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I need to apologize to all of you for disappearing like that. But before that, I want to make sure everyone who has paid for TDK 2.0 and the VIP folder has received my mail. I've sent them a couple of days ago. If you have been in the Main Character tier or above you should have received the link to TDK 2.0. For the Protagonist tier and above you should have got the link for the VIP folder. If you didn't get my mail, please contact me to send you the link right away.

Well, now that that's been dealt with it's time for the apologies. I'm really sorry! I don't want to make excuses or go in deep with what happened, but I still need to give you an explanation. The short version: Let's just say that I had to face some emergency and suddenly I was in desperate need of a big sum of money. I had to look for ways to get that money fast! If you don't care about it, you can skip to the next part (Learning from my mistakes).


 The problem is not resolved as of now, but I can say it's kind of controlled. However, during the time I was searching for ways to get that money, I had to put all this on hold. I couldn't focus on anything but to get that money. I couldn't write, heck there were nights I couldn't even sleep, I got sick, I got depressed... I felt like shit!! It was so painful for me to even think of my Patreon projects... I couldn't even dare to open Studio Neo. I felt like a failure. I started to wonder if it was really worth it... I was really really close to quitting.

One night (I think I was drinking), I don't know why I just opened Studio Neo (I might have been drunk). Somehow I missed creating. I want to create something... whatever!!... it didn't have to be polished or even good... Just... whatever!!... and that's how I got back to it, little by little. Later I gathered the courage to open the TDK 2.0 project on Renpy... reviewed what I did so far... and thought it was good!!... I suddenly needed the urge to finish that!! It would be such a waste not to do it!!

To my surprise, there were way more corrections than I had imagined. I was forced to add one extra scene at some point to make the transition smoother and one extra sex scene because I felt like there were not enough. There are still lots of typos and mistakes, and stuff I think it could have been done better, but I finally got to the point in which it was good enough (If I continued to polish it it would never be published).

Still, I didn't have the courage to post anything, or promise anything. I felt like I needed to prove to you... and to me... I could do it. So I decided (maybe not a good choice) that I won't publish anything till I finish TDK 2.0. I felt like anything I could say would be just empty words... And that's why I've been quiet all this time... I'm really sorry!!!

To be honest, I don't think I can ever quit... I've been in the deepest hole some months ago, and still couldn't quit. I think it has become a part of who I am. I don't know what will happen in the future, but even if I can't continue with my project of making this my main source of income, I don't think I could ever stop creating... even if it's just a hobby... even if it means creating just a short 20-page manga once a year or a VN once every few years... (Wait!! That's kind of what I'm doing now... damn!! I need to step up my game!!!)... So I hope you can give me one last chance to make this into my main job!!!... and to that end... I think I have to learn from my mistakes.


I think I've been doing things backward. I don't like the idea of creating builds for a VN and releasing them every month... but that's what works for most creators... plus that's what you're expecting from me. If I understand from what people have told me and what I've read on the web, the main start is my VN and everything else is just an extra. Besides, I think it's unfair for you to wait months and months till I finish a VN. So I'll start doing that from next month. I'll focus on publishing chapters or builds or whatever I have ready till then and make my manga and CGs a side project. Who knows... I can't say "I don't like it", till I have tried it... Plus... I think it will help me focus more on my VN, since something I learned from my peril the last few months was that when you are pressured to get something done (and I mean really, really preassured!!!)... you get it done!!!

So the tiers will slightly change from next month onward:

The Villain ($2): Unchanged! I'll just try to put more WIP (Work in Progress) posts from now on.

The Supporting Character ($3): I'll post short CG and manga (3-6 images) every month. The series featuring here will be My Girlfriend, Tomoe (yes!! I'm bringing him back), and maybe something else... The idea is to give you slice-of-life moments charged with NTR. I'll publish both text and textless versions from those. I'm making another post to go into more detail about those, I have some images to show, and I can't post NSFW images in a public post.

The Antagonist ($5): Here is where the monthly builds of my visual novels will go. I'll try to finish a chapter a month, but I don't want to promise you snake oil. Even if I can't get a whole chapter done, I'll just publish whatever I got ready till that moment. I already have quite a few ideas I'd like to show you, but since they are NSFW they will have to be published in another post. In this Tier will also go the occasional polls.

The Main Character ($8): Here will go my finished mangas (long projects) like DOM or Valentine... But don't worry... the first chapter of DOM as well as the last chapter of Valentine, will be published in the tier they have been published till now. The next chapters though will be published here. I'm talking about chapters of around 80 pages or more. I've realized making manga is a lot more work than making Visual Novels in regards to quantity in comparison. Making a whole scene in a Visual Novel takes less effort than making a short chapter of Manga (15-20 pages). I think that way you will able to enjoy it as an extra, every few months, rather than just blitzing through the few pages real quick every month.

The Protagonist ($12): Nothing much to say about it. Join the tier, save the link, and enjoy the content as it gets added to the folder. You just need to pay once. The problem is what to add to this folder. The extra scene for Xmass is something, but I need more. Something I don't need a lot of time making, but that you will still enjoy. It could be unused renders, Pin-Ups, wordless CG... I'm open to ideas. In short: Extra content!! Hit me with what you want!

The Hidden Character ($20): You will appear on the credits of my Visual Novel. I hope I haven't missed anyone for the release of TDK 2.0, but if I did, please contact me and I'll make up for it. The ones that pay for it from this point onward will appear on the credits of my next Visual Novel.


I'm also changing my goals to most practical ones (I haven't touched them since I set this page). For instance, I want to add some generic voice acting to my visual novels. I've found some very hot moans on DLsite that I'd like to buy.

But most importantly, I want to commission mods in the Honey Select Discord, mainly for maps, so I don't have to waste time looking for a map that fits my needs. A couple of small Japanese apartments for married couples are a must since I don't have anything like that. I can build them in Studio Neo, using lots of mods, but that will take a lot of time. I want to focus on the important: writing and creating scenes... so commissioning someone else to create maps for me will save me a lot of time (not only maps but a lot of other things, the maps were just an example).


This will go on another post since this one is quite long already. Also because I'd rather show you than just write about it, and I can't post NSFW images in a public post.

So a new post with some hot pics will be posted soon.

Have a nice weekend, and remember I'm always open to ideas and comments!!




Come on, everything is going in the right direction. Your work is great, man. I have been waiting for your return. My waiting has paid off.