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Directly inspired and influenced by Tseudo Nimm's excellent story 'Witchy Ex-Girlfriend', which I highly recommend!

His Perfect Woman, Part 3

Sasha shooed them out the door, and in the end they went home again to sort things out, stopping by to pick up a veritable mountain of protection; condoms, diaphragms, birth control pills and even some morning after pills, though both of them felt that if it became necessary to use the last it was probably too late. In fact, judging by Sasha’s words Matthew secretly suspected that if Jessica became pregnant then nothing could interfere with the pregnancy taking its natural course. Jessica begged Matthew to stop getting turned on by her form, but she was simply too sexy, her curves and bountiful cleavage on constant display. He was becoming more erect as she argued, her tits bouncing with every gesture, but just as he was feeling the earliest compulsions to have sex with her she stopped dead on her heels and began to walk that same sexy walk towards him. She planted her lips over his, pushing her tongue deep into his mouth and moaned erotically. His hand fell from her waist down to grasp her perfect ass, his other pulling at her hair as she rubbed her barely-clothed body against his. “I need you inside of me,” she said in a sultry tone, “I’m gonna make you cum, baby.” They both knew it was the curse talking, not Jesse, but they had no choice to persist as they moved towards the bedroom once again to fuck like rabbits. There was a slight panic in her eyes, and Matt realised what it was; the condoms! He barely had enough time to put one over his large dick before she was easing him in, her arm reaching around so he could take her from behind. His poor friend’s new womanhood was already wet with pussy juices. Part of him was sorry for Jesse; the curse apparently made her become incredibly horny and wet at the drop of the hat, and judging from the gasps that kept escaping from her mouth it was clear that her tits and pussy were incredibly sensitive to pleasure.

They laid together, him on his back, her at his side, breasts pressed against him. “Four weeks,” she said. “We’ve got to make it through four weeks of this constant fucking without you getting me pregnant.”

“As soon as this curse lets us separate you need to be on the pill,” Matthew suggested. “You are one absolute smokeshow Jessica, but I want my buddy back.”

“Thanks Matty,” she said. She traced a finger over his chest hair, curling tufts of it in her finger. She turned red. “Sorry, that . . . just came out.”


“Curse,” she confirmed. “Matty – Matthew – can we even go back to being regular friends after all of this? It’s going to be a long four weeks, even if I know you’re enjoying this more than you should, but I don’t see how we’ll be able to see each other the same way again.” She curled up tighter against him, and her tuft of pubic hair brushed his thigh. He could see what she meant, and he had the added problem that he would miss having this perfect girlfriend in his life, even if she was compelled to be so.

“I think we’ll deal with that if and when we come to it,” he said, stroking her back. Her skin was so soft, a far cry from Jesse’s rough skin. He suspected part of her new routine involved heavy use of skin moisturisers and cleaners. “Frankly, our biggest concern needs to be making sure you don’t get pregnant.”

“Okay, so let’s deal with expectations and rules.”

“Wow, this is becoming a real relationship.”

“Shut up sweetie. Ugh, curse. Anyway, expectations and rules for the next four weeks. I’ll start. Number one: we’re going to have sex, and lots of it. I’m getting grossed out just thinking about having your wang in my pussy or mouth, but fact is I’ll be craving it beyond my control when the time comes. So rule is we need to keep on top of contraception; I take birth control, you always go with a condom, got it?”

Matthew chuckled. “Works for me, though I expect the curse won’t let me wear a condom when you give me a blowjob.”

She rose up on one elbow and looked him in the eye. She was sporting that sexy, frustrated pout. “Take this seriously Matt. This is my life.”

“Okay, Okay,” he said, and he slapped her ass slightly, setting it to wobble. “That was the curse,” he lied. “So, another expectation; according to the curse and my own fetishes, my perfect woman will cook and clean and do the chores around the house.”

She pouted. “Great. Just terrific. I bet you’re loving this.”

“That depends on how well you cook, sweetie, but I suspect it’ll be amazing.”

“And why’s that?”

He smiled. “Simple, because my perfect woman will always cook perfectly.”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course. So that’s the expectation, the rule will be you should help out, do some chores, don’t leave it all to me to be your submissive bimbo girl wearing a maid costume.”

He paused, taking in that thought. “I never said anything about a maid costume, but now that I think about it . . .”

“Don’t you fucking dare make it part of this curse.”

But it was too late. Matthew’s voice from the night before echoed throughout the apartment: “She’d be into it all, so long as I wanted it. Roleplay too.”

A look of dread passed across Jessica’s face and in moments she was off of him and swaggering nakedly out of the room, hips still sashaying in that sexy, feminised way. When she returned she was wearing a French maid’s costume complete with a feather duster and plunging neckline. “Bonjour, monsieur, can I shall be your maid for zis afternoon,” she said in a strong French accent. She gave a bow, giving him a look down at her top where her ample bosom was straining against the bodice. “Where would you like me to start first, monsieur? I am, how you say, very eager for zis work.”

