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The final day of the curse had come, and Jessica was anxious. She and Matthew had spent the last week grappling with the curse in the wake of Sasha’s revelations, but in the end it was clear that Jessica had insufficient willpower to fully overcome the compulsions, just ignore its impulses in occasional doses of varying strengths. So occasionally they went without sex when pushed to do so, much to Matthew’s inner disappointment, and a couple of times she managed to avoid giving him his standard morning blowjob, though it meant hungering for his cock and delicious semen the rest of the day. She became resigned to her body’s desire to show itself off, but occasionally she wore a coat over the top, or something more modest though still good-looking, like a tight-fitting sweater that covered her cleavage but still showed the general largesse of her bosom. She cleaned the house and cooked still, but Matthew gave a helping hand to relieve her efforts, though it had the unwanted side effect of her body becoming very aroused by the sight of its man at work, which ended up with him taking her from behind in the kitchen space as she squealed with delight.

Next week classes returned from the summer holiday, and she was anxious that the curse be over. She certainly didn’t feel pregnant, and they had been very good with using protection to avoid getting her knocked up. She couldn’t imagine being trapped as this sexy submissive woman for the rest of her life, forced to mate and pleasure her best friend and grow big with his children. During the last month she had learned more about being a woman than she ever wanted or thought possible. She’d been groped at a bar, hit-on, had men gaze intently at her cleavage and barely register the face above it, she’d put with rude comments and the occasional catcall while walking down the street, and felt the nervousness that surely all women must feel in such a situation, and like those women she found a measure of comfort in being in the presence of her much more physically able boyfriend. She’d learned how to put on bras and adjust them so her big boobs didn’t wobble so much, though they were big enough that she was pretty sure nothing short of a steel casing could stop them from wobbling completely. She’d experienced skirts, lingerie, tight tank tops and revealing dresses. She’d experience a woman’s hormones, and how her much higher estrogen and near non-existent testosterone made her cry that much more easy.

She had to admit that Sasha’s curse had done its job; he’d never treat a woman again in the chauvinistic way he’d treated her. She now knew how it felt to be seen as a piece of meat, as some pretty thing to be objectified by men, and once she was a man again she’d never feel entitled to a woman the way she had been as Jesse. After constantly cleaning the house, cooking up three meals a day for her best friend, and submitting to sex with him whenever he was aroused, she had a whole new respect for women who lived like she had for the past month.

And so it was she woke up and gave a final morning blowjob to Matthew, locking eyes with him as she sucked away at his mighty member, both of them knowing that their friendship would never be the same – or this close – ever again. Matthew himself was feeling mournful, largely because he knew he’d never have another woman as perfect as Jessica; he’d quite gotten used to the morning blowjobs and her delightful moans as he spilled his seed inside of her. But after breakfast, they headed off together to Sasha’s house, her hand clamped over his leg, both of them filled with nervous energy; they hadn’t either of them discounted the possibility that Sasha might just use the final power of her trinket to make Jessica’s curse permanent anyway. Her thoughts turned away as her stomach growled loudly.

“Hey Jess, what’s wrong?” Matthew said, raising his eyebrow and glancing at her briefly as he drove.

“N-nothing,” she replied, placing a hand on her stomach. “Just a little hungry, I think.” Her stomach growled a little again.

“After you ate that whole meal? You don’t normally eat that much, you know, as a woman.” It was true, it had taken time to become accustomed to her new, petite stomach.

“Just keep driving Matty. The sooner this is over the better, and we can grab some food on the way back once I’m a dude again.” She adjusted her singlet as she said it, her breasts straining against the fabric, heaving upwards with each individual breath. It was a sight ‘Matty’ would miss, along with the nickname. Finally, they arrived at Sasha’s house. Tom was just leaving; he waved to them as he left.

“Ugh, I hate that guy,” Jessica said, her hand automatically gripping Matthew’s leg possessively. Still, she was compelled to smile and wave. “Poor bastard doesn’t know what he’s gotten into. She’ll probably turn him into a frog or something.” Matthew sniggered.

“What? What’s so funny?”

“It’s just, I don’t think Tom’s in any danger. He treats Sasha as a person, which you never really did. She turned you into my perfect woman to give you a lesson.”

“Fair. Still, aren’t I allowed to be a little jealous?”

“Sure you are.” Matthew nodded, slowly worked himself up to say what he’d been thinking about. “Am I allowed to be a little sad that you’ll be going?”
 â€œOh, Matty.” She caressed his cheek with her slender, perfect hands. “I’m not going anyway. We’ll still be best friends, even if it’s awkward for a while.”

“I know. It’s just . . . you have been a perfect girlfriend, Jessica.”

“And you’ve been a perfect gentleman, even when the curse had us mating like rabbits. I’m glad you were the one I had to be with, but I’ve learned my lessons the hard way about what it’s like to be a woman, I haven’t gotten pregnant, and now it’s time to turn back. Let’s go.” She got out of the car, and Matthew followed, trailing behind in resignation and staring at her perfect ass swaying from side to side for the last time. Jessica knocked at the door, and Sasha answered almost instantly.

“Well, hello there Jessica,” she said with a smile. She was wearing a colourful sundress and holding a glass of wine in her hand. She looked gorgeous, a figure of full womanhood, far different from the boyish rake she’d been only a month ago. “Why don’t you and ‘Matty’ come in for a chat?”

