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Directly inspired and influenced by Tseudo Nimm's excellent story 'Witchy Ex-Girlfriend', which I highly recommend!

His Perfect Woman, Part 5

The next two weeks passed far too quickly for Matthew. Even knowing that the woman he went to bed with each night was his former friend and best mate, even knowing that he was under the effects of a curse that forced him to act as the perfect girlfriend, he was developing feelings for Jessica. How could he not? She was everything a man could want in a woman – her body was perfect, she was wonderfully submissive, constantly horny and willing to be subjected to all kinds of sexual acts, and she kept the apartment in working order. But more than that, she was still his friend, and so when they weren’t fucking like rabbits in heat they still managed to play videogames, watch movies together, chat about their shared hobbies and interests. In fact, he almost felt closer to his friend-turned-woman in those moments, knowing that chatting like nothing had changed helped put her more at ease between having to give him blowjobs and wear tight-fitting things that left little to the imagination.

Sasha had dropped by several times, which always put Jessica on edge. It seems she’d gotten a new boyfriend, an ‘upgrade’ as she referred to him in front of Jessica while boasting of his prowess in bed and his much more caring nature. The woman got a sick glee from watching her emotionally abusive ex have to deal with a woman’s hormones, and even more from knowing that she was compelled to live up to her friend’s sexual fantasies. Twice they were given another ‘assignment’ – once to go shopping, another time to go on a couple’s date with Sasha and her new boyfriend Tom. Jessica had spent every moment trying to melt into her seat and die of shame, but she was compelled instead to cling to Matthew’s arm and talk girly business with Sasha in front of their boyfriends. Tom didn’t suspect a thing, though Matthew couldn’t help but notice that the genial man Sasha was with now still couldn’t help the occasional peak at Jessica’s prominent rack. It was hard not to given how on display they were in her lowcut top, but Sasha didn’t seem to mind.

“Caught you peaking!” she teased him, and he spluttered, a horde of apologies beginning to stream from his mouth until she stopped him; “it’s okay honey, I know you’ve only got real eyes for me. I don’t mind you looking, especially since our Jess here is practically falling out of her top.” She laughed, and he chuckled with her, looking relieved. “I don’t know how you deal with having knockers that big Jess, I get back pain occasionally just from my c-cups and yours are practically the size of your head. How do you cope?”

It was true – both her tits were about the size of her head, and yet they didn’t sag but remained perfect and pert. Jessica gripped her fork. Matthew could tell she was hating every moment of this punishment. “The straps dig into my shoulders,” she said between gritted teeth, “but I manage.” The slight glaze that indicated a roleplay brought on by the curse fell over her eyes. “Besides, Matty here just loves them, so I guess they have their uses! It’s how we met!”

“Oooh,” Sasha said, relishing the moment, “how did you two meet? You never did tell me, and I’m sure Tom is interested.”

Jessica and Matthew exchanged looks, and Matthew felt a wave of panic. No doubt his friend was too. This was uncharted territory, for both of them. Jessica hadn’t even worked up the courage to find out if his parents or sister would recognise him, or whether he was even part of the same family. But before they could improvise some elaborate story, both of them were under the command of their curses’ compulsions, and they launched into an overly cutesy story of childhood friendship that was remarkably similar to their own past as male friends, only this time Jesse was Jessica, an awkward young girl with braces and terrible acne whom Matthew had befriended. It was an ugly duckling story, one in which seemingly over the course of just a few months into high school she had became a ‘late bloomer’; her skin clearing, her braces coming off, and her womanly assets growing far beyond that of any of her former female bullies. Overnight she had become the most popular girl in school, but she had only eyes for her childhood sweetheart, and they were each other’s dates for their Leaver’s Dinner. They grew apart due to family movements – that had been real as well – but had once again become close in college by pure chance, and were now in a serious relationship.

“That’s a really lovely story,” Tom chipped in, taking a sip of his beer. “I’m glad you two make a lovely couple. I’m afraid how Sasha and me met isn’t nearly so movie-like.” Sasha kissed him on the cheek and leaned against his arm, brushing his hair. “Oh, don’t sell us short Tom. Why don’t you tell them how we met.” She gave a shark-like grin in Jessica’s direction.

“Okay. Well, I’d been out of dating for a little while – personal stuff – and was looking to get back in. I was out at Micky’s bar, and in walks this woman in a little black dress and everyone’s jaws just about hits the floor, including mine. I was just lucky to get in first and buy her a drink, and give some sappy line that made her laugh. Anyway, we got to talking, and she told me she’d just gotten out of a bad relationship. Apparently the last guy was a real jerk who didn’t appreciate her properly.” Matthew felt Jessica’s nails clench his leg tightly under the table. He moved his hand over hers and gave a sympathetic squeeze.