He knew she was hating every moment of it, but already the prospects of fighting his natural urges every day for a month was beginning to feel tiresome. She had become his perfect woman, right? And he’d been turned into her perfect boyfriend, sort of, at least in the muscles and big cock department. So maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to take a little advantage of it in the short time they would have together? He doubt Jesse would want to remain his close friend after this all blew over – too awkward, for one – so perhaps it was only right to enjoy the privileges Sasha had given him. And she had the right idea of it – Jesse had been sexist and foul, to a degree that alarmed even him. Matt had just been guilty of having fairly backwards fetishes. It would be wrong to not enjoy them when placed on his lap, as she soon would be.

For the next hour, Jessica dutifully cleaned the entirety of the house in her sexy French maid outfit. She dusted the shelves, scrubbed the toilet, wiped the tables and vacuumed and broomed all the residual dust and lint that Matthew found such a chore to clean. She continued to speak in her newfound French accent, wiggling her pert bum with every step, her perfect legs showing through her sheet stockings. Finally, she cleaned the bed and covered it in new sheets.

“And now, monsieur,” she said once she was finished, “it iz finished. Iz it possible I could, perhaps, speak normally once more, si’l vous plait? Zis accent is ridiculous! And zis outfit, it iz – it iz – humiliating! I must not spend ze rest of my life stuck as zis stereotype!”

But already his balls filling with semen that would soon need to be expended, desperately so. His rising penis made a distinct tent in his pants, and her eyes wandered down to meet it. She looked almost entranced. “Non, non, non – please non, monsieur!” she pleaded. “I have already cleaned you out, yes, and so recently!” But the way her incredible bust pressed against the uniform, the sweetness in her big blue eyes and clueless yet sensual pout; it only turned on Matthew all the more. His dick became rock hard, and poor Jessica began to salivate. She licked her lips, her eyes darting to Matthew’s, then quickly back to the monster waiting in his pants. “Oh merde, I am becoming so horny. So . . . so hungry!” She squirmed as if needing to pee. Her skirt obscured her panties, but he imagined they were started to become wet.

“Sorry Jessica,” Matthew said. “I don’t have a choice either.” But then, he didn’t care too much about that, if he were to tell the truth. Jessica continued to whine.

“I don’t want to taste you, not again! But you taste so good, mon cheri.” The compulsions mixed with her nymphoid horniness and raging desire to taste his semen won out. She knelt, unbuckling his pants, biting her lip to prevent herself from smiling with anticipating. “Alas, I have lost. It zeems it iz time to, how you say, clean you out too, yes?”

She took him wholly into her mouth and began her ministrations, cupping his balls as she did so and massaging the stem of his cock. Her red lips worked back and forth, swallowing his immense length and girth again and again, but the whole time she kept her eyes on his, awaiting his moment of climax. He gripped her hair as he exhaled. “Oh God Jessica, you’re so fucking good. Ooh, ah, here it comes, here it co-aaahhhhh . . .”

She moaned as he came inside her mouth. As before, when they separated, she licked his cock clean of any remaining traces, then proceeded to her lips, then her fingers. She ‘mmm’ed and ‘aahh’ed as she did so. Sasha’s curse had made his sperm taste like a delicacy to her. Or like a drug – he was pretty sure his friend was becoming addicted to that, and sex as a woman in general. Sasha was showing herself to be truly diabolical in revenge.


It was a week later when the doorbell rang. Matthew was currently six-inches deep into Jessica’s dripping pussy. She was on her back, legs covered in sheer nylon stocking wrapped around him, her hand holding her dainty thong off to one side to allow him access. Her other hand was on his ass, grasping tightly as he shoved himself inside of her. Her naked breasts bounced with each thrust, until finally he spilled his seed – thankfully, into the condom he was wearing. He rolled off of her. “Oh God, that was amazing. You’re always amazing.” The bell rang again. “Who could that be?”

“Don’t care,” Jessica said, “just give me the fucking condom. I need your jizz, man!”

He rolled up the condom and she was upon him, quickly licking up his excess as he stood to change quickly and answer the door. When he left her, she was licking the inside of the wrapper. “Don’t fucking judge me!” she yelled as he closed the door. The bell rang again. Matthew answered it in his boxers and the shirt from last night hastily pulled back on.

“Hello Matthew, are you and Jesse’s enjoying your new lives together?” Sasha stood at the entrance. She was wearing a bright orange sundress with matching shades, and a broad brim hat. Her slim figure was more classically womanish than the waif he’d known as Jesse’s ‘flat board’ of a girlfriend over a week ago, but then she’d already told them she’d used magic to alter herself.

