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Directly inspired and influenced by Tseudo Nimm's excellent story 'Witchy Ex-Girlfriend', which I highly recommend!

His Perfect Woman, Part 2

It was the next morning when Matthew awoke to the surprising sensation of a tongue sliding slowly up and down his penis, stirring him into an erection. He woke up fully when a soft set of lips began sucking away at his stiff member, the woman responsible muttering something inaudible as she blew him. It was only when she manoeuvred up and gently guided his penis into her wet folds that he remembered that the strange dream he’d had of his friend becoming a woman had actually happened, and here she was now, forced to be his perfect sex slave. “Ooooh why is th-this h-happening t-to meeeee!” she cried between thrusts. Once again they built towards a climax. He changed positions, flipped her over onto her back and cradled her face with one hand while he steadied himself in the other. She moaned in ecstasy, and in moments he came, pumping his seed into her. Jesse smiled widely at the luxurious sensations of being filled with her friend’s warm semen, until she realised what she was doing and bit down on her lip. But it was too late to avoid the wave of orgasms. Her body shuddered, impressive chest sticking out as she arced her back. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, until she simply rode out the pleasure, sighing with contented little coos. “Sorry Jesse, I still can’t control myself,” Matt intoned. “The curse is making you too irresistible for me.”

She got up off the bed, crossing her arms over her breasts to hide her naked chest. “Oh boo hoo for you! You get to have sex with a gorgeous gal. How do you think I feel Matt? I’m a fucking woman, I’ve got these!” let her breasts wobble for emphasis, “I’ve got a fucking cunt. I can’t stop sounding like a horny bimbo slut, even now when I’m furious I just sound like I’m trying to turn you on! It’s a nightmare. And to make it worse I’ve had to have your big, long cock inside of me. And I can’t stop making everything so damned dirty, like when I took you inside my tight wet pussy. Damn it!”

Matt patted her on the shoulder. “I’m sorry Jesse. I can’t imagine how hard it is for you.”

“Not as hard as you were for me, tough guy,” she said. Her cheeks went bright red. “Oh my God, that was the curse. Matt you have to believe that was the curse.”

“I know, it’s forcing you to keep turning me on.”

“I can’t live like this Matthew. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being your bimbo slavegirl. I’ve got a life, I want to be an engineer! I want to get married, as a guy, to a woman! I don’t want to be your wife.”

“I don’t want you to be my wife Jesse.” Though deep inside his head, Matt was secretly excited about the idea of marrying a woman that looked like her, though he knew it was wrong to think about his friend that way. Jesse was starting to cry, and he managed to stop himself from wiping the tears away from her smooth, oval face. “Um, sorry,” she said, wiping them herself, “these stupid female hormones. Sasha was right about me getting to feel them. I feel like an idiot. Uh, can you do me a favour and put some clothes on buddy? I know we’ve had – well, a lot of sex lately, and you’ve just had that thing in me, but that doesn’t mean I’m turned on by seeing your big wang out.”

Matt’s turn to turn red. He apologised and put some clothes on. He could still feel his friend’s vaginal fluid beginning to dry on his dick. It was an odd thing to recognise. “It’s so unfair,” he heard Jesse say, “I get turned into a total bombshell babe just to be your trophy girlfriend or whatever, and all you get for a punishment is a bigger dick and a great set of abs you didn’t even have to work for.” There was a trace of coping humour in her voice there. Matt decided to lean into it. “Hey, I think you’re letting yourself down a bit there. Just about every woman on the planet would kill for the body Sasha’s given you.”

An arched eyebrow raised. “Yeah? You’re probably not wrong there. God, it feels weird. Even walking is strange; my hips keep wanting to walk from side-to-side. They’re so much wider. And everything keeps jiggling! How do women stand it?”

Matt shrugged. “I guess you’ll just have to get used to it.”

“Don’t even say it. This isn’t permanent.”

“Sorry. What I mean is that you’re taking this well at least.”

She shot him a look of irritation. “I have to. It’s not like this curse of Sasha’s is giving me much choice in the matter. You just need to stop getting turned on all the time so we can actually make the time to track her down and change me back! And after that, I never want to ever remember this whole disaster ever happened, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll promise to stop getting turned on by you.”

