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By FoxFaceStories

Gareth is a misogynistic video game streamer who gets exactly what’s coming to him when a witch decides to watch his chauvinistic channel.

Warning: Dark

Taking Control of the System

“Fucking bitches no my battlefield. Show us your tits or get the fuck OUT!”

Gareth giggled on the stream, continuing to taunt the female player who was meant to be part of his squad in the Hellclimbers game he was playing. His comment section was packed with the same repulsive drivel:

‘Fuck gamer girls! Only good for fucking INFACT!’

‘Yeh show us tits or GTFO GTFO!’

‘Fuck of feminazi filth! Go back to the kitchen and make a fuckin sandwitch!’

Tandi rolled her eyes at what she was seeing and hearing. She was just trying to have a bit of fun and try a new popular game, but now this idiot had ruined her joy. Again. It hadn’t taken much research to find out who the thin-faced neckbearded gamer bro type was. His name was Gareth Arnott, and he was apparently a Really Big Thing in online incel communities. He played games while decrying ‘woke nonsense’, ‘the evil liberals,’ and generally whining about the toxic nature of so-called ‘feminazis.’ All this while talking about how the only good job for a woman was to give him blowjobs. His idiot fans ate it up. And he probably had started believing in it himself.

“Not anymore, you woman-hating psycho,” she said to her screen, staring at his smug face as he prattled on about how all women should be ‘trad wives.’ She smirked, cast a quick but effective spell she’d learned just for this occasion, and then watched the screen.

“Yeah, you girls better watch out, because we hunted the mammoth, and you need guys like us to - ugghh.” He shook his head. “Sorry. I lost my train of thought there. Felt something funny. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, these so-called ‘girl gamers.’ Thank God we had gamergate to expose - ahhh. Mhm.”

He grunted as the first changes occurred. His hair grew a little longer, and his features softened. As he tried to catch his breath, his arms began to slim, and his t-shirt became a little tighter around his chest area, then a lot tighter. Tandi cracked open a drink in amusement and giggled as she watched his transformation unfold.

“What the -!? The fuck is happening to m-me!? Why am I g-growing tits!? My voice! NGHH! This isn’t a j-joke you guys, this is real! S-stop making fun of me in the comments and someone he-MMHHMPHH! Oh God, my p-p-p - my dick!”

Tandi burst out laughing at this point. In rapid stages, Gareths’ body was changing, leaving him as a sexy e-girl streamer, the exact kind of gamer girl he hated. He groaned and whined as his body became petite and small, and again as his hips widened into a configuration he would have grossly called ‘baby-making.’ His body hair fell away, his face became beautiful, and his hair changed to become long and lush. Best of all, his chest developed into a very healthy bust. Very healthy. Gareth went silent, practically shell-shocked as his new tits ballooned past a hot C-cup and even an impressive D-cup and right on to a big pair of EE cups. His top changed, gaining a plunging neckline that showed off his new cleavage, a push-up bra only further emphasising his hot new rack. And what a rack it was: his new dainty hands cupped his massive mammaries, eliciting a moan of reluctant pleasure from the new woman. 

“That’s right,” Tandi said. “I made them extra sensitive for you.”

She shot him a single message on the flooded chat. Everyone was commenting, half believing it was a prank, others shocked that it was occurring, others already claiming they were getting hard at the sight of the new woman. Tandi doubted Gareth would see her comment for quite some time, but she still made it anyway.

‘Enjoy the new life I’ve given you, Gabbie. From now on, you’re going to be Gabbie Arnott, a hot streamer girl with big tits who just can’t help but show off her body while she streams herself playing games. Enjoy becoming everything you hate, Gabbie, because your mind will still be trapped in there. You deserve it.’

She watched just a little longer. The new Gabbie was shocked and terrified, until all of a sudden she wasn’t. She perked up, thrusting out her chest and making it wobble, then grinned at the camera.

“Sorry about that everyone! I completely lost my train of thought there. You’re back with Gabbie Arnott and today I’m playing Hellclimbers. I can’t wait to show you what I think of it, and hopefully I can find other girls to play with as well. Let’s get into it, and don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel, and check out my socials for how to access my model shoots where I’m wearing a lot less than this, or dressing up as your favourite - and sexiest - video game characters. Let’s begin!”

It was a hot performance. Even Tandi, who was a hundred percent straight, found it almost hypnotic how well Gabbie moved her body to show off all the perfect curves she’d given her.

“She is going to be far more popular now,” Tandi remarked, sipping her drink victoriously. “And our woman-hating Gareth will just have to be along for the ride.”

She could see it in Gabbie’s eyes; the look of fear and confusion locked forever behind them. The former male would just have to get used to it, and learn exactly what it was like to be a successful e-girl, and all the assholes and chauvinists that came with it. Who knows, perhaps she would even come to enjoy this life? She was incredibly attractive after all, with a high libido to boot, and the controlling Gabbie personality was very much into men. Perhaps that would be just what Gareth needed in the end to overcome his prejudice. Either way, his audience was likely to be following her for a whole new set of reasons now.

The End


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