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Directly inspired and influenced by Tseudo Nimm's excellent story 'Witchy Ex-Girlfriend', which I highly recommend!

His Perfect Woman, Part 4

Matthew could barely take his eyes off of her. He knew it would only make his friend uncomfortable, but the truth was that the whole last week of sexual indulgence had only given him a small look at what a gorgeous creature his best friend had become. “You look good,” he managed weakly, as they waited together for their meals to arrive.

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m sure you’re loving this.”

How could I not? He thought. But instead said “we just have to make the best of it.”

“Yeah, right. Easy to say when you still get to order the seafood platter. I wanted that, but instead this damn curse has me ordering the salad option. At least the outfit isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

It was perhaps an overstatement. It was only not as bad as Jesse thought it might be because she had been imagining the worst, sluttiest outfit that would humiliate her beyond belief, when in actual fact she had cleaned up for the night out in a jaw-dropping tight red dress with thin straps and low hem. Her legs were in nylon, her heels high and in matching red, and her chess was pressed up into a massive amount of cleavage, while her blonde hair was pinned back to reveal her soft neck. A dark red shade adorned her lips, and a light touch of eyeshadow gave her a sensual quality. Her hourglass figure was outlined by the dress, and the open back mean that a great deal of her skin was still on display, albeit in a classy, Hollywood-dame sort of way. Men were staring across their tables at her, and Matthew kept finding his gaze drifting down to her ample chest, which jiggled when she adjusted herself enough. She seemed to notice. “Stop staring at my tits dude,” she exclaimed in a very unfeminine manner.

“Oh c’mon Jesse, you were a guy, you know how it is. Your tits are practically in my face.”

“Well that’s not my fault is it!? This damned magic won’t even let me keep my coat on. God, I can feel the stares of every guy in this room, like I’m just some piece of meat to them. I know the doorman couldn’t keep his eyes of my ass.”

“I’m sorry to say this Jessica, but yours is a terrific ass. Ten out of ten, easy.”

“Well I hope you appreciate that when you’re pounding me from behind later tonight, lover boy.” Matthew nearly choked on his drink. Jessica turned a deep shade of red.

“That was the curse. You know that was the curse.”

“It’s still probably going to happen though, isn’t it?”

Her shoulders sagged. “Yeah, probably. Ah well, might as well get drunk then and try to enjoy it. It’s not like I have a choice. Besides, it’s less than three weeks to go now, right?”

She gave him a sweet, hopeful smile. He tried to return it, but wasn’t feeling nearly so confident since Sasha’s talk. They continued to chat, and slowly they began to return to old topics – movies, videogames they’d played together, old memories of school and chicks they’d banged. The last was more of Jessica’s specialty than his, but reminiscing about those times when she’d been the penetrator rather than the penetrated seemed to relax her. And Matthew began to imagine this kind of new relationship lasting beyond a month, them still as lovers but also good friends. Her swollen with his child or even children while he doted on her hand and foot, and they watched action movies together on the couch while he rubbed her belly. It was an idyllic image, and it took him a moment to snap back to reality.

“- and she and I were just going at it, right in that stall,” Jessica was saying. “She was easily the best I’d had, much better than Sasha’s whole corpse-on-her-back routine, and her tits were huge too, though still not as big as the pair I’ve got now, and mine are natural. Magic excluded of course.” She paused. “What?”

He realised he’d been lost in her eyes. “Sorry Jessica. I’m just – is it bad to say I’m having a good night?”

A raised eyebrow. “A little. But I guess I know what you mean. Good to get out of the apartment, even if I have to wear this tight thing and carry a purse and wear lip gloss and all that. As humiliating as this all is, I’m glad I’m going through it with you Matthew.” She blushed red again. “What I mean is, as weird as it is to suddenly find myself turned into a total babe who has to fuck her best friend and act like his dream girl, I can’t imagine how much more horrifying it would be if I was with some random. At least I know, weird fetishes aside, that you’ll treat me right.” She looked down, eyes wandering to her tantalising cleavage as she stirred her remaining salad idly with her fork. “I guess I just wanted to say thank you.”

Matthew reached out and held her hand. “Anytime mate. For what it’s worth, I’m glad too.”

She pulled away, cracking up. “Yeah, that I can believe, you total horndog.”

“Yeah, walked into that one. Have you finished with your salad?”

