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Directly inspired and influenced by Tseudo Nimm's excellent story 'Witchy Ex-Girlfriend', which I highly recommend!

His Perfect Woman, Part 1

“I just feel like I deserve better. Sasha’s nice and all, but she never does anything to show off her figure, what little of one she has. She’s a flat board; no breasts, no butt, not even some curves to her hips. And the sex is just so . . . boring. Nothing but missionary, and not even more than twice a week.”

“You deserve better mate,” Matt said. “Sasha’s a nice chick, sure, but if you’re not happy with her then you’ve gotta cut the strings. Let her down easy, but make sure it ends.”

Jesse and Matthew were engaged in a very familiar conversation. The two university students had been best friends since childhood, and were inseparable, so much so that Jesse’s girlfriend of two years Sasha was getting far too sick of them spending so much time together when she and Jesse could be helping pull their relationship back together. For that very reason she opened the door to Matthew’s apartment, unheard by either of them. But at the mention of her name, and the discussion that followed, she instead chose to wait in the shadows. She plucked a small wand she had recently purchased from a self-described wandering witch, and looked over it, wondering if it would even work, and also if she should use it.

“You’re right. I do deserve better,” Jesse said, cracking open another beer. It was clear he was slightly tipsy. “Sasha’s been keeping me down. I could land any hot babe I want.”

In her hidden place around the corner, Sasha grew red with astonishment and anger. Do better than her? Her? She knew she wasn’t the most attractive woman in the world; her breasts were basically non-existent, and her figure was boyish. But she was cute, and moreover Jesse was no star prize himself, with his shabby figure, his constantly messy hair and his thick glasses.

“Well, I didn’t say deserve better – “ Matt started, but Jesse cut him off.

“There’s a whole ocean of women out there who are more my taste. I don’t need some flat-chested brunette. A perfect woman. And I know they’re out there. What’s your perfect woman Matt?”

“C’mon Jesse, this isn’t gonna make you feel better. And it’s not right to talk about Sasha that way.”

“Just tell me. Entertain me. What’s the woman that would most turn you on?”

Matt sighed, and between her tears Sasha at least was glad that Jesse’s friend wasn’t a complete arsehole. “Well, I want a girl with long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. A girl with an hourglass figure, y’know the type, with nice round babymaking hips and a tight waist. She’d have big, round tits, Double-Ds atleast and real sensitive. And her ass would be big and bubbly too, and it’d wobble with every step. “ He cupped his hands in front of his chest for emphasis, then again from his behind. As he spoke his fantasy he abandoned some of his hesitation, and seemed to enter the realm of his sexual fantasies. “And of course, she’d have a nice tight pussy that would get always get wet for me. Yeah, that’d be the girl. But it wouldn’t be all looks, she’d do her best to please me, if you know what I mean. We’d fuck at least twice a day because she’s so horny, and she wouldn’t hesitate to suck me off in the morning to get me going for day.”

Sasha grew disgusted as she heard this. She had always disliked Matt purely because he stole Jesse away from her so often. For just a moment after hearing Jesse’s cruel words and Matt’s rebuke, she’d thought maybe he wasn’t so bad. But his fantasies were adolescent and sexist. Jesse laughed and cracked open his next beer. “Wow, she sounds like my kinda girl too. Much better than Sasha. This girl would be into anal, yeah?”

Matt scoffed, cracked open another beer as well. “Pfft, obviously. She’d be into it all, so long as I wanted it. Roleplay too. And no matter what, she’ll always do her best to look sexy. Whether at home, on the town, or dressed up for a date, she’ll do her best to look like a slut and cling to my arm to let everyone know I’m her man. She’ll cook nice food and take care of the house and the chores, and – ” he hesitated.

Jesse slurred a response. “Yeah? Go on buddy? I wanna hear. She sounds like a real broad.”

“Well,” Matt said, coughing awkwardly, “I’ve always wanted a big family someday. And for some reason, I’ve always found pregnant chicks real hot. So my dream girl, she’ll be incredibly fertile and able to give me a lot of kids, and while preggers she’ll be even more horny. And after she gives birth she’d work her body back into perfection in no time, ready for more.”

“Huh,” Jesse said, slightly weirded out by that last one, but getting a little turned on thinking about it all the same, “I mean, I’m not ready for parenthood just yet, but that does sound like a perfect girl. I’d take her over Sasha any day. Hell, maybe I’ll go looking for a girl like that after I’ve pulled the bandaid.”

