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I have put together most of it; the only things left are the CGs for the final part of the cine scene and the final scene. After that, I need to add the music and SFX and make corrections.

The scenes left are the most difficult, so I've left them for last. The last part of the cine scene turned out to be quite problematic (due to Kanon's skirt), so I'll probably have to change my original idea and pull some tricks with the camera angle.

After these are complete and coded into the game I'll still need to review and correct everything, The date for release is not set in stone, but I think it's reasonable for what's left (given no problems arise).

I also want to finish the first chapter of DOM next month, but TDK 2.0 takes priority. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish both of them and start my next project (VN) in October.

I'll make another update in about 10-15 days to confirm my progress.

That's all for this short update since I want to go back to work right away instead of keep writing here. I know you've waited for so long but just have a little more patience, please. I'm trying my hardest to give you the complete version of a VN you (hopefully) never forget.

By the way, the picture above is not really part of the game, but some kind of promo image.

Thanks for your support and stay healthy!!