“Sasha,” Matthew said. He took a step backwards. “To what do we owe the honour,” he said flatly.

“I just thought I’d visit, see how my old boyfriend is doing now that he’s your squeeze. And my, there’s a lot to squeeze. So where is that blonde bimbo?”

Jessica opened the door still licking her lips, naked but for her white panties. “Oh my Gawd Matthew I’m so addicted to your cum I just might –” she froze in horror at the sight of Sasha before her, who erupted into laughter.

“You bitch!” Jessica yelled. Her heavy breasts bobbed as she thrust a finger forward, “look what you’ve fucking turned me into.”

Sasha smiled. “Just the sort of hot piece I imagine you always wanted me to be Jessica. Now run along and get have a shower and get changed, we need to talk, and I haven’t had breakfast.”

Jessica looked furious, but the former man had little choice, and so she went to the shower. “So, is she everything you hoped she would be?” Sasha said.

“That’s my friend trapped in there,” he replied.

She chuckled. “Your girlfriend now. Think of it as an upgrade, and if that line she was saying about being addicted to your cum is true, then I’d say the training is working well. Is she cooking you good food?”

He shrugged. “Pretty good.”

“Liar. I bet it’s divine, isn’t it?”

“So what if it is?”

“Nothing too much, just that she is, in fact, your perfect woman. If you don’t knock Jesse up in the next twenty-one days, then she’ll go back to being the same chauvinist pig as before, and I’ll doubt he’ll even want you company after that. So you’ll lose not just a girlfriend, but a friend as well. And no woman after will ever rank up against her in your mind, because none of them will be tailor made for you the way this one is. Plus, you’ll lose all those sexy muscles and that nice big cock I’ve given you. It’d be a shame, really.”

“He’s still a person Sasha, and he deserves free will. Even if he can be a jackass.”

She looked aghast. “She still has free will, just less than before.” She leaned forward conspiratorially. “Let me let you in on a little secret Matthew. Our dear Jessica’s compulsions are going to gradually fade in power, to the point where they are more a passive suggestion. She’ll still have them, but she will be able to rail against them if she so chooses, and if she can muster the willpower.”

“She won’t have to keep acting like – like –”

“Like your ideal submissive girlfriend? No. But she’ll always feel an undercurrent of compulsion, and she’ll always feel uncomfortable acting outside her role. A part of her will be satisfied when she acts the way she is supposed to, and her own addictions will see to that too, like her need to suck that big cock of yours dry. It’s like I said last week; this is a training program, and she has the option to flunk it. Buuuuut I don’t think she will. In fact, I rather think that she’ll be spectacular, and more than ever the two of you will be inseparable.”

It was Matthew’s turn to be aghast. “Why are you doing this Sasha? I get wanting to leave Jessica – Jessica, no I mean Jessica, ugh you know who I mean - and wanting to punish him. But why all of this? Why force me and him – her – together? Why try to get her pregnant and make us spend the rest of our lives together? You must realise this is sick.”

Sasha shrugged. “Perhaps, but the fact is I’m still angry over how he treated me, over how he spent so much of his time with you instead of me, and how you Matthew would have heard all the horrible things he said about me, shared in his sexist comments, and did nothing to step in and help me. He was emotionally abusive, and in your own bystander-ish sort of way, you enabled that.” She chuckled. “It’s funny, but before I found out about the real Jesse, I always thought you were the toxic influence, not the other way around. I got the sense while I was eavesdropping that you didn’t really want to badmouth me, and were more glad to talk about those fetishes you’d kept hidden from everyone for so long because you knew everyone would think you were a chauvinist. You even apologised to me when I revealed myself.

So while turning Jesse into her current horny slut state was pure punishment, I decided to give you a punishment and blessing both. You were always stealing Jesse’s time, time that could have been used to patch our relationship. Since you were spending so much time together I thought it would only be appropriate to force you to be a real couple, so a part of you would always have to know that the gorgeous woman you’re fucking used to be your male best friend. But I also felt it was only fair to give you what you want as well, so now you’re a fit, attractive dude with the ideal girlfriend. For the rest of your lives, she’ll always be your ideal woman, so long as you get her pregnant. If you do, she’s yours forever, and as Jesse’s punishment he’ll have to get used to having your babies growing within him, to painful – and natural – birth, to having his big boobies filling up with milk to feed those children. He’ll have to become accustomed to wearing skimpy outfits, putting on bras, doing his makeup and hair in the morning, get used to those nasty monthly periods and the crawling feeling of having the majority of men checking out his pair of wobbling tits and his bouncing ass, put up with their leering comments and male gaze. Jesse will be objectified in every passing glance, and subjected to the jealous and judgemental attitudes of his fellow women.” She rested back in her seat, satisfied. “I don’t think our friend has even really thought that far ahead. But he – I’m stilling calling her a he, aren’t I? – she should start to do so, to best mentally prepare. Because I think we both know that a slice of heaven has been dropped in your lap, and she’ll be servicing it the rest of her life. Because, Matthew, you are going to get her pregnant.”