“He so was,” Sasha interjected, “always saying I didn’t look pretty enough to him, always preferring to go out with his mates rather than spend time to me, always treating me like I wasn’t woman enough for him.”

“Which is bullshit,” Tom said, “I mean, just look at her.” He wasn’t wrong, Sasha was now a gorgeous woman, the kind that Jesse would have been lusting after when he was male. But now his friend had to contend with being an even more voluptuous and attractive woman than even her. “Anyway, we got to talking, and one thing led to another, and here we are.” He smiled and took her hand.

“How wonderful Sash, I’m so happy for you!” the curse made Jessica say.

“Thank you so much Jessica. I’m just glad I’m not with my ex anymore, he was a real chauvinist jerk, wasn’t he?”

“Oh absolutely,” Jessica was forced to say, and her nails dug even tighter into Matt’s leg. “I feel the same way about my Matty here! So much better than my last” The nails relaxed, and she pressed her body up against his instinctively. More compulsions.

“Still, wherever he is, I’m sure she’s – sorry, I mean he’s – got his just desserts.” She smirked knowingly at the pair before her. “I’m sure he’s learning all about the ways he should respect women. But enough about that loser, how are you going Jess? You know I always thought you two made a cute pair.”

“I’m going . . . well. Coping,” replied Jessica.

“Really? But you look happier than I’ve ever seen you! And you’re so confident in that dress!”

“Don’t tease dear,” said Tom. Sasha fluttered her eyebrows at him. “I’m just stirring Tom, Jess and I go way back. Long enough that we’ve both seen each other grow and change in different ways.”

“Sure have,” murmured Jess, taking another deep swill of her drink. After dinner, Sasha managed to corner Jessica in the kitchen while the men were chatting in the lounge.

“Pregnant yet?” she asked with a grin. “You do look like you’re glowing a little.”

Jessica looked up from the dishes she was forced to happily wash. “Haven’t you humiliated me enough Sasha? You have a boyfriend now. Just let me be a man again and we’ll go our separate ways.”

“Said as if we hadn’t been a couple for several years of our lives. Besides, look at how lovely the new you is! You always made me wash the dishes and clean the house, and yet now you’re the one being turned into a lovely future trophy housewife.”

Jessica looked down, obeying the compulsion to keep on cleaning. Her large cleavage took up her lower view. She realised she couldn’t even see her feet while standing still anymore. “You won’t win, you know,” she murmured softly, still cleaning, “I’m not going to end up as some guy’s babymama.”

“But he’s not just some guy, is he Jesse? That’s right, I can still say your name now. No, he’s your best friend, one you’ve always had strong platonic feelings for. By making you a woman, this curse is just pushing Matthew just a nudge further than he would have acted anyway, just giving him a bit more confidence to unhook that pesky push-up bra, to slip off those high heels, to take your panties off and slip himself deep inside you.” Sasha’s mouth was centimetres from her ear now, whispering her sweet and cruel words. Jessica shuddered, her body becoming horny against her will. She let out an intake of breath and accidentally dropped the glass she was cleaning back into the sink. “Damn it, Sasha, this isn’t fair! And you’re talking nonsense anyway. This curse isn’t just ‘nudging’ Matthew and I. It takes over our bodies, forces me to . . . forces me to fuck my best friend and act like some servile bimbo in love.”

A smile. “Maybe at first it did, but the curse was designed to weaken to a certain point. You may have noticed you’ve been able to fight some of the compulsions a little lately; perhaps avoid putting on makeup for a few hours, tell Matthew to make his own breakfast, put on sweats instead of a miniskirt, even if you went back anyway.”

Jessica paused. “I did . . . I managed to go without heels yesterday morning . . .”

“Did you think you were becoming stronger? That you might be able to throw this curse off completely and take on the role of the cloistered nun all covered up in garments and resolutely celibate until the month was over? It wasn’t you, Jesse. Where once the curse controlled, now it can be overpowered with willpower. You can try to wear what you want, try not cooking and cleaning, avoid sex with your friend. But always, always while you are in this hot bod of yours will you feel the nagging compulsions, the quiet but constant anxiety that comes with not playing your part. You’ll feel drawn against your will to play the role of the submissive and loving girlfriend and future wife and mother at all times.

Who knows, you might be strong enough. But you never did have much willpower Jesse, so I imagine this will be more amusing for me than you as you attempt to fight it futilely. This applies to your use of birth control too – yes, I’m not an idiot Jesse, despite you still thinking I am one – which I’m sure you thought you have been very clever in taking. But what happens when your compulsions start to steer you towards babymaking dear? You’re already one of the horniest girls in history thanks to your astounding fecundity. Just imagine what you’re brain will be telling you to do when it begins to realise that your body might just be missing its chance to start making adorable little litters of babies with Matty? Something to think about.”