She stared at her plate, which was now empty. “Yeah, it was delicious for some reason. Hey, at least that’s a perk. This body wants to stay healthy and perfect, and the food’s actually good. Maybe I’ll even enjoy exercise.” She laughed again, then drew serious at something behind Matthew’s head. “What is it?” he asked.

“A creepo gawker,” she replied. “Keeps staring at me. At my tits. They’re all doing it, but him most of all. I – I’m starting to get what Sasha was talking about, her and a lot of other woman too.”

“Well, she did hope you’d see some perspective, but I’m sure some of them are engaged with other women.”

She laughed again, and her breasts which were already straining against her tight red dress jiggled slightly. “Matthew, look at me, then look at any other woman here, then at me again. You’re still a guy, and this body I’ve got now is based off of every juvenile fantasy you ever had. Have you been looking at any other women?”

“No, but –”

“Have you looked at any other women at all, in the past week and a bit, since I became one.” It hit him that he hadn’t. Not one of them could stack up against Jessica’s beauty, her allure, her raw sensuality. “No, I guess I haven’t.”

She pointed a red fingernail in an arc around the room. “Then why would any of these gawkers waste their time looking at their dates when they could feast their eyes on me. Hell, the dark-haired bloke at 2 O’clock just had his date walk out on him because his eyes keep wandering to me. I don’t know whether to feel disgusted or flattered.”

“Welcome to womanhood I guess. Shall we get out of here? I’ve got an idea that might make the time fly by. You’ll either like it, or hate me forever for it.”

A look of confusion, and that damned sexy pout. “What idea exactly?”


“Nope. No way. No fucking way.” Jessica crossed her arms at the entrance to the nightclub. The dance music inside was reduced to a quiet muffle, but the joyous screams of its many patrons was evident.  She and Matthew stood at the footpath near the line to the entrance.

“C’mon Jess. You won’t be able to make it through the month if you don’t live a little. You used to love going to nightclubs while you were a guy, why not now?”

“Now? Now!?” she spun on her high red heels and looked up at him. It made him appreciate how much taller he had become, and how much shorter his friend’s new body was. “Because now I’m going in as blonde smokeshow who’s going to have every guy in the lounge trying to grind up against me and grope my tits or ass, including you!” She placed her hands on her hips in anger, but it only emphasised her perfect hourglass figure and made her stick out her already impressive chest even further. At this point he wasn’t sure how the dress wasn’t bursting it was so tight against her curves.

“Relax Jess, I’ll be with you. I’ve got muscles now, remember?” In response, she reached out and ran a manicured hand down from his pectorals to his abs. “This is the curse,” she said in an almost resigned manner. “But you have a point. But I don’t see how this is enjoyable, especially when I’m forced to put my body on display like this. Why would women even go to these places?”

“There’s advantages to being a woman Jessica, you’re just too much in denial to realise that yet. For instance – “ he approached the bouncer, his gorgeous girlfriend on his arm, “if you’ll pull down your top just a little bit more and give him a good show, we won’t have to worry about waiting in line for half an hour in the cold.”

She glared at him. “I hate you.” But she pulled her top down anyway, submissive to his commands, and as they approached she made her hips swing from side to side like nobody’s business, sticking her rack out and assuming a squeaky, bimbo-ish voice.

“Excuse me mister, may my friend and I go in ahead of the line. I promise we’ll be good.” She let those last words escape as an exhale, and her breathing caused her chest to swell against her top, her large globes heaving upwards at her next intake of breath.

The bouncer’s gaze certainly wasn’t on her eyes, but he unclipped the barrier to the boos and jeers of those in line. “Certainly miss. Thank you for the show.”

“That’s not fair, I’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes!” a girl near the front yelled.             “Lady, when you start to look like her and dress like that, then you’ll never see a line again in your life.” He gave a small bow at Jessica, his gaze still transfixed upon her chest, and they walked on through. “Thanks honey,” she said, extending a hand, which he kissed. She giggled, and they walked on through.

“Holy shit,” Matthew said. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Shut up dude,” she said, returning to a blush. “It’s what I’m meant to be doing, wasn’t it?”

“Wait, are you saying that wasn’t the curse?”

She shook her head, her blond curls tickling her bare back as they entered the bar. “A little!” she yelled over the blare of the music, “I was being compelled, but put my own spin on it!” She actually smiled a little, though whether it was from relief at following the compulsions or just the joy of finding one small benefit of being turned into a blonde bombshell, he couldn’t tell. They descended into the club, where a mass of colourful figures danced crazily to the blaring pop tunes. A number of the males in the room widened their eyes at her entrance, one even spitting out the contents of his drink. A few tents in their pants became obvious. Jessica stopped walking and decided to adjust her top. She looked like a deer in headlights . . . or a lamb before wolves. Matthew instinctively put his arm around her thin waist and drew her closer. “We don’t have to stay, I just thought it would be fun,” he said in her ear. He tried to ignore the fragrant, fruity scent of her skin.