He hadn’t said a word, kept his expression flat and unemotional while she had talked. “Jessica doesn’t deserve this. She deserves some punishment, but a whole life of misery? There’s no way I’d ever consider knocking her up if that’s the case.”

“Oooh, but can’t you just imagine her, Matthew? Heavy with child, her big breasts sore and full of milk, her stomach moving with each kick of the child you created together? Tell me with a straight face you don’t want that.” He couldn’t. “That’s what I thought. And besides, a lifetime of misery is an exaggeration. Can you really tell me that she was miserable this morning as she sucked you off and lapped up your semen?” He couldn’t. “Or was she full of misery the last time you shoved your 6-inches of cock deep inside her dripping snatch and brought her to multiple orgasms?” Still he couldn’t. She had been the image of ecstasy itself. “I’m right, aren’t I? Jessica got a bit of a blessing too – she has a rockin’ bod, for on – and, like with me now, sex will always produce the best orgasms. And you two will be fucking like rabbits, even if she’s at nine months and ready to drop a litter of kids. She has the choice to make the best of it – if she decides to willingly play her new role, she may even find she enjoys showing off her body in those revealing outfits.

"Besides, I’ve made pregnancy a much bigger possibility than you think; after my warning about pregnancy sealing the curse, Jessica’s fertility increased a hundred-fold; until menopause hits – and that will be delayed a full decade longer than most woman – she will be the single most fertile woman not just on Earth, but in history. I’m not counting the Chinese chick in Australia laying all those litters each week – she’s superhuman, technically. But ranked against the rest, Jessica is more fertile by a very, very wide margin. One drop of your semen – just one teensy-weensy drop, and she’ll be preggers in an instant. Possibility with multiples, if that gets you any harder.” It did.

The bathroom door opened, and Jessica strolled out, looking every part of her the goddess, even though she was wearing just a male t-shirt and boxers. “Just remember what I said and have a think about it,” Sasha whispered. Matthew looked up, vaguely annoyed. “Oh Jess, not another set of my clothes!”

The boxers and gamer t-shirt were already starting to change, contracting to fit her womanly figure. “I didn’t like any of the other outfits,” she responded, “at least this way I get to not be dressed like a slut for a few seconds.” But even as she spoke the t-shirt had reduced itself to a tight singlet that bulged outwards with her ample bosom, and the boxers had become a tight black miniskirt. Her hair tied itself back with a clip, and she was left looking as sexy and self-aware of it as she already had been in the last seven days. She instantly got to cooking for them, Sasha watching amused the entire time, until finally she served them up pancakes with maple syrup, and kissed Matthew on the cheek for good measure before taking her own seat. “I see you’ve accepted your new role as the home caretaker,” Sasha said with amusement. “You’ll make a wonderful housewife I’m sure.”

Jessica glared at her. “You know damn well I can’t help myself Sasha. These damned . . . compulsions keep forcing me to act like a submissive bimbo.”

Sasha shot Matt a look quickly that seemed to say ‘don’t tell her yet.’ If what she said was true, his friend would soon be capable of fighting against those compulsions, though it would always be a struggle to do so, and there would always be the temptation to go along with it.

“Well,” Sasha said, “you may not like what I have to say next. You see, being a submissive bimbo is what you wanted me to be along Jessica, so tonight I’ve decided to add a little to your punishment. Don’t worry, I’m not transforming you any further – you should know you’ve got the perfect bod already babe – but I am giving you two an assignment tonight. You’ve been far too cooped up in this place while you go at it like rabbits. Trying to wait out the month Jessica? Not a good idea – you’ll only have to put up with even more sex that way. But then I guess you’re just as afraid of all the leers you’ll be getting out on the street with your tits on display like that.”

Jessica pouted, but it only made her look like a princess in need of comforting.

“Well,” Sasha continued, “all that changes tonight. Because you two are going out on a date!”

“A DATE!?” the two of them exclaimed in unison.

“That’s right, a date. I’ve booked you a nice restaurant, and I want you to go for a romantic walk in the park afterwards. Ahh, I can just imagine it, you Jessica clinging to his arm, him wrapping a coat around your bare shoulders. Both of you the subject of envy; women who want to be you and men who wish they could be with you, my dear ex-lover.”

“And if we refuse?”

She pulled the charm from her pocket. “Then you can mate for life as a pair of Atlantic cod.”

To Be Continued . . .


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