They entered, and Sasha ushered them into the same seats as last time, when she’d first explained the rules of the curse and the warning that pregnancy would make the curse permanent. “Well, how are we feeling?” she asked, taking a sip of a win and pouring a glass for her two guests. “Confident? Joyous? Excited?”

“All three and more,” Jessica answered, leaning forward. She felt her tremendous bosom wobble in her tight top, a feeling she still hadn’t gotten used to, but now would never need to. “I did it Sasha. Matthew and I made it to the end, and now it’s time to turn me back according to your conditions.”

Another sip of wine and that same smug grin. “Is that so, Jess? Don’t you think you’ll miss her Matthew?”

Matthew bristled. “I’ll miss her. Dear God I will. But Jessica – Jess – you know who I mean, he’s my friend, and he deserves a second chance. He’s learned his lesson and won’t be the same as he was.” He took a sip of wine, and Jessica licked her lips in response to it. Sasha turned her eyes on her ex-boyfriend turned blonde bombshell. “Tell me about what you’ve learned, Jesse,” she said, emphasising his real name.

Jessica paused, curled a length of hair behind her ear in nervousness. Strange to think that soon she would have short hair again, that never took long to dry. She breathed deeply, aware of how alluring it was for Matthew, but needing to do it anyway. “I’ve learned many things Sasha. I’ve learned what it feels like to be seen as meat, to be objectified and ridiculed and have people decide my worth purely based on my body. I’ve been catcalled and harassed, experienced what it’s like to be made submissive and slutty, and to feel . . . to feel a man inside me, and up against me.” She adjusted her legs awkwardly, the last remnants of the curse were making her annoyingly horny. “Anyway, I learned all that, but most of all I learned that I was a sexist jerk, and to be truly sorry for what I put you through. I was a bad boyfriend, a poor man. I’m sorry Sasha, and I can safely promise I will never treat you that way again.”

Sasha was silent for a time, and took another sip of win. Matthew did so too, but Jessica found herself simply waiting, despite her thirst. Finally, Sasha spoke. “I’m glad you said that Jesse. I didn’t even realise how much I needed to hear that. And I forgive you. You truly have learned what it’s like to be a woman, which I hope will make it easier when I have to break it to you that you’re going to be stuck as one for the rest of your life.”

Jessica damn near leapt to her feet. “What!? You said you’d turn me back Sasha. I – I did everything you asked, I learned my lesson! Please!”

Matthew just listened, looking between these two women who held so much power over him in such different ways. His heart began to race, torn between two futures that he wanted but could not exist together. Sasha motioned for Jessica to sit back down.

“I’m sorry Jessica,” she said, and the use of her feminine name made the transformed man tremble, “but as I explained, this was never a matter of me turning you back, but of the curse ending if the right conditions were met.”

“But you threatened to turn me into something worse if I didn’t go along!”

“A bluff on my part. The magic on the trinket is all used up, just like the Wandering Witch said it would be. She also told me to be careful with the conditions I set – it was the kind of magic that would lock, so not even she could turn it back. I decided on the pregnancy thing because, well, it was outlandish, and I was furious with you, and because turning you into a sexy young mummy seemed like the perfect punishment.”

“But I’m not pregnant!”

Sasha narrowed her eyes. “Aren’t you? I poured out three glasses of wine. One was for you, Jessica, but you haven’t tasted a drop. Try to drink it. Try.”

Matthew watched as his cursed girlfriend strained on the spot, panic setting in her eyes as she reached against and again for the glass, only for some invisible force to make her stop and grasp only air. “Why can’t I reach it?”

“Because alcohol is bad for a developing baby,” Sasha said, with a sympathetic smile. “The spell will ensure that you keep the baby safe – these aren’t compulsions, they’re hardcoded conditions of your spell, which is lifelong now.”

“B-but I’m not pregnant. Matthew and I used protection!”

“Every night? Can you guarantee that? Because when you were listing things you experienced as a woman, I noticed you never brought up menstruation. The Jesse I know definitely wouldn’t have failed to mention bleeding from a vagina on the list of things he’d had to overcome.”

Matthew and Jessica shared a glance, and he could see in her realisation that she hadn’t bled, hadn’t experienced her period. “But when?” she whispered, moving her hand to her stomach, which was perfectly flat – for now. It growled again, and this time the sound was more ominous. The realisation came to Matthew. “The day you tried to avoid the compulsions. When you wore the hoodie, and refused to cook breakfast. We went to bed and you couldn’t handle it anymore, and needed me in you. You – we both were so absorbed in each other we didn’t think of using a condom, or the pill.”

Sasha put a hand on her ex’s leg, patting it reassuringly. “Congratulations,” she said, awkwardly. “You’re going to be a mother Jesse.”

But Jessica had frozen, staring dead ahead into some space as if in full shutdown mode. She was trembling, breathing rapidly, and her stomach continued to gurgle.

“Jessica?” he asked, “what’s wrong?”

But in her eyes there was nothing but pure panic. Her stomach lurched audibly, and she covered her mouth. She pushed past him and Sasha. “Down the hall, second on the left!” she called to Jessica, who ran to the bathroom in an awkward stumble. The sound of the toilet seat being flipped up echoed down the hall, followed by her upending the contents of her petite stomach into the bowl. Matthew found her bent over the toilet bowl, looking much worse for wear, the panic even more evident now. The woman that had been his best friend locked gazes with him, then cast her view down to her stomach. Slowly, she placed a hand over it, as if in horror and wonder. “Oh fuck me,” she whispered.

And Matthew knew then, that’s exactly what he would do, for the rest of their lives together. They were going to have a baby.


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