Jessica’s hands were shaking at all these revelations. “You’re – you’re evil Sasha.”

Sasha looked back. “No, not evil. Just vengeful. But one day you’ll thank me. I’ll be a great babysitter for all your kids. Plus, at least I gave you the kindness of nice birthing hips.” And she walked back to where the boys were making chat. Jessica locked eyes with Matthew, who for a moment seemed to be enjoying himself. But his face drew deadly serious when he saw the look of fear on hers.


That night marked the first time in Jesse’s three week nightmare that they didn’t have sex. Armed with the knowledge that she was being compelled to act but not completely forced, Jessica summoned every ounce of willpower to stop herself from going down on Matthew to suck his enormous cock and swallow all his delicious seed. Despite the agitation that she felt in acting otherwise, she refrained from wearing skimpy things before bed to turn him on, refused to wear the sexy French maid outfit, and instead donned a loose pair of pyjamas. For a time she considered sleeping on the couch, or making Matthew sleep on the couch, but she shudder in her being made her feel that was too big a step to take at once. The curse was making her anxious about the actions she was taking. She breathed unsteadily, and felt as if she could become calm and right if only she threw off the ugly clothes she was wearing and went down on her knees, naked before her boyfriend, sucking him hard so he could take her from behind while he fondled her big tits. But those were compulsions, and she could master them, at least that’s what she told Matthew. So the two shared a bed together, him still against her, spooning her comfortably, his erection tenting between her firm buttocks. And miraculously, they both fell asleep.

Matthew awoke the next morning to the strange absence of a set of lips around the head of his penis. After getting up, he smelled breakfast cooking; eggs and bacon. But Jessica wasn’t wearing some two-piece getup that emphasised her ample assets. Instead she was in sweats and a hoody. “I had to make brekkie,” she said, seeing him come in, “otherwise I was going to go mad. I needed to do something to relieve all the goddamned stress this curse is giving me for not playing along.” He noticed she squirmed slightly in his presence.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she said, all too quickly. In the awkward silence that follow she bit her lip and breathed deeply, shuffling awkwardly on one foot.

“Um, okay. Well, I’m going to take a shower.”

“Uuhhhh,” Jessica moaned, clenching her eyes shut. A hand hovered down to her crotch, but she returned it – shaking – to her side.

“Seriously Jess, what’s happening?”

“S-stop . . . talking. J-just go to the shower ooohhh . . . and close the door. I d-don’t want to even know y-you’re there. Mmhm.”

He went to say something, but she gave him an agonised look, before clenching her eyes shut again, as if she was doing everything in her power to contain some internal pressure bubbling up inside of her. So he turned and went to the shower, taking one last look as he made to close the door. He caught her peeking, hand descending back, before releasing he was looking and jolting backwards with a high-pitched squeal.

“Weird,” he said to himself. “Well, weird when weighed against the pattern of the past three weeks.” He removed his clothes and once again marvelled at his new, much fitter body. He flexed his prominent biceps in the mirror, ran a hand over his powerful abs. His impressive member hung between his legs, the kind of cock that women salivated over. Well, Jessica did at least. “Man, I’m going to miss all of this,” he muttered under his breath. “And Jessica’s a much better person these days, even if she’s compelled to be.” He shook the thought aside. “No, it’s not right to think that way. She deserves to be the person she wants to be.” He stepped into the shower.

He emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Jessica practically shrieked at his appearance. “Fully clothed! FULLY CLOTHED!” she yelled in agitation.

“Okay okay!”

He ran to the bedroom and came back with his clothes on. “Thank God,” she said, “do you have any idea how hard it is to be constantly thinking about you being naked and knowing the only way to stop feeling so stressed out would be to get naked too and fuck your brains out?”

“Well, I know how hard it is now,” he said.


“Hey, are you wearing makeup now?” She turned red, and brushed aside a tress of blonde hair. An earring sparkled briefly before it was covered again. “Yeah, so what if I am? I do the small stuff so I can put up with not fucking – doing! – doing the big stuff until this stupid fucking curse is over.”