“Good, because it’s really fucking creepy and I don’t want to have to deal with getting fucked by your juicy cock.” As she spoke, a trickle of white fluid began slowly seeping down her right thigh. She covered her mouth in disgust, looking like she was about to retch. “This just gets worse and worse. I’m going to go have a shower and figure out how to get your . . . stuff, cleaned out of me.”

That was when they found out about yet another aspect of Sasha’s magic: they were compelled to take showers together. Both of them tried to fight the compulsions, but in the end they embraced in the cubicle, bodies pressed up against one another as she placed her fingers into her new vagina and began cleaning out any excess semen. While she did so he washed her hair almost lovingly, caressed her thin waist before trailing his hands down to grope her ass. She finished, and kissed him deeply, probing her tongue into his throat and moaning in an extremely feminine manner. Within moments, he was taking her from behind, her face and large breasts pressed flat against the glass cubicle wall. Together they moaned, and together they climaxed, once more compelled by the curse.

After her finish, Jesse turned and pushed her lithe form against Matt and kissed at his ear before moving to his mouth. Their tongues were locked together when her eyes widened. “Fuck, even the shower! You’re an absolute horndog Matt!” It was supposed to be a rebuke, but her voice was too unwittingly light and playful to really sound it. He knew that part of his friend’s agony was that all the pleasure and desire was real; just like his perfect woman, Jesse was forced to become actually heavily aroused when he desired sex, and her body was likely very sensitive and always capable of orgasm, given that these were also features of his perfect woman.


After leaving the shower Jesse stormed off in a fury. It was likely she wanted to drive off straight away to see Sasha, but something was keeping her from leaving Matthew, as if she was now tied to him by an invisible leash which she constantly chafed at but could never break. In the end she went to her room to change, scrubbing furiously at the makeup that was still fixed to her face. Matt was in a daze, trying to soak in the events of the previous night and this morning, when he saw Jesse walk past, looking quite different. Her face was raw from scrubbing makeup off, and she was now wearing a baggy set of track pants and a loose hoodie that concealed her curves as much as possible; though her impressive rack still drew the hoodie tight around her chest. Her hair was a tangle, and she was barefoot. He knew Jesse would be hating every moment of this and had done his best to look as un- bimbo-ish as possible. He’d only half-succeeded. Even red-faced and covered up, it was obvious there was a beauty hiding under there. “I’m going to go make breakfast. Then we go to Sasha. I hope I’ve sucked you dry enough that that’s possible.” She winced at the way the curse had altered the last expression to sound sexier. He let it slip by without comment. “I’m going to try calling her.”

“Good idea. This stupid curse won’t let me contact her.”

Matt tried several times to ring Sasha. She picked up on the last, just as he was ready to hang up.  “Hello Matthew,” came a voice. It was definitely Sasha’s, but it was also different somehow; there was less of a whiny pitch and more of a commanding yet alluring edge to it. “Have you and Jessica enjoyed your morning?”

“Sasha! You sound different.”

“I am different Matt, which means that our dear Jessica is different now too. That’s her name by the way. It’s only a matter of time before her body starts automatically responding to it, whether she wants to or not.”’

“Please, we need to meet.”

“Yes we do. I’m still at my old place. Feel free to come around together, if you two manage to pry yourselves apart for more than a few moments. We’ve got things to discuss. Have you had breakfast?”

“No, but –“

“Don’t worry. If she hasn’t made it yet then she will soon.”

The call ended without goodbyes on either side. It was at that moment that he heard Jessica’s – Jesse’s – voice call out. “What the actual fuck!” He ran to investigate, and at first didn’t see what exactly was going on. “What is it?”

“My-my clothes!” she replied fearfully. True enough, her hoodie was smaller, beginning to bare her bellybutton, and her trackpants were shortening as well, where they had been overlong and baggy before. Her clothes were shrinking before their eyes, and their material began to bubble and shift. She stood there, fighting the changes, tugging at her shortening pants even as they turned into blue denim and pulling at her baggy hoodie it melded with her shirt and became tight top. Her hair curled itself into sexy pigtails which she fought to untangle unsuccessfully. In moment she stood there, a woman transformed yet again, wearing a tight pair of denim short shorts and a crop top that struggled to contain her ample chest. “I c-can’t b-breathe!” she wheezed. As if in response, the crop top split to provide ample cleavage on display, and she exhaled freely in response. It seemed that Matthew’s wishes were always in effect; so long as Jesse was cursed to be his perfect girlfriend, then she would wear the sexiest outfits that would show off her body.

