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By FoxFaceStories

Ivy Hartridge is a college genius who has aroused the jealousy of popular girl Delia due to them both fancying the same man. But when Delia pranks Ivy by having her injected with a spliced insect serum, neither could have imagined that Ivy would begin to transform into a very fertile mantis mother-to-be!

First Part

Next Part

Part 2: Ivy Busts Out

Several days later and Ivy’s cold was starting to get a little bit better. It had been pretty horrible the last few days, with the nausea getting quite bad and her scalp becoming quite itchy. She was starting to suspect she was hitting her period a bit early this month since her boobs had gotten a little bigger. Henry, a fellow student, thought she was starting to look ‘a little green.’ And in fact she still did look a little coloured, but she was agitating to get back to college, especially since there was so much to do.

But over the coming week upon her return, more changes slowly occurred. Her breasts, normally completely flat little A-cups, had suddenly grown. She woke one morning with an increased weight and heft to her chest, and found that none of her usual clothes fit: her breasts strained against her traditional campus shirt, buttons pulling apart slightly to show diamonds of skin. She'd have to get a new upsized one. Moreover, none of her bras fit anymore. It was bizarre. A number of fellow students looked at her in astonishment as she attended lectures later in the day.

The next day she visited her usual clothing store, a little embarrassed. She hadn't needed a new bra since she was thirteen, but now two bloated mounds stood out proudly from her chest.

"You've definitely gone up," Angie said, who recognised her from several fittings across the years. "You're now a C-cup. I'll show you some samples."

` C-cups? And so quickly? Ivy was overwhelmed as the store woman helped her pick new bras. As she did, her stomach rumbled, leaving her to curse silently. She'd only just had breakfast before coming here and she was already hungry.

The next day, Ivy returned to college, and after the initial shock wore off she actually started to enjoy the experience of having cleavage. Despite still feeling a little nauseous, she became further confident as she saw herself in some mirrored surfaces. She now had a very attractive side profile. It was an astonishing shock that had happened entirely overnight. Despite the irritation that would come with even more men gazing at her form, the twenty year old took some delight in this late development, wondering if it might not be the fact that she had recently switched birth control to help better manage her periods, or perhaps some change in her diet that had triggered a latent onset of hormonal development. Either way, it meant she could be even more confident now with Daniel, and when she went into the lecture theatre she beamed as she overheard someone say "Wow, someone's had a growth spurt!"

Ivy occasionally saw Delia giving her the side eye, or looking over her intently for some reason. Ivy just figured that the girl had recognised her latest 'growth' and was more than a little jealous. After a lecture in which she was staring again, Ivy was suddenly distracted by Daniel's presence.

"Hey Ivy, you look really good today."

She smiled and curled some hair behind her ear. "Thanks Daniel. You're looking pretty nice yourself."

"So I was thinking . . . would you like to go out for dinner this Friday? Another date for just the two of us?”

She smiled. "I'd love to Daniel, I -"

She halted suddenly as a new wave of nausea came over her, similar to her previous bouts but even more powerful. Two points on her scalp itched horribly, and the area below her chest seemed to ache, along with her pubic region. Her belly churned, as it had for the past week. She clutched her stomach and tried to ride out the feelings.

"Euugh! Yes, s-sorry, I'm still coming down from this damn stomach bug."

As she spoke the word 'bug' she could have sworn someone chuckled at her as they exited the building, but she couldn't tell who.

"It, ahhh, it should be gone by the weekend" she said meekly.

Daniel smiled. "Good. I hope you get better, because I'm really looking forward to it. Be seeing you Ivy."

He left, and her heart soared at how the exchange had gone, despite her cold or stomach illness or whatever it was. Thinking on her increased cup size, she assumed that it may just have been that her late puberty chest development was the result of hormones kicking in or something. There was a nerd whiz kid on campus called Theo who was all about that stuff.

All that mattered was the upcoming date with Daniel. The rest, she could deal with.


While this was happening, Delia was becoming very frustrated.

"I've given her the Insect Queen DNA mix," she told a trusted friend, "and all its done is give her bigger boobs for some reason!" 

Her friend Stacy was wide-eyed. "Maybe this is only the first change she'll have?"

"Yeah!" said their other friend Maddison, "maybe she'll grow gross mantis wings or get a big insect butt!"

Delia smiled, imagining the cute, thin, and now busty Ivy Hartridge trying to snag men while suffering with an abdomen twice her size sticking out from her skirt.

"Hopefully that's exactly what will happen, Maddie. Because right now she and Daniel are starting to date and it's not working fast enough."

"I still can't believe you did it Delia," Stacy said. "What if you get in trouble?"

"Who's going to tell? That nerd Theo will get in trouble, not me, and I know you girls won't tell."

"We should keep watching her for signs," Maddie suggested. The other two quickly agreed. Delia wanted to see where this 'stomach bug' went.