It was at that moment that Sasha decided to reveal herself, her cheeks and eyes red from tears she’d been brushing away. “Why wait Jesse,” she said, “now’s your chance.”

The two men immediately stood up, shocked at the woman’s unexpected presence.

“Sasha!” Jesse said, I . . . how much did you hear?”

She scowled. “All of it Jesse. Every horrible thing you said about me, all your talk about your desire for a submissive bimbo girlfriend, the fact that you want to break up with me; I heard it all.”

“I – “Jesse started, but nothing came to mind. “Well, I meant it,” he finished, made brazen by the alcohol. “I can’t get attracted to you anymore Sasha, you’ve got figure. No curves. And we hardly ever have sex, and even then you never wanna give me a blowjob or anything. Or even let me go down on you.”
 “We could have worked on this, if only you’d talk to me Jesse! Instead you always go to your friend Matt here, instead of trying to save this relationship! Speaking of, anything to say Matthew?”

Matt shifted awkwardly on one foot. “Sorry Sasha. My fault.”

“I hated you for so long, and now I find out you’re actually the better of the pair. It almost makes me wish it was you that had approached me first, except then I find out your perfect woman is 50’s Stepford Wife who exists just to clean and cook and push out as many babies as you want.” She turned to Jesse. “And you had the gall to agree with him!”

Jesse crossed his arms, but the courage he had felt a moment ago had dissipated, which left him looking like the meek student he ultimately was.

“Well,” Sasha said, lifting her eyebrows, “I hope you’re both happy then. I was going to change for you Jesse, become the sort of woman you’ve always been attracted to. I’ve just seen a witch that’s given me the charm that will do the trick. And I’m still going to do that, only just for me now. You could have been better looking too, with a lot more meat between your legs than that stub you’re got.”

Jesse chuckled. “You’ve gone crazy Sasha, magic isn’t real. You’re probably just hormonal.”

But his former girlfriend just shook her head. “No, you’ll know soon enough what a woman’s hormones are like. Magic is real. I’ve seen it, and now I’m going to use it to give both of you exactly what you wanted, at a price. You are going to be free of me Jesse, and Matt, you are going to get your perfect girlfriend. A woman who is going to live out every one of your submissive fantasies.”

She retrieved a strange glyph from her pocket and held it in the air, and began speaking in a strange incantation in a language neither of them recognised. As she did, the glyph glowed bright green, and its light was cast over the two men before her. As soon as it had begun, it ended.

“There,” she said. “You two deserve each other. Have fun with the rest of your lives together. And Jesse? Soon you’ll discover just how much of a ‘best mate’ you really are for your friend here.”

She turned on the spot and rounded the corner without waiting for a response, and a second later they heard the loud slam of the front door.


“Crazy bitch,” Jesse spat, regretting the decision to ever date her.

“She’s just angry I guess,” Matt said, “that’s why she yapped on about magic just now. It’s just to scare you.”

Jesse chuckled. “Yeah. She was talking like she was a witch or something. C’mon, after that I could use another beeeuuuuughhhhh!” Jesse doubled over, clutching his stomach. Matt put a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay mate?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m just - ooohhhhh – just having a reaction to the beer or something. I think I’m – eurgh – going to hurl!” He pushed his friend out of the way and sprinted to the bathroom, managing to reach toilet just in time for him to expel the contents of his stomach into the bowl. He continued to vomit a couple more times until only bile remained, and feeling a bit less sickly, he felt at his stomach. He was shocked to notice that his stomach seemed . . . smaller. Jesse had never been truly overweight, but he had been chubby due to his beer drinking. Now it was as if he had never put on weight. In fact, he seemed thinner all over.

“Hey mate, are you right in there?”

“Uh, yeah, sure,” he replied, his voice cracking to a higher pitch. He thumped his chest and made his way out of the bathroom after washing out his mouth. Matt was waiting for him, a smirk on his lips. “Bit of a squeak there Jesse. You sure Sasha didn’t bust your balls literally as well as figuratively?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jesse replied, but again that crack in his voice, which made him go red in the cheeks. “It’s not funny!” But this time his voice shot an octave higher and his eyes grew wide. “The hell?” he said, sounding like a prepubescent boy. But neither of them had much time to contemplate that when a loud ethereal voice echoed across the living room.