“Gawd, I’m dressed like such a bimbo.”

Just then Matthew’s stomach growled with pangs of hunger. No sooner had he decided on making some bacon and eggs up when Matthew’s voice boomed magically within the house:

“She’ll cook nice food and take care of the house and the chores . . .”

Jesse’s look of disgust at her bare midriff and open cleavage vanished from her face. “Aww, honey, you’re hungry! Take a seat while I make you up some brekkie!” she said, “that’s what girlfriends are for!” She blushed at her statement. Both of them knew it was the curse speaking, but she stepped forward anyway, boobs bouncing in her crop top, and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, before prancing back across the kitchen, her dainty arms swinging as she moved her wide hips. Matthew admired her form as she bent over to fetch ingredients in the fridge, ass straining against her denim shorts. She began humming a light tune to herself as she cooked them both breakfast and served it like a submissive housewife from the 1950s, giving him another kiss on the cheek and smiling widely. It was delicious, and it was only after she’d sat down that her smile turned to a frown. “Fucking dammit! I can’t control myself. You’ve got to change your idea of a perfect woman Matt, or I might end up being this submissive busty bitch my whole life! I’m gonna be leered at by every dude I walk past. I can already feel your stares every time I turn around or bend over.” She took another bite of bacon and gave a small moan at its taste. Even that was sensual.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can do that. You’ve turned into my idea woman. You’ll just have to fight it.”

She bit her lip. “I don’t think I can, Matt, at least not fully. I can restrain it in small doses, but then I get this feeling of rising anxiety, and in the end it’s like my body’s on autopilot. And when I act willingly and give in to what this stupid body wants, then I get this real sense of relief, you know? It’s like this curse is fucking training me to become your devoted girlfriend.”

He held her hand as small tears fell down her cheek. “I’m sorry Jessica, I can’t imagine how hard this is for you.” She pulled her hand away suddenly. “W-what did you just call me?”

He instantly realised his error. “Huh? I called you Jesse.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Noooo, you called me Jessica. Is that the curse speaking, or is that how you’re starting to think of me?” She stood up, her large chest jiggling slightly in her top. On her flat stomach was a shiny bellybutton ring. She gave it no notice; she must have discovered it earlier. What she did instead was put her hands on her wide, child-bearing hips. “Oh my God, that is how you’re starting to see me, isn’t it? You want me to stay like this. You want me to be your Jessica; a fucking submissive slut with big tits who takes care of all your food and chores and has sex with you whenever you want.”

Matthew stood up, holding his hands out as a placating gesture. “Jessica – Jesse – will you just calm down for a moment!?”

“Calm down!? I’m stuck as my best friend’s girlfriend, and my best friend is starting to like it! Enough to start thinking of me with a female name!”

“Jessica is what Sasha called you! We were just on the phone, Jessica. And it must be the curse because now I can’t stop calling you that. It’s either Jessica or Jess. No in-between.”

She stood there a moment, taking it in. Finally she folded her arms. She didn’t realise it, but it had the effect of pushing her large boobs together so that her cleavage deepened and rose further out from her top. Matthew did his best not to stare. “Okay, okay, I’m just freaking out here. I’m not used to being a woman, and I’m scared I’ll be stuck as one. What did she say?”

“Well, she knew a lot about the nature of the curse – she knew you’d be cooking my breakfast, and what your name was going to become. She’s invited us over to her place for information. What kind of information, I don’t know.”

Jessica stood taller. “I don’t care. Anything is better than staying like this in here. Let’s go.” She stepped forward, pulled him closer and gave him a great kiss. Her ample chest pressed against his own, and it was some seconds before they separated.

“Curse,” she said, red in the cheeks, “I’d been holding off the compulsions as long as I could.” She ran to get her coat.


It was a twenty-minute drive to Sasha’s place. Oftentimes Jesse had complained about the distance, acting as if it was an hour’s journey or longer, rather than just the other side of town, but now he – or rather she – was mostly silent during the car ride. Matthew was driving, and as they drove he saw her doing her nails, body in autopilot mode. She shot him a few looks that seemed to say ‘don’t you dare say a word’. Occasionally she rested her hand on his thigh before moving it back to her lap. He could tell she was fighting the compulsions, and losing. Eventually the hand stayed on his lap, close to his groin. Matt ignored the growing stiffness in his member and kept on driving until her felt her manicured hands unzipping his jeans and unbuckling his belt. He had an idea of what was about to happen, and it only made him grow more erect. He’d often fantasised about an event like this, but never thought it would actually become reality. Jessica sighed in irritation before undoing her seatbelt and whispering in his ear in a low, sensual whisper. “I can’t not do this, so just try to enjoy and keep your eyes on the road, okay?”

