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Only a few episodes until season end, hyped for punisher next


Tayyib Majumder

Can't wait for punisher and Daredevil season 3 loving the reactions, you do have to watch defenders before daredevil season 3 or you'll be hella confused lol. Jessica Jones season 1 is really good it's one of the best seasons in the whole netflix marvel shows so it's worth a watch IMO


As you say, good to have a bit of a lull from the crazy action. Allows all the story threads to be tied and further ones to be developed without the need for some huge stuff. In some sense almost every character is a free agent right now which is interesting. Matt alone, Foggy Alone, Karen mostly alone, Frank alone, Elektra alone, Stick alone, most of the villains quite separate now too. I can't remember how any of this ends, if indeed they do tie up most of it with only a couple episodes left of the season.

Little Guido

Can't wait for the Season 3 reaction because it's SOOO good and I personally don't think you have to watch Defenders to understand it (I didn't and I was fine). If you go down the route of watching and trying to understand Defenders, first you'll have to watch Iron Fist, Luke Cage (both i've heard aren't great..), and Jessica Jones. One season of each might I add. Orrrrrrr, you could just look up what happens to Daredevil in the last episode of Defenders and skip all that. Either way, Daredevil Season 3 starts with a little recap so don't worry too much. Love the reactions regardless bro, keep it up <3


The first season of Jessica Jones is probably my favorite of the Marvel Netflix series.

Inhuman Paradox

You don’t have to watch IF to understand Defenders. In fact I’d argue it actually hurts Defenders cause Danny is so much more likable in Defenders, but you’d be too distracted by how much you hated him in IF S1 to notice. Also Luke Cage is pretty good, don’t know who told you otherwise. Personally I absolutely think Defenders is necessary to understand DD S3 character-wise. Matt has a direct trilogy character arc between DD S2, Defenders, and DD S3. Without the middle portion, even if you know exactly what happened, you lose part of the character arc.

Beeh Shin

I agree that you should really watch the whole Marvel Netflix saga in chronological order. It makes the experience just so much better. It's basically like a mini Avengers series :) I personally think that it is worth it to watch everything, and I know that people say that some of the seasons are bad, but I personally enjoyed them. I really think you should watch them not just because they are like beneficial for Daredevil season 3, but it's just a nice experience that kind of feels like Avengers all over again. The chronological order is: Daredevil S1 (already watched) Jessica Jones S1 Daredevil S2 (mostly watched) Luke Cage S1 Iron Fist S1 The Defenders The Punisher S1 Jessica Jones S2 Luke Cage S2 Iron Fist S2 Daredevil S3 The Punisher S2 Jessica Jones S3 However, if you don't feel like watching all of that, please at least consider watching everything from the top portion of the list, to The Defenders, and then you can just watch Daredevil S3 and the Punisher S1 + S2 after. I think that watching the 1st seasons of the shows before the Defenders will be needed as you'll probably be confused about the plot and the characters. Also, it just makes the viewing so much more pleasurable and makes the plot and content of Daredevil S3 even more meaningful.


Personally, I feel like you'll really enjoy Jessica Jones! Fun fact, Kevin Feige has stated that after Daredevil, Jessica Jones is his next favorite Netflix Marvel show. it really is really well written. And some amazing performances.


I did the chronological watching, and really didn't enjoy Iron Fist, Defenders or Luke Cage, and I really feel that they're not massively neccesary. Jessica Jones was great, a lot of it owed to David Tennants performance. I just CANNOT wait for you to start The Punisher, I'm literally putting off a rewatch until you start it Seb.

Little Guido

Again, I didn't watch Defenders so from my pov, I 100% disagree that Defenders is "necessary" to watch DD S3. The word necessary is very important because it implies that if you don't watch Defenders, you'll miss so many plot points that S3 would be unbearable to watch since you'd be so confused. It's simply not that way. Defenders might enhance S3 a little but it is definitely not necessary in the sense that you can understand what happens in between S2 and S3 with a simple 5 minute google search. And if you're of average intellect, i'm pretty sure with the google search and the recap at the beginning of S3, you could piece together what Matt's feeling and thinking inside his head (I did at least).

David L Pickard

Iron Fist (the first season) suffered from the choice of the people that made it, however I think the second season was actually pretty solid (enough to make me excited for more at the end, which I think we'll never get). I thought Luke Cage was actually pretty good as well, especially the first season, and JJ is very good but the second season not as much. Defenders could have been done much better but still enjoyable. I 100% agree regarding David Tennant and JJ, I think to this day he is the best MCU villain hands down.

Jose Penaloza

I'll keep repeating that theyre the only two shows worth watching hence why Feige even bothered with bringing them into the MCU proper

Jose Penaloza

Jessica Jones!!! is a must watch! Season 1 is on par with Daredevil Season 1 and leaps and bounds above the other three shows. IDC what anyone says JJ eats the other shows alive. It was critically acclaimed and praised far more than any of the Netflix/Marvel shows after. They hype for it was so real and deserved and it's the hill I'll die on.