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Finally watching this amazing movie! 



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Jeff K

Seb, your reaction to little Forrest, and how if you had a cute little kid, etc? I can confirm, that's exactly what happens. My son is 11 now so he's getting way too sick of my shit, but it's impossible not to look at your little Mini-Me and not want to just hug them constantly.

Balazs Foldes

Oh, this is such a great movie. We all should be slightly more foresty.

Brad Johnson

Still an amazing film after all these years!


This was my first time watching too, just never got round to it. I did really love this film, the messages and themes were just numerous and despite all the horrors it still managed to be so wholesome throughout. Forrest was so pure and really embodied the just be kind and go after whatever and great things can happen. Jenny's story was so sad though, I won't say too much but let's just say her path is a common one for her upbringing as sad as that is. I could be wrong but I highly suspect she died of HIV/AIDS given the time period and all her unprotected s*x and needle drug use. I really liked Dan's character progression as well. Honestly all of it was so good. Managed to be balance funny and serious well and just so many different scenarios as well. His life was truly unbelievable. Storytelling was really gripping as well. Tom Hanks did an amazing job, almost made me cry at points. I did laugh at the 25 kids and all being reactors 🤣 That would actually be so cute if one of your kids wanted to follow in your Size 14 footsteps

Callum Mullen

One of my favourite movies! Proper classic. A lot of people hate Jenny when they watch this. But I think people may just not understand how much childhood trauma, especially the kind she suffered, affects that person's life. She learned at a young age that a person shows love through sex, but also that love and sex are bad horrible things. She wanted to run and be free from the hell she was raised in. So as an adult she kept running from situations to be free, kept getting with the wrong men as that's what she is used to and expects in a relationship. She did lead forest on and abandon him which is bad. But all of this is because of what her dad did to her and are common behaviours for people who suffered horrible trauma. Obviously not everyone who has experienced bad things like that will do the same thing, every person is different. But I think people should feel sorry for Jenny rather than hate her. But, Forrest is so innocent and he did deserve better. Anyways, good reaction!


I’m so happy you watched this. I’m still amazed at how well they blended the archival footage together, it’s so good. Turner & Hooch, The Green Mile are some other good Tom hanks films

Ali D

There are some fantastic Tom Hanks films, hopefully you’ll get to do a few more on the channel. The Green Mile is amazing and has a character in it that I actually hate more than Dolores Umbridge, if that’s possible. Other good contenders are Saving Private Ryan, Big, Apollo 13 (with Lieutenant Dan), Philadelphia, Castaway, Catch Me If You Can. You could use his entire IMDB credits as a master list, he is that damn good.


This film won a ton of awards at the 1995 Oscars, including Best Visual Effects, not to mention Best Picture and Best Actor for Tom Hanks as well. The Feather Theme also is one of my favorite pieces of movie score. If you find Forrest's son cute, well, I wouldn't recommend looking up the actor now 😂 We actually saw him in a show we watched. But he was great (and cute) in The Sixth Sense, which I highly recommend if you haven’t seen it. Apollo 13 (which came out a year later) is another classic with a stellar cast, including Tom Hanks and Lt. Dan (Gary Sinise).


I think jenny saw how innocent he was too. In college when she came on to him he got so uncomfortable, it may have reminded her of what her father did to her. It took a lot for Forrest to convince her that he was capable of understanding sex and intimacy


It's an old one but he has a reaction to Saving Private Ryan


Great film choice. I went into this film blind years ago assuming it'd be overhyped and I was pleasantly surprised. Tom Hanks was perfect as Forrest. His steadfast simplicity no matter what life threw his way made him so endearing and sincere and Hanks played the character effortlessly. Jenny's story was just sad. It seems easy to dislike her on a surface level, but I feel like you misunderstood a lot about her. Under normal circumstances, a girl/woman hooking up with different men or dabbling here and there wouldn't be unusual; in her case it was a bit painful. Her reluctance to remain with Forrest is so obviously tied to her terrible childhood and inability to connect with anyone. She didn't use Forrest; she loved him, so she rightfully avoided him. She didn't care for his money either. She made a lot of mistakes, but it's hard to hate her when you know the root cause of why she is the way she is. There's no indication her character ever had any kind of therapy so naturally, she's a damaged person who doesn't seem to get it together until she has a baby. Side note: they never name the virus that kills her, but given it was the 80s by that point in the movie, she likely had AIDS and this was a reference to the AIDS epidemic of the 80s. Her prior lifestyle choices in the film could easily have exposed her to it long before anyone even knew what it really was.


Seconded. Sixth Sense is great horror. Apollo 13 is just one of Ron Howard's many great films based on a true story. I would highly recommend adding the latter to your reaction list.


Random unrelated note, but I hope you've added Home Alone 2 Lost in New York to your December reaction list Seb! It's a holiday classic and as enjoyable as the first one, in my opinion.


Jenny waited so long to tell Forrest about his son because she couldn't send him letters while he was running from state to state. He did that for 3 years and some months, longer since he walked/hitchhiked home. Their child looks about 4 so she probably waited for news about his running to stop (meaning he'd probably finished and gone home) to send the letter.

Nikki Sonrisa

you just reminded me that literally every Tom Hanks film is good. I seriously can’t think of one that’s bad lol