The next day, Ivy struggled to fit into her C-cup bra. Her breasts, even more bloated now, simply overflowed the already-sizeable cups she'd spent so much money on just the previous day. They were heavy and full on her chest, and what's more the skin beneath them was irritable. The shocked woman went to the mirror and hefted her two breasts upward, noting with a mixture of both pride and concern that each one was now nearly too big to be held fully in one hand; some of the boobflesh spilled out over her palms. She groaned at the sight in the mirror: she had started to develop something like a rash below her breasts, likely, she reasoned, a result of the strain on her skin as a result of her alarming developments. A lurch in her stomach made her wince, and with a grimace she saw that her belly, which had been flat and thin just days ago, had rounded slightly, looking a little pudgy. She wasn't sure what to make of this. She had definitely started eating more just a few days before her first breast growth. Perhaps she should slow down, she reasoned. But only a few minutes later as she struggled into her uniform, wearing her now deeply uncomfortable C-cup bras, she was already beginning to feel ravenous. Despite her earlier worries about putting on weight, she gorged herself on waffles and pancakes, much more than she usually ate, until finally she felt settled, full and a little bit flushed. She left to head for campus, still scratching at two particular points on her scalp which were continuing to irritate her.

Ivy was feeling self-conscious and deeply uncomfortable as she entered her lectures. She had ordered new uniforms, but in the meantime had to make do. Her large breasts strained against the fabric, causing even more diamond patterns of skin to show, and with every breath she took she could feel the fabric stretch, the buttons struggling to hold her in. Her shirt rode up, stretched over her chest as it was. What's more, her slightly pudgier belly distended her shirt somewhat, leaving her thickened midriff exposed.

People looked as she passed, particularly the male students. She supposed she looked just like one of the sluttier girls on campus now, like Delia or Stacy, but it was a new feeling for her to have a chest that jiggled and wobbled with every step. She had always looked cute, but now, she supposed, she looked a lot more . . . curvy. Still, as she tried to take notes during the lecture she was constantly distracted by the discomfort of her ill-fitting bra. Her breasts were bulging out over the cups, and she was very self-conscious of how her nipples were occasionally outlined by the fabric of her uniform.

In the end she left early to go to the bathroom to adjust herself. Daniel smiled at her, clearly appreciating her form which made her feel inwardly a little happier. Delia just glared. The bitch had hated her ever since Daniel had started showing an interest.

Ivy checked that the bathroom was empty before going before the mirror, then she undid the top two buttons of her uniform. She sighed in instant relief as much of the tightness in her chest abated. Her cleavage was enormous, at least to someone who was used to not having any. Looking down she could no longer see her toes, and her chest was piled up, almost more out of her now-measly bras than in them. Scratched at the area below her breasts, and another wave of discomfort shook her. She hunched forward, gripping the edge of the basin. The two areas below her breasts stung, and she experienced a surge of hunger.

"Ugghhhh, what's . . . what's wrong with me?"

It was then that Delia walked in.

"Holy shit Ivy what's happened to your?!"

Ivy felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she fumbled with her top, struggling to get her buttons done back up. Once again diamonds of skin showed between them as the shirt was stretched to breaking point.

"I'm just going through a growth spurt," she muttered, still flushed, and increasingly hungry.

"I'd say," Delia snickered, eyeing her rival's stomach, which was again on display as the shirt rode up, "you've put on a little weight there Ivy. How will Daniel feel about that?"

Ivy glanced down at her stomach. It did look a little bit bigger. "Why don't you ask him yourself, Delia?" she snapped, and stormed past her.

Delia was intrigued, but also worried. She wasn't sure if this was the result of the serum, or whether she's just triggered a hormonal change. Either way, Ivy only looked more beautiful, with a pair of big tits to go with her petite body, though even that was rounding out a little.

By Friday, Ivy was getting more than a little worried. Her hunger continued to surge and eat also into her wallet. Every morning she woke with a need to stuff herself full, and while her initial nausea had gone away, her changes hadn't. She woke to find her chest sore and heavy, and her midsection bloated too. Her breasts were now incapable of fitting into her C-cup bras, and now resembled two hefted cantaloupes fixed to her upper body, much too large for her figure. They were heavy and ached, but didn't sag, instead sitting pert and full on her chest. The two rashes below them had gotten worse, and ached even more. The skin was no longer red but instead had become two pink points sitting perfectly parallel to her enlarged nipples above them, like the aftermath of mosquito bites.

There were two other bumps as well, at the top of her forehead, where her scalp had been itching. Smooth bumps, swollen as if she'd hit her head in two places. They were painful to the touch and itched like hell. So did her crotch in fact. Her female parts had also taken on a slightly pinker hue, and seemed . . . bigger. It was the only way to say it. Gently, she probed the area and immediately winced. 

