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Hello wonderful patrons, thanks very much for the questions people sent me via message and on the post itself. It's been great to hear and think about some interesting questions, so without further adieu, here we go:

  • Are you Australian or British?


  • Favourite movie?

I'm a sucker for the movie It's a Wonderful Life. A gorgeous film. I think there's potential for a TG story inspired by it, ha!

  • Any other writers you recommend?

You might be quite surprised to learn I don't actually follow loads of other TG and TF writers - I'm too busy! However, I can say that I really like the work of TheSpiralledEye, also on Patreon, who has become a friend of mine.

  • Are you trans?

I'm not, surprisingly enough! I've always held the TG and TF stuff separate from my own personal identity, more as an interesting kink than anything else. But I'm glad that some of my more heartfelt, happy-ending material has seemingly resonated with some people who are trans.

  • As someone who tries to write transformation stories, how many things do you write and give up on since you can't make it work, how long do you usually take on each item? Just curious how quickly people can write since for me it always seems like a struggle.

Really great question! Writing has always come pretty naturally to me, but I definitely have my off days. I have a little bin file on my computer with a number of discarded projects, particularly from when I was getting started. I have only ever had 2 commissions cancelled, and those were early days when I was still figuring out this work and where I wanted it to go, and of course I was figuring out boundaries and the like.

As for time on each item, that depends. My process is usually as follows:

- Biweekly stories like Alien Space Babe I write on the day I upload them

- Mini-stories I also write that day before uploading

- Longer stuff (5k+) is usually a commission but not always. I generally write approx 5,000 words a day. However, since I generally accept commissions as they come, I make it clear that asking for a 15k commission doesn't just take 3 days. Beyond planning and sketching, I am also likely already working on other projects.

As for ease of writing, I recommend Stephen King's On Writing. The main thing is to treat it like a job: write even when you're uninspired. Writer's block is often a hurdle that has to be brute forced. You can go back and edit the good bits in later, just smash through it.

  • Do you create a detailed outline before you start a story? Or do you keep it more vague and go with the flow?

Sometimes a little column A, sometimes a little column B. For larger projects, particularly anything 20k or more in words, I always have notes at the bottom of my document to plan out. Shorter stories I go with the flow. Some things I start with no plan at all and let the flow take me there, others (like Alien Space Babe) I have a clearly defined plan from the beginning. 

I will say that New Music in the Neighborhood was one where I tripped up a bit. I still think it's not a bad story, but I had a plan, then went off the plan, then changed plans, etc. I think I struggled with not really having a flow with that one, and often my flow is what I rely on the most.

  • Do you plan on doing more Anthro TG/TF stuff in the future? Kind of like the cow girl TF mini-story from earlier this month.

Absolutely I do! There's be a 15k tigress anthro story this month to sink your fangs into. I also plan to - if people vote for it - have more anthro mini-stories. Because I rely a lot on commissions, sometimes that content waxes and sometimes it wanes. I had a drought of anthro TFTG content for a while, then it boomed again, then it waned a little. 

I can definitley tell you that once Alien Space Babe is finished, there'll be options for voting for more TFTG ongoing stories.

  • Which do you enjoy writing more: slow transformations where the character has to come to terms with each new change as they occur, or rapid transformations where the character is thrust into an unfamiliar situation and has to deal with it?

There are advantages to either, but rapid transformations are generally easier to write. They form more conflict, give the chance for unfamiliarity etc. I also find that in slow transformations, it can fall prey to skipping over it. I do like having slow transformations that don't operate gradually though, like where sudden fits of change cause a body to develop rapidly in a brief moment.

  • Do you prefer fantasy or scifi when it comes to tg/tf?

Fantasy generally, even though my tastes run sci-fi in pop culture. Fantasy has the benefit of not requiring lengthy explanations about technology, or why this game-changing, revolutionary technology is not somehow everywhere, making someone billions.

  • Favourite type of TF? Favourite type of TG?

Great question. For TF I think anthro-cowgirls are always fun. There's lots of elements to pick and choose and play with: horns, tails, udders, multibreast, lactation, calving, hooves, instincts, mating, going into heat, fur, etc. As a close second, fantasy creatures such as medusas/gorgons and centaurs can be very fun, due to the radical change in bodies.

As for TG, you may have noticed I'm a fan of the 'two friends are forced to become lovers when one becomes the dream girl of the other, and eventually gets pregnant.' The massive dynamic change between friends, the humiliation aspect, the reluctant joy of a new body, and all the embarrassments, discomforts, and strangeness of becoming pregnant give a lot of opportunity for a variety of kinks.

  • You've mentioned that it can be hard to rely on an editor, and it made me wonder. What is your stance on readers pointing out typos, or even giving broader editing suggestions?

I beg you, point out my typos. I am not a bad proofreader, but there are things I'll miss, and I don't feel comfortable taking on an editor with this kind of work. I try my best, but there will be the occasional incorrect suffix or missing comma or what not. Don't hesitate to point these out. Politely, of course.

Thanks for the questions everyone! If you have any others, feel free to comment below!


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