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Making two polls to have more feedback on some topics. First question...

What you think of the current image frequency and quantity you receive monthly*)

*60 images in total at minimum: 30 on Patreon and 30 extra sketches on monthly folders.

**"A" options is in case you support only me and "B" options is if you support various artists at the same time (or have done).


Metall Andrei

This question is a double edged sword... would you like to pay for a carton of 10 eggs and get only 8, after you got that carton of eggs for years and knew there where 10 eggs in it? The fact that I buy eggs from different sources is irrelevant. I want my 10 eggs from you lol


You missed the idea i think but using your metaphor you'd get bigger eggs if that were the case

Winter Fox

Doing a lot of sketches has to be good practice, but I'm always impressed by your more detailed work. When you have the time to make an art piece shine it really does! But as always, I think you should get to do what you love the most. Whether you enjoy a variety with less polish or fewer works with amazing details, I say go for it. <3


I'm good with what it is now. But maybe I would like to see some more... yeah how can I say it, maybe you look on e621 under the "spread_pussy" tag, just from time to time no need for frequency here but as you do alt versions anyway... maybe. Hope thats not to offensive but I really don't how how to say it otherwise. If you don't like that idea I respect that, so no pressure here.


I see~ no problem at all, will consider it on possible edits options from time to time


I wouldn't mind seeing less. Better quality isn't my reason. I just worry that drawing so much really wears you down, or it will make you lose interest in drawing.

ancesra (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 08:57:54 I see hehe, thanks for your concern <3. Sometimes I slow down or up the pace to prevent that since is always a risk in any creative field, but been doing great so far ^^
2021-03-18 07:51:41 I see hehe, thanks for your concern <3. Sometimes I slow down or up the pace to prevent that since is always a risk in any creative field, but been doing great so far ^^

I see hehe, thanks for your concern <3. Sometimes I slow down or up the pace to prevent that since is always a risk in any creative field, but been doing great so far ^^

Metall Andrei

I think the first B option is confusing. “I support VARIOUS artists and I won't mind having less (maybe increasing quality)” I just don't get what is the link between me supporting more artists and wanting less artwork from you. Why is that the factor? At no point i think “yea i get 1000 artworks this month from Patreon, maybe i don't mind Ancesra delivering just a couple of pieces” If the question is “if I make less artworks but at greater quality is that OK?” that would convey better what you are trying to do (if that is what you are trying to ask). Also you say “maybe increasing quality” which means that is a possibility to have increased quality but also it is a possibility to have the same quality, just fewer of it. And nobody wants less of anything. Also what does “less” and “increased quality” mean? You make less sketches (Bonus works) and make more for the Featured works folder? You make less Featured works but more of them are like the recent Waai Fu dakimakura? (If you make this option I fully support you, because that looked awesome!) But words can be interpreted differently by different people and the words “less” can be scary, so my suggestion is to make a monthly reward like this and then ask what is our opinion of it and if we felt different about it. Sorry for picking apart every word you said, i have no mean intent behind it, i love your works and just want you to be the best in doing it :D


While I agree that my wording was not ideal (given limited space, etc.) and might made some people voting some other option, using your suggestion would have made "Excellent (less drawings)" option having more votes, no less votes! (which as far as I understood previously it was your worry). That leads me to believe you main concern is wanting me to clarify. Don't worry; a) not changes planned soon (as stated in other poll description), and... b) In case I did that and I'd had more time/energy for each work I would be able to focus on having more Waai Fu style drawings of course, was the idea as you mention. Ok, thanks for your feedback ^^ (PD. Also note I have two different outcomes from A and B group, which is pretty interesting!)