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This month, you enjoyed an alternate ending to Just Take Care of Me, Okay?, as well as a fun epilogue to Bunny Knight featuring our poor former knight becoming quite the bunny breeder to her former squire.  Now it's time to have a think about what you'd like to see next month for the Deluxe tier, as well as to decide upon our mini-stories! But before you can choose, first you can tell me what you are interested in seeing next month on the following subjects.

NOTE: only 80 words for mini-story proposals now please. These are just small stories, so make sure to avoid complexity and too many characters.

1. Mini-Stories

If you have a topic, story, concept, or specific change you would like to see next month for a mini-story, please comment below or shoot me a message and I'll add it to the poll coming in a couple of days. We still have Farm Life coming this month. Please keep your proposals to 80 words please. I won't consider anything over this word limit! Keep the plots simple as well.

2. Epilogues/Alt Endings

If you have a story you would like to see an alt ending to, or an epilogue too, please comment below or send me a message. You can even go further and describe what you would like to happen in this alt ending or epilogue. Two options will be chosen!

So, what would you like to see? Remember, can always do another epilogue or alt-ending to a story covered once before. A story can have more than one of these if you really want it and vote!


Ashley The Bat

Epilogue to Madam Maternity: Peter with Clem's help facing the challenges of being a new parent, but both are enjoying their relationship together.


Going green from last month, please


I had a suggestion for Friends are Family, I was thinking of an epilogue where the wishing stone appears and Amy, Naomi, and Tim are in the woods at the trail where they found her at the end, but it’s a 5 or 10 year time skip, and temporarily the wishing stone turns Naomi and Amy back into David and Matthew but only temporarily as all three try to give Tim’s a kind of friendship day and reflect on the changes they’ve been through as women before transforming back into their roles as stepsister and mother with Matthew coming to terms with his changes(maybe even seeing his parents for a bit to say goodbye before being Amy again). I’d say even Mel appears and is revealed to have been gender changed by Tim’s wish that made her into a girl before she spoke to him. Other alt ending I had was for the same story but instead of Amy getting pregnant, she gets even more older into her forties or fifties along with Naomi getting older by several years or younger maybe or more but finally a ranger and fully Chinese as Amy becomes her sister and aunt to Tim too.

Camden Levy

Not my original idea but I’d love to submit that wholesome family epilogue featuring grown up Dorothy