This time Matthew did the cooking; bacon and eggs with toast, an easy fry-up. He could see that she was watching intently, fighting the compulsions to get up and take over, or even wrap her arms around his abs and feel them up as she had done in previous days. She tapped the table, bit her lip in a way that only pronounced her sexy pout, and generally just looked as if she was fighting every impulse to leap to her feet and make the damn eggs herself. She cringed as he served the cutlery and placed the meal on a plate, and only when the last possible moment to be the sweet little subservient girlfriend cooking food for her wonderfully dominant lover had pass did she relax, the weight of at least a part of her compulsions lifted, for now. Matthew felt his throbbing manhood jutting uncomfortably against his trousers. Despite his sympathy for his friend, Jesse’s fight against his new feminine impulses actually turned him on; the idea of a woman being forced to be submissive and horny for the man in her life was a secret fantasy of his.

“You know, I really appreciate you supporting me through this, even all the weirdness,” Jessica said. Matthew blanched, realising just what he’d been thinking about.

“Yeah, sure Jess. Best friends forever right? Through thick and think.”

“Thick and thin,” she echoed. And then she began to cry. “Fuck, sorry. Stupid female hormones. I get so goddamned emotional now.” He passed her some tissues, and as she wiped her eyes – something she’d never have done when she was a man – she automatically lowered the zip slightly on her hoodie. Matthew’s eyebrows raised as he saw what she was really wearing underneath the baggy covering; a low-cut black teddy that pushes her large breasts up into an enormous line of cleave was revealed. She saw him looking, and burst into further tears. “Oh Matty I couldn’t help it! It just felt too wrong to wear this unless I wore – wore something slutty for you underneath. Fuck!”

She stormed off to be by herself, leaving Matt not knowing what to do, but certainly wanting her badly, which he knew would only make things worse for her. They passed the day in near-silent awkwardness. Jessica tried to walk in a less feminine manner after lunch, which made him crack up laughing at how strange it looked on her ultra-feminine body, but just an hour later she was back to that sultry walk that left her wide hips sashaying sexily from side to side. By the afternoon she’d showered and done her hair up in a ponytail, and had begun wearing heels. By evening she could no longer resist the compulsions, and had ditched the hoodie and trackpants to fully reveal the tight one-piece lingerie. She cooked dinner, complaining as she set the stove while Matt checked out her gorgeous ass, beginning to feel the stirrings of compulsions himself as he groped it. She jumped, looked at him accusingly, and yet from her heavy breathing that made her bust strain against the fabric, he could tell she was becoming increasingly horny.

Finally, they retired to bed for the night, pressed up against one another, naked as the day they’d been born, but Jesse a whole lot more female. She made whimpering little noises as he was forced to hold himself against her, making a sharp intake of breath as he cupped her large breast and stroked her erect nipples.

“How are you feeling?” he whispered in her ear.

“Ooh, don’t talk,” she whined in that sweet soprano, “this is already torture enough without hearing your sexy voice in my ear.”

“Sorry, I’ll stop.”

“God, I feel so damn fertile. I can feel it Matt, worse than ever before. Just how pregnant I can become. Like there’s some aching absence deep inside me that only you can fill by putting your babies in me.” She grinded her hips slowly, erotically, pressing buttocks against his hardening penis.

“We can fight it Jess, just one more week.”

“It’s too hard,” she whined, “I’m sick of constantly having to fight what this body was meant to do. Sasha will win, I know it.”

“One week and you’re a man again.”

She grinded against his throbbing cock, moaning. He could feel her dampness. “One more week, I don’t know if I’ll last. We’ll have to stay on the pill. Keep using condoms. Because I can’t go any longer without you in me, the curse is too strong. I need your dick in me now Matty. Please.” She held his hand and pressed it tighter against her jiggling chest. “I want you to fondle my big boobs and pull my hair. I want you to fuck my brains out.” She turned to face him, and her staggering beauty left him breathless. “And I need you to do it now,” she said, playing with his hair.

What followed was a blur of intercourse. His former friend and now lover moaned deeply as he caressed and kissed her, nibbled at her breasts, groped her buttocks. Finally after much begging on her part, he entered her, both of them gasping as they worked in rhythm to bring each other to their full; her on her back with her legs spread around him, gripping his waist for dear life as he came in and out and in and out, slipping out just far enough for her to take all of him back in again. Her huge rack bounced back and forth with their thrustings, and she moved her forearms to hold them in place as they fucked, which turned him on all the more. “Yes!” she moaned, “yessss ooooh just like that – just like that – I’m going to come Matthew, I want you to come with me so we come together, I want you to get me pregnant with your babies so we can do this for the rest of our lives ooooohhhhhmmmnhhmmm!!!” They came together, his seed rushing into her womb, pumping and pumping until he felt completely emptied, her shuddering under the weight of multiple waves of orgasms, eyes rolling into the back of her head, until they fell into each other’s arms, skin against soft skin, and fell to sleep in perfect post-coital harmony.


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