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Nikki Sonrisa

after watching so many reactions to this movie, it suddenly struck me that there is something to be said about the difference between how we perceive physical vs. mental health. case in point: most reactors easily forgive Lt. Dan after how poorly he treated Forrest because his illness is physical and in our faces. it's easy to see and understand where he's coming from, therefore easy to forgive and forget how mean he is to Forrest throughout. then we have Jenny who suffers from mental illness throughout the movie and although we are given clues to her mental illness every single time she is on screen (her asking if she can fly off the bridge, her staying in an abusive relationship, her constant drug abuse, her statements of worthlessness, and the way her solution to everything is to run), it's easy to forget her trauma and the fact that she is in poor mental health. I mean even Lt. Dan clearly has a drinking problem but we overlook it because his physical malady is more pressing in our minds. it's not until we are reminded later on in the film that Jenny was abused as a child that it occurs to us that maybe she has some type of trauma that could be affecting her judgment but by then, we've already decided who she is and aren't willing to forgive her for "what she's put Forrest through". in reality, Jenny knows that she is hurting Forrest but she thinks that by keeping her distance she is protecting him in the long run because she thinks she is bad for him. she told him that he doesn't know what love is but the truth is, it's Jenny who doesn't know how to love since she was betrayed by love at an early age. this is why she says that Forrest doesn't want to marry her because she thinks she doesn't deserve Forrest's love. anyway, I know it's easy for me to say all this after seeing this movie so many times since it gives me a different insight but this reaction, in particular, gave me a lightbulb moment and I felt like sharing. thanks for the reaction Seb! I really enjoyed it :)

Nikki Sonrisa

oh, one more thing. Jenny had no way of contacting Forrest about their son because she likely found out she was pregnant right after he started running; this was before cell phones so she had no way of contacting him. he was running around the country for 3 years so if she wrote him a letter, he wouldn't have gotten it until after he returned anyway.