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Happy Monday! I hope everybody is happy to be back to their assigned drudgery. Wolf weirdo here probably doesn't have a job! He's probably the playable character with the least amount of character so far, maybe that'll improve as we continue to develop the game? Ding Dong is busy focusing on the gameplay aspect of the project, and this art don't scribble itself, so story elements are taking a bit of a backseat until we have an actual game pinned down to carry it. Of course, that doesn't stop me from pondering the personalities of our pistol-packing thugs. Is he motivated solely by bloodlust? 





Maybe he's trying to find a cure


Lol, I was about to say you could use the tired “looking for a cure” route. I’d rather him be the one with a penchant for destruction. At least out of the current characters!


His motivation is to see Fruit Brute returned to store shelves permanently and not only in the fall, a goal we all can share in.


He looks annoyed. I feel like he's overreacting to a minor inconvenience like getting a hair in his food when it was actually just his...