“I want a girl with long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes . . .”

“Dude, why did you say that?”

Jesse was starting to panic. “I didn’t say anything! It sounded like you!”

Matt’s went wide. “Mate, your hair, it’s changing!” It was true. Jesse’s scalp had begun to prickle all over, and his messy brown hair was beginning to grow out, lightening in colour until it became a bright sunflower blonde that trickled down over his forehead. He swept it out of the way of his eyes, and was shocked to see it was lengthening down over his shoulders. “Holy shit, my hair!” He was oblivious to the changes in his eyes, as they also shifted from brown to a deep ocean blue.

“A girl with an hourglass figure . . . with nice round babymaking hips and a tight waist . . .”

“That was my voice again!” Matt called, but Jesse could only moan, his voice continuing to rise in pitch as his hips cracked audibly outwards and his waist contracted beneath his shirt. He fumbled in a wild panic with his jean zipper and his hips continued to expand. “Ooooh it hurts!” he cried, and Matt couldn’t help but notice that his voice was almost a woman’s by this point. Jesse sighed in relief as he managed to get the zipper open to accommodate his much wider pelvis, not noticing that his overall form had shrunk, becoming a full foot shorter. He panicked when he saw his hands, which were thinning and softening, becoming dainty and feminine.

“Oh my God I’m becoming a chick just like she said!” He clamped his new female hands over his mouth, astonished at the sultry soprano voice that had just escaped it.

“Your whole face is shifting!” Matt exclaimed, and it was true; his features were shifting, his nose becoming button-cute, his eyelashes growing out, his eyebrows taking on a feminine arch, and his lips becoming bigger and softer. They ended up as a permanent pout, something Matt couldn’t help but find sexy. Jesse squealed, his voice entirely girlish now, but Matthew was starting to have his own problems, as he begun to feel the effects of Sasha’s charm. His muscles ached as they grew in size, his fat melting away and his jaw cracked. For a moment he thought he too was becoming a woman, until he felt an unpleasant lack of space in his pants and realised his cock was growing, assuming a much greater length and girth than before to a blessed degree.

“Big, round tits, Double-Ds atleast and real sensitive . . . her ass would be big and bubbly . .  . wobble with every step . . .”

Jesse stopped feeling over his newfound curves and took in the magical echo of his mate’s voice. “No, no, no no no I don’t want to have breasts, I’m a guuuurrghhh!” He thrust his chest out in response to the immense pressure building there, and within moments his nipples tensed and proceeded to grow in size, pressing against the fabric of his shirt. Tissue and fat rapidly filled out behind them rapidly. Jesse pressed his dainty palms against them, but they simply continued to grow and overflow his palms, from A-cups to B-cups to well and truly beyond Sasha’s own size, until finally they stopped expanding when they were nearly the size of his own head each, pressing against his shirt which was now tight around his ample bosom. He shifted, and was astonished at the feeling of his large boobs wobbling in his top, unsecured. “Shit, I’ve got tits!” he exclaimed. He grasped them and moaned at their sensitivity. “They’re huge! Why are they so huge!? Oh my good God, Sasha was telling the truth. I’m turning into a woman!”

Matt couldn’t help himself as he stared at his transforming friend – he was basically a complete woman to look at him, and his – her – immense chest straining at his top was an exciting sight. He could feel himself growing hard while Jesse’s new female face was treated to makeup by an invisible force; some eyeshadow was applied, and his her were coated in red lipstick that looked sexy as hell with her new pout. Her jeans fell to the floor as her ass also rounded out, becoming round but pert just like the image of his own dream girl. It accentuated Jesse’s newfound hips and overall curves, and provided for a quite a profile.

“A nice tight pussy that would get always get wet for me . . .”

Jesse and Matt locked eyes. The transforming man simply whimpered, as his penis and testicles were audibly sucked back up into his body. Jesse doubled over, dealing with the deeply unpleasant sensation of his testes becoming ovaries, and a new womb developing within him.

“Holy shit I have a vagina,” the woman whispered to herself.

“Always do her best to look sexy . . . at home, on the town, or dressed up for a date . . . do her best to look like a slut . . .”

