fucking boners looking at me.”

“Don’t worry,” Derek smiled. “We just have to hang around for a few hours, and then the convoy starts. Roswellff here we come.”

It gave Serellis a little hope for diminished awkwardness . . . for about five minutes, by which point she was continually surrounded by drooling nerds who she could sense were looking at her green melons, and were asking for photos, taking photos, and generally being a bother. Derek fended them off, even told one of the more aggressive assholes to “fuck right off or I’ll make you regret it!”, a response that made her inner-Chad beam with pride. She kept close to him, finding him a wonderful port of safety and compassion, even if he was guilty of those same stares.

Things settled a little after that. The two of them decided to blend in and avoid too much notice. While Serellis was still getting used to her x-ray vision - it tired her out to use it too much - she certainly was able to notice some black vans parked outside. She couldn’t be sure that they were the men in black, but she didn’t want to find out either. So they went and watched some lectures on UFO findings, and a few movie trailers for indie projects that were science fiction in nature. Serellis found most of it boring, though Derek’s fascination was actually pretty cute, not that she’d admit it. The base of her tail continued to itch against that ring, but she put up with it, going to the girl’s bathroom to adjust it and pull up her top so her three tits weren’t showing.

“Hot costume,” one woman said as she left.

Serellis was briefly shocked, but her face turned to a light smile. “Uh, thanks.”

When she got out, she continued to smile.

“What are you happy about?” Derek asked.

She winked with her third eye. “Girl secret,” she said, only a little sarcastically.

It made him chuckle. Not too long after a young female fan came up to her looking red-cheeked and nervous.

“Um, hello. I don’t want to bother, but your costume is so amazing. I’ve always wanted to dress up in something like that, but I didn’t have the guts.”

Serellis grinned as they posed for the photo and took it. “Thanks. It wasn’t all me. Derek here helped me.”

She indicated to Derek, who was currently engaged with an apparent UFO expert, one of his heroes. He was talking excitedly, rambling a little, and the older man looked a bit amused at this. It was a very cute site.

“Is that your boyfriend?”

She smiled in realisation.

“Yeah, I guess he kinda is.”

“Is it serious?”

“No, just a silly little fling of a thing at the moment. I don’t fucking know.”

“Well, he looks cute.”

“He is,” she said, feeling that pride, that attraction to her mate. “But it’s complicated.”

The woman shrugged. “Well, you look kickass anyway.”

She looked down at herself. “You know, that’s a pretty fucking cool thing to say. Thanks . . .”



The two parted ways, and she went to join Derek. The other man was trying to extricate himself from the conversation, clearly overwhelmed by Derek’s fanboyism and starting to snap back a little at him,, but he halted at the sight of her sauntering closer.

“Oh, well, isn’t this a marvellous creature! You look like a real alien, my dear! Are you from the planet Hottie, I wonder?”

“Thanks, I actually am an alien from another planet,” she said. Derek stiffened beside her, but she wanted to fuck with this old dude who was being rude to her mate. “I’m from the planet Narnya.”

The bearded fellow raised an eyebrow. “Narnya?”

“Yeah. Narnya fucking business. Come by me some food, Derek. I’m fucking starving.”

He walked with her.

“That was Devon Mason. He’s a real big deal!”

“He’s a fraud.”

“Nonsense, he’s the real thing. He -:”

Serellis pointed at her antenna, rolled her middle eye. “I can sense lies, remember? Dude was fucking lying through his teeth.”

Derek sagged. “Damn. Never meet your heroes.”

“Don’t worry,” she said, taking his hand and kissing him lightly on the cheek. “You’re the real deal. And that kiss was just for show.”

He straightened up with a smile. “I’ll take it.”


The convoy began just a few hours later. Being a big event located in the city, the actual journey to the outskirts of Roswell was only taken by a couple of hundred individuals, the mostly fanatic or otherwise bored tourist types. Oh, and some cosplayers, of which Serellis was obviously considered one. A number of buses were shuttling them, but they took their own vehicle, requiring the extra mobility, just in case. It wasn’t a huge drive, but several hours was several hours, and the fugitive pair wanted some time to come down from the AlienCon. And besides, their true destination wasn’t the legal outskirts of the facility, but a particular region of the outskirt desert that contained the remnants Derek had poured over. The remnant that had made Serellis the hot alien girl she was now.

Her father would kill her. He really would. It was something she was thinking of more and more. That and the fucking locker. It was in her dreams.

“Looking forward to changing back?” Derek asked.

She looked to him. “Hmm?”

“I said, are you looking forward to changing back?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was thinking of stuff.”

Derek adjusted their course. They were wedged between two buses, irritatingly, something which she had made fun of him for. He’d responded that it gave them safety in the convoy.

“What stuff?”

Her tail writhed a little awkwardly. “Just my Dad and stuff.”

“You’ve mentioned him before. I think you even mentioned him in your sleep.”

She sighed. Her blood quickened, and her chest felt suddenly tight, despite all the flesh out in front of it.

“Yeah. He’s . . . let’s not talk about it, dude. We’re close to turning me back.”

Derek looked at her. She felt his curiosity, but then his restraint. It warmed her to know he cared enough to ask, but respected her privacy. Especially on this. She’d never told anyone. There was a long silence as they drove. She turned, looking at the bus behind her, not wanting him to see her face as she spoke.

“There was this kid, named Horace -”

But before she could continue, something took her attention. Her third eye widened, and her x-ray vision went further than it had ever gone before, looking straight through the entire length of the bus to the vehicle behind it. And then her heart skipped a beat.

“There was a kid?” Derek prompted, but she placed her grabber over his mouth.

“Shut up!” she hissed. “Listen! We’re being followed!”

He pushed her tail away. “Yeah, I know Chad. Serellis. We’re in a convoy.”

“No, they’re infiltrating the convoy. The black vans - these idiot UFO nuts must think it’s some kind of joke. But there are the men in black. The same man with white hair. They’re here! They’re travelling with us!”

She and Derek exchanged a glance. But there was nowhere to turn without coming into view and making themselves known. They could only continue forward.

To Be Continued . . .



I gotta say, this my favorite story series of yours currently! The relationship between the two is really nice and I also really enjoyed the unique slow burn of the transformation. Good stuff!

Fox Face

Thanks for the kind comment! It's been enjoyable to write. I reckon it has 3-4 parts left in it or so.