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I'm still alive!! I'm really sorry for not posting anything for so long, but the last couple of months have been pretty shitty for me. I'm dealing with some serious problems (I'm talking about the kind of problems that keep you up at night, very serious shit). I was incredibly stressed due to that, and the pressure to post content led to some serious writer's block. Finally, all the pending stress and pressure led to its logical outcome: I got sick. It's astonishing what stress can do to your body and mind.

Feeling better now, so I was able to finish the last chapter of My Girlfriend.

Also, TDK 2.0 is just around the corner. I've got a lot of the work done, but I still need to put everything together to see what's missing or needs corrections. Give me a few days to organize everything and give you a release date.

More DOM is also on the way, but TDK 2.0 takes priority.

I'm really thankful for your support, and to be honest, I really need it right now to motivate me to keep going. But I don't want to beg for it; I want to earn it. So I'll have to work extra hard to recover the lost time.


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