He nodded, not daring to speak for fear that his excitement would show. And so his best friend who had been a man all his life up until last night now leaned over as a gorgeous woman, and planted her lips over his engorged penis and began to lick and suck. He moaned, and her with him, as she gave him roadhead, her sliding up and down until finally he blew his load into her mouth and throat, several shots of cum ejaculating from him until his balls were finally empty. At least for now; it was clear from Sasha’s lesser curse on him that his testicles now worked overtime to keep up with his newfound desires for his best friend. Jessica smiled as she licked him dry, zipped up his jeans and buckled his belt, until she realised what she was doing and she sat upright in her seat again, crossing her arms. Still, she licked her lips and swallowed every last drop, then licked her lips again for any last traces. “I can’t believe this,” she complained.

“What?” Matt was concerned. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like from Jessica’s position. She looked him in the eye, silent for a moment as they approached Sasha’s house, seemingly weighing whether to speak or not. “How far this curse affects me,” she spoke, not looking him in the eye, “how it’s even changed my sense . . . of taste.”

Matt realised then that her obsessive licking of his cum was not an act of compulsion on the curse’s part. “My cum tastes that good to you?” he asked.

She blushed a deep shade of red. “It tastes delicious . . . it’s so fucked up but it’s like eating desert. I can’t help myself.” They drew to a stop outside Sasha’s house. “Let’s go, and quick. I don’t want to talk about this anymore, especially since it’s not going to be permanent.” She got out of the car, and waltzed to the front door, her wide hips still sashaying from side to side in an exaggerated fashion and showing off her perfect bottom. Her tits bounced slightly in her short top, and so she held them awkwardly for the last few steps. Matt followed. A few rings at the door, and no response. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” Jessica complained. “I know you’re in there Sasha! You need to change me back!” Finally the door opened.


“Sasha,” Jessica spoke, “you look-”

“Beautiful? Gorgeous? I told you last night that I was planning to change for you. Now I'm a free woman.”

It was true, she had changed. She was lovelier, all blemishes erased from her face, her hair thicker and darker, and her once flat figure was now curvaceous, with a petite but still prominent chest. Where Jessica had been turned into a fourteen-year old’s wet dream, Sasha instead had chosen to possess evoke the classic beauty of Audrey Hepburn or Ingrid Bergman, right down to her slim black dress and prominent yet perfect eyebrows. She was a vision of beauty, the kind that Jesse had always wished she could be, and now he could no longer enjoyed. Sasha gave Jessica a quick look over and instantly burst out laughing.

“Oh my God Jesse, this is you now!?” she managed between great gusts of laughter, “Matt really did a number on you didn’t he? What are those?” she gestured at Jessica’s heaving breasts that displayed prominently from her top, “Double-Ds? E-Cups? Bigger? I’m surprised you’re not toppling over as we speak!” She fell into laughter again while Jesse turned a deep shade of red and crossed her arms over her tits to cover them. This unfortunately just sent Sasha into further fits of laughter. “You can’t even hide in in your arms, that’s how busty you are! I guess we really are ‘bosom buddies’ now that we’ve broken up, though your chest is a bit more . . . generous than mine.” She smirked. “And here I thought I might be overdoing it with C-cups.”

Jessica tried to ignore the deep blush in her cheeks. “Can we come in Sasha? It’s cold out here.”

“I bet it is, with that sexy midriff. Nice short shorts too. I see you’re really into the blonde busty bimbo look Matthew?”

Matthew didn’t know what to say, other than to nod meekly. Sasha smiled at his muscles. “You'd be happy with the improvements I gave you, at least. Give you the stamina to keep up with her, hm?” She grinned, and motioned for them to step inside. She directed them to take a seat in the living room, and Jessica’s body relaxed in a particularly feminine pose, one smooth leg crossed over the other. Sasha took a seat opposite. She really did look like an attractive, yet classy and refined woman. A far cry from Jesse’s own transformation into a slutty bimbo. “Is there anything I can offer you two?” she asked, “I've got biscuits, water, tea . . .”