“Dude, it’s still me in here. I’m not some pretty thing that need protecting. I’m not a pussy.” And with that contradictory statement, continued walking in. She went to order a drink at the bar, and instead was served one up for free by a bartender that could rival Matthew’s new body for attractiveness. Despite the fact that she didn’t even register him as someone to be attracted to – why would she, given she still had a man’s brain? – he nevertheless still felt a strain of possessiveness and made sure to sit next to her with a hand on her back. She took one sip of the drink and expressed disgust.

“Eugh, too strong. Even my taste buds have changed to match this dumb girl body.” At that, her eyes glazed over a little, and she assumed a more feminine pose with one bare leg placed delicately over the other on her bar stool, and her face relaxed into a relaxed, feminine pout. The curse was compelling her again, he realised. “Hey bartender!” she called in a high soprano, “this drink is way too strong for a girl like me, can I please have something a bit more nice and feminine? Maybe you could give me . . . sex on the beach?”

Matthew nearly spat out his drink. The bartender had to adjust his pants as he turned and began making up a Sex on the Beach for the hottest woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Another man took a seat beside her. “Hey baby, can I buy you something?”

With mild panic in her eyes she said “Sorry, I’m already spoken for.”

The intruder leaned in closer. “I can show you a good time. He never needs to know.”

“I’ve already got a boyfriend.”

“I’d be a better one baby. You wouldn’t be teasing me with your tits on for show like that if you weren’t shopping elsewhere.” He grabbed her arm, and Matthew reacted almost instinctively, leaping off his stool and shoving the man against the bar with his newfound muscles. “Listen mate,” he said, “my girl just told you she’s already taken. So fuck off.”

“Alright alright! Didn’t want the skank bitch anyway.”

He had barely finished the sentence before he dropped like a sack of potatoes from Matthew’s staggering blow. A few onlookers cheered. Some of the intruder’s friends pulled him away to recover in a corner booth, offering apologies to Matthew and his girlfriend. Jessica herself simply looked at awe at Matthew as he took her in his arms. “The curse wants me to kiss you now,” she said. And she did. Again she was blushing, he wondered if that would ever stop. But without realising she was doing it she was curling a length of hair above her ear with her finger and looking very demure. “Thanks, for saving me back there. This stupid body is hella weak. Lucky I’ve got you dude.”

Her free drink arrived, and she sipped away at it. Matthew tried to avoid staring at his best friend’s cleavage as it strained against her red dress. He bought his own, and the two got to talking about old times before they knew magic was real and before the complications of college life. In that time, she downed her drink and ordered a couple of shots, downing them in turn, not quite realising that her new female body couldn’t handle alcohol as well as it did when she was a man. She became a little tipsy

He smiled. “Hey, this might sound crazy, but do you want to dance?”

She scoffed. “It’s not like I have a choice. These compulsions have been driving me crazy trying to get me onto the floor ever since we got in here. C’mon.” She finished her shot, planted it on the bench, and took him by the hand. As soon as they reached the dance floor she began bouncing to the sound of the music, her body and limbs moving and flailing in time to the music. Her breasts bounced and jiggled in her top, and after a few awkward moments of stopping to adjust her top his friend decided to simply let it be, something a sober Jesse would never have done. Matthew danced with her, up against her, sang the chorus together with her.

“And it’s youuuuu that I want babe. I’ll be yours I’ll be yours until my dying day!”

The night carried on, with more drinks, more dancing, more singing. As the songs became more sexual in nature so did she, and it was impossible to tell if she was acting according to the curses’ compulsions, if she was being fully controlled, or if his friend was having the first real enjoyment in his new role as a woman. Jessica danced up on him, grinded her perfect, shapely ass against him so that he became positively stiff with the thought of her. Many men admired her from a distance, others ogled her impressive cleavage. Matthew simply smiled – whether for a month or for life, for now she was all his, and all the girls jealous of her figure and boys jealous of him having her could simply look on in jealousy as she obliviously twirled and danced in her short, tight dress. They ended the night giggling and drunk together, mating like wild animals back in the apartment and falling asleep in each other’s arms.

To Be Continued . . .


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