Jesse’s remaining clothing shifted and shimmered with that same magical green glow that had come from Sasha’s charm, and in moments the tattered clothing reshaped to become a tight red dress that ended mid-thigh to show off her lovely legs. Two thin straps were all that supported her low neckline, which showed off generous cleavage. Her breasts were practically straining against the top, threatening to spill out. For the final touches, her hair became luxuriously made up, falling down her shoulders, and her feet became adorned with red high-heel shoes. The new Jesse was complete, and she was sexiest woman Matthew had ever seen, in person or otherwise. She had a body most women would kill for, a large rack on nearly full display, and her pert bottom and hourglass figure were completely on display in the tight-fitting dress. Even her face, riddled with anxiety as she was, looked amazingly sexy with her perfect makeup, high eyebrows, and permanent glossy pout.

She stood there, panting in terror for a moment, wobbling on uncertain heels, and then a last green flicker cast over her form, and then Jesse stood as naturally as if he’d always been the bombshell he’d just turned into. “Holy shit,” she said in that sultry soprano tone, “I’m dressed like a slut. What is happening!?”

“You’ve become my perfect woman Jesse,” Matt said, trying not to draw attention to his raging erection. “You look exactly like how I described her.”

Jesse put a hand on his – her – hip. She didn’t realise it, but it was the sexiest damn pose her friend had ever seen his life. “Is that what I look like?” she said, her big blue eyes going wide, and her perfect lips in a sensual pout. Matt tried to avoid thinking about those lips, which looks so perfect for sucking cock.

“Jesse, you look like the sexiest damn woman I’ve ever seen. Go see yourself in the mirror.”

She did so, walking expertly in heels. Her hips sashayed from side to side as she strode to the bathroom, and her generous backside wobbled slightly in her tight dress. She fumed audibly, holding her large bust and complaining about the strange sensations of it jiggling on her chest with every step. “Holy shit!” came her voice from the other room. “What has she done to me?” She strode back into the room, her breasts bouncing in her low neckline. “Matt, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life looking like some bimbo. We need to figure out a way to change me back!”

Every word that escaped from her mouth still had that sensual, breathy quality. Matt struggled to contain himself, and focused on the fact that this image of feminine perfection in front of him was his friend. He could be an asshole, but he didn’t deserve to have his gender changed like this. “Well,” he said, trying to avoid gazing at his friend’s new, ample developments, “step one is to track down Sasha. She can tell us what’s going on, and we might be able to convince her to change you back.”

“Sounds like a plan. Hang, did she change you too? You look taller.”

“I think you might just be shorter.”

It was the wrong thing to say, she shot him a look, but whatever curse the charm had placed on her just made the look sexy. “No, you’re changed too. You’re fitter. Taller.” He decided not to mention his bigger penis. It might make her all the more upset.

“I’m just going to get out of this ridiculous dress and put some proper clothes on, then we’ll see Sasha about getting me changed back.”

Matt was glad she turned away, chest swaying slightly with the movement much to her irritation, since he was secretly disappointed that Jesse’s form wouldn’t be on such display anymore. It was a shame she was his best friend, because Jesse had become the kind of woman he wouldn’t hesitate to show a good time, especially with his own new developments.

“Ready to go,” came Jesse’s sultry voice. Matthew turned, “Well that was quick – oh fuck me.”

“I can’t control myself Matt!” To Matthew’s extreme surprise, Jesse was now completely naked. His – her – nude form was the image of feminine perfection, with rounded curves in all the right places, and an immense pair of breasts that bobbed and jiggled with her nervous movements. The transformed male stepped forward, her large rack still bouncing slightly, her gait letting her hips swing from side to side with sensual grace. Matt’s cock was almost unbearably stiff at the sight of her. She placed a dainty hand on his chest and looked up at him with big blue eyes, her delicate lips parted. “I’m so horny for you Matt,” she breathed, her other hand trailing down to his crotch. “It’s not me doing this, but I need you in me!”

Within moments he had taken his top off and embraced, her naked breasts pressing up against his now-muscular chest. They kissed deeply, his hand trailing to her pert ass, his other running through her silky hair. She in turn pushed him towards the bedroom, unbuckling his trousers and pressing him onto the bed. “Stop this Matt,” she purred as she began to straddle him, “I can’t stop. I don’t want to have sex with you.” Every syllable trickled from her mouth like sweet honey, making her sound as sensual as possible despite her words.

“Fuck at least twice a day because she’s so horny . . .”

“Oh God no . . .”