"Gahh!" She recoiled. It was so sensitive! She was struck with an immediate feeling of arousal, her parts becoming wet and nipples hardening in response.

"What the fuck?" 

She gasped to her reflection, her large chest rising and falling with each breath. She decided to book a doctor's appointment to figure out what was happening to her body, because none of this was normal. But when she called she received bad news: they couldn't fit her in until Friday of next week, on account of the flu going around. She called two more places and they could only book her in on the next Saturday! She went with the earliest appointment and hung up the phone with a heavy sigh, before sitting to have breakfast and order new bras to contain her increasing bustline. The former took longer than expected. No matter how much she promised to herself to curb her newfound eating habits, she continued to eat far in excess of what she knew she should. She groaned as she finished her plate of pancakes, rubbing her slightly distended stomach and feeling overly full. She pushed down a sudden urge to eat even more, and set out.

With her date coming up that night, Ivy needed to buy herself a nice new dress. She'd 'outgrown' all her old ones. She also desperately needed new bras before her more expensive ordered ones arrived; her boobs were already sore enough without having her C-cup bras practically cutting into her growing chest. She went to get measured again.

"My dear, you've definitely gotten bigger. I've never heard of someone growing like this over just a couple of days."

Neither had Ivy. She flushed with embarrassment. "I guess I'm just getting a late puberty development?"

"Hmm." The woman sizing her didn't seem too convinced. "However you got them, they're a full D-cup now."

Ivy had suspected this might be the case, but hearing it said out loud still hit like a sledgehammer. She tried several C sizes anyway, trying to convince herself otherwise, but true enough none of them fit. Instead she was forced to try on several pairs of D-cups. Her breasts stood plump and firm on her chest, a long line of cleavage formed between them. They were starting to look a little too big for her frame, the flesh pudging out to the sides beneath her armpits. Still, it would have to do. It was not like she had any choice.

Next was the dress. She decided to try some of her usual fare just in case the fabric would allow, but quickly discovered that it wasn’t just her increasingly fat breasts she had to worry about, but her increasingly chubby middle. One dress was so achingly tight she could swear she felt a seam give. The store woman Angie asked how she felt in that one.

“It’s . . . ahh, ahh . . . a little tight! We might have to give it out a little.”

A little turned out to be more than either had expected. Ivy looked to the ground in shame as adjustments were noted down for her: a lot of space given to her flushed bosom, but equally as much to her rounded middle. She was putting on so much weight so quickly, why couldn’t she just stop eating? 

Finally she settled on a dark blue dress that hid most of her increasing chubbiness, and emphasised her newly ample ‘assets’ rather than her waistline. She left the store having traded in her old bras and still come out quite short. She tried to avoid scratching her head as she left.

That night, she waited nervously for Daniel to pick her up. She fussed over her dress, which still felt a little too tight, especially around the chest and waist areas, but when he arrived he simply said “Wow Ivy, you look gorgeous.”

She smiled, feeling for the first time in the past few days like she really was beautiful. He drove her to dinner at a lovely local pasta restaurant. Her stomach growled loudly on the way, and she had to stop herself from groaning out loud.

“Wow,” Dan said with a smile, “you sure are hungry huh?

She gave him an awkward grin as she rested her hands on her somewhat distended belly. “I, uh, skipped lunch I guess.”

“Well it’s not long till we get there.”

Ivy was shifting and squirming in her seat by the time her order arrived. Chatting with Dan had been nice, and he was certainly handsome enough that her loins were starting to tingle, something which had never happened on a first date before. But most of all she needed food, and when it arrived she scoffed it down readily, surprising Dan.

“Wow, you weren’t joking about being hungry?”

She smiled sheepishly, and tried to slow down, but her hunger had only increased when the food was placed in front of her, and she slowly returned to her initial gluttonous approach, swallowing mouthfuls greedily. Hopefully it wouldn’t keep going to her waist - she didn’t want to look fat! In the end she had to order a whole second main and side order before she was satisfied. Dan was in shock. He'd never seen a girl eat so much before and still be thin.

"Sorry," she said, cursing her hunger and wishing she could see a doctor earlier. "I'm just really hungry."

"I don't mind, I find it cute! I only wish I'd ordered faster for you."

As they spoke and enjoyed each other's company, Ivy tried to hide her discomfort at the skin below her breasts and the nubs on her forehead that itched terribly. So she was taken by surprise when Dan asked if she wanted to go back to her place. Despite her growing concerns, that wet desire between her legs returned. It was like her libido had shot up as much as her body had changed, and she wanted some action tonight. She wanted to feel beautiful and needed.

She agreed.

“That’d be perfect,” she said, ignoring the pressures in her body. “I’m feeling in the mood tonight.”

That, at least, was completely true. Little did she know the changes to her DNA were making her far more lustful than usual, all to prepare her for the greatest changes to come.

An insect queen needed her brood, after all.

To Be Continued . . .



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