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Here's the last of our playable creatures of the night! I had a lot of fun coming up with this one, I wanted to avoid directly alluding to the famous Creature from the Black Lagoon when coming up with a gillman, which I still hypocritically call his kind. Instead, I took the opportunity redirect any sense of derivation and decided to draw something that could conceivably fit in the world of Aaahh! Real Monsters. I thought I spelled that right on my first try but I forgot an H.

Like the other two secret characters, this fella is a gun for hire as well, but  probably only to feed some kind of shameful addiction. That's the face you make when you really get caught with your pants down.





Julian your comments on these works are worth the price of admission alone. Fantastic work as always, and thanks for sharing!

Lina D

Omg I love him!


I freaking love fish monsters!


I’m a sucker for fish designs and this one is fantastic!


He's got those little things like Axolotls do, neat!