Jessico sprang to her feet. “Cut the crap Sasha! You've had your fun and now it's time to turn me back bitch!”

Sasha eyed her. “Wrong move, Jessica. Especially when I hold all the power here.” She lifted the charm up, still glowing for emphasis. “I still have some uses with this you know. Right now I'm being merciful by not turning you into a bit, fat pig sow. I much prefer you as a woman, and it’s best you show some respect since you don’t even know all the rules yet. But I don’t have to be your emotional babysitter anymore; that’s your role, for Matt. So listen up.

“Thanks to the magic I’ve acquired, you’ve been turned into Matthew’s perfect woman. No matter what, so long as the curse is in effect you will always look, dress and act like his ideal mate, with some allowances; you’ll still be you, and you won’t be on autopilot all the time, part of the curse requires both of you to fulfil the important bits of your new, more intimate relationship, but you’ll still have time to act like yourselves. But the more you fight it the more you may find yourself unable to control your actions, particularly you, Jessica. But if you choose to follow those little compulsions - you know, give him a blowjob each morning, willingly cook up all the meals and perform the house chores, choose nice revealing outfits for your new boyfriend to ogle you in - then you get a measure of control.”

“Fuck you,” Jessica spat. “This isn’t fair Sasha.”

“Life’s unfair. I learned that when I started dating you. I would often come home from our dates in tears over your constant comments about my body. Now you’ll get to hear men comment on your sweet body from now on.”

“What’s the endgame here?” Matt asked. He had been listening patiently, trying not to upset Sasha too much. She had already commented on how disgusting his idea of a perfect woman was, so he didn’t want to get on her bad side.

Sasha smiled, and the sight nearly made Jessica weep. She wished she’d stayed a man, treated Sasha right, at least long enough for him to have this new lovely sight in front of him as his girlfriend, instead of being cursed to be someone else’s. “A very good question Matthew, I was just coming to that. The charm I put on myself has altered some of my behaviours - it’s all part of the magic you see, but mine is purely beneficial. I shall always move gracefully, look my best, and maintain my current charm. For you, my dear ex-boyfriend, consider the curse a training exercise. One that will make you up to be Matthew’s perfect girlfriend.

“You will cook for him, keep the house for him, wear all sorts of thin things that show off that hot bod of yours to him, and any time he wants it, you’ll spread those luscious new legs of yours for him. This is your fate for the entire month to come.”

Jessica drew herself up at that last part. “It’s . . . temporary?” Despite himself, Matthew felt slightly crestfallen at the knowledge this gorgeous buxom babe beside him would be shifting back into Jesse. He knew he’d never have a short with a woman so out of his league again, especially since he would be losing his own muscle development and more impressive member.

But Sasha gave a predator’s smirk. “Conditionally. You must play the part of Matthew’s perfect girlfriend for thirty days, as of the curse’s beginning. So you’re almost one day down. At the end of the month, you’ll turn back into the same sexist, self-righteous chauvinist you were before, though hopefully you’ll have learned a few lessons about how you treat women. I loved you Jesse, I really did, even as you emotionally wrecked me and made me hate my own body. Well, you’re going to learn what it’s like to be exactly the kind of woman you always wanted me to be, and it’s not going to be very fun for you, though I’m hoping you’ll find yourself enjoying some of it against your will. But yes, it’s temporary, with a catch.” She paused as they both leaned in. “If at any point over the month Matthew impregnates you, then the curse will become permanent, and you’ll spend the rest of your life as a submissive bimbo getting pregnant with your best friend’s kids.”

Matthew and Jessica’s mouths dropped in unison. Sasha savoured the moment.

“You can’t do this,” Jessica said. She was starting to breathe heavier, and it did wonders for Matthew’s view as her heavy chest heaved up and down, up and down, straining against her top.

“Oh yes I can. I’ve still got one more use with this charm Jessica, so even if you change back, you better treat women a little better.” She waved the charm. “So that’s the deal. One month getting magically trained as Matthew’s perfect lover, and if you aren’t preggo at the end, then you change back. Otherwise . . . well, I know Matthew here always wanted a big family. Now off you go, and hopefully before the month is up I’ll be hearing some big news from you two!”


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