“I can’t stop myself either Jesse,” Matt groaned as she descended upon his stiff member. Both of them gasped at the sensations that followed, and she cooed as she took in his increased length and girth. He could only imagine how alien the sensation was for his friend. They fell into a rhythm, her riding him with increasing speed, taking his cock deep within her moist pussy and then out until only the tip remained. He was telling the truth; he couldn’t control his actions. It was like Sasha’s curse had left them both on autopilot. He began to fondle her giant breasts, and she shrieked in pleasure. “Oh Gooood I’m so wet for you Matt. We need to stop!” Bust continued to thrust. They kissed deeply, her breasts rubbing on his chest, nipples as hard as little thumbnails. It was like heaven and hell, and he suspected he couldn’t stop now even if he did have control. She was simply perfect, and he could feel his cum building up, ready to release. Jesse rode harder, and he began to fondle her perfect ass, working her to new heights of pleasure. She spoke frantically between thrusts, body quivering. “Please – don’t – cum – inside – meeeeeeee!”

And with that he exploded within her, pumping his seed in great spurts directly into her waiting womb. She shuddered on top of him, sticking her back out in response to her first female orgasms, which rolled over her in multiple waves. The position left her large chest sticking out in a very sexy look, and her eyes rolled back into her head and they gasped together. Finally, she collapsed down on top of him, and they spent several minutes simply getting their breaths under control, the residual glow of post-coital bliss descending upon them. Within the haze of pleasure, one thought coalesced inside Matt; Holy shit, I just fucked my best friend.

It was only after several minutes of calming down that Jesse managed to shift off of Matthew, groaning at the strange feeling of his penis sliding out of her. Her large tits wobbled as she rolled onto her back. “I can’t believe you just fucked my wet pussy,” she said.

Matt turned his head to look at her. “Why are you talking like that Jesse?”

“I can’t not talk like this!” she complained, “this stupid curse keeps making me talk dirty.”

“We’ll figure something out,” he said, standing up.

“We damn well better. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life as your big-titted bimbo slave. This is all you and Sasha’s fault! You described your perfect girlfriend as – as – as this!” She gestured at her perfect body, “and now I’m stuck like this!”

He turned away. Her sultry voice mixed with her sexy curves were starting to turn him on already. He almost felt as if he could go another round. “Well, the plan is the same as before. We’ll go track Sasha down and demand she changes you back, and if she refuses then we’ll – hey!”

He looked down to where a soft pair of hands were fondling his balls and working his semi back into a raging erection. The woman that was Jesse was on her knees before him, and she opened her soft, full lips and licked them slowly, locking eyes with him. “No, please,” she said in a voice dripping with suggestion, “don’t make me suck your giant cock. I don’t want to swallow your se-hhghmghm!” The rest of her words became an incomprehensible garble as she began to suck and lick away at him. She continued to try to speak, but it became more and more difficult as she began to swallow him deeper and deeper, so much so that Matt had to marvel at her lack of gag reflex while she deepthroated him. He could feel another load building, ready to blow, and clutched the back of her head, silky hair and all, to steady her against him when he came. She was giving him the best blowjob of his life and he couldn’t do anything but ride it out and enjoy it. Finally he came, even more than before, and she moaned as he did as if she was coming too. She licked her lips of any excess and swallowed his entire issue, smiling deeply. It was another few seconds before the smile was wiped from her face and her eyes drew wide in horror.

“Fuck. Fuck! This curse sucks!” She spat some of the remaining saliva and immediately ran to get a glass of water to wash her mouth out. Twice more they attempted to leave, and twice more they had passionate sex, the last time him taking her from behind and thrusting deep until they orgasmed together on the living room floor. It was late that night, Jesse falling asleep in his arms, her naked form nestled up against him, that Matt realised that the curse wasn’t triggering when they tried to leave, but when he became turned on. His best friend had been turned into his perfect woman; one who would forever be compelled to have sex with him whenever his body desired it. This was likely why Jesse had been in a fury when she tried to go to bed: her body kept automatically steering her towards Matthew’s queensize, and when she finally gave up and tried to change into some ill-fitting pyjamas her body simply refused to put anything back on. It was as if some invisible force was restraining her hands, keeping them from grasping even the smallest item to cover herself with. Her sexy body was programmed to sleep naked, pressed up against his, her large, soft bosom cradled in his arm.


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