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I published Teaser Date Kanon 1.2 (Trial to TDK 2.0~Kanon's POV) as a reward in the Supportive Character Tier. It goes from the Start of Teaser Date Kanon to very deep into the changing room scene.

I wanted to complete TDK 2.0 last month, but corrections and coding are two major time-consuming bitches!! However, I better jump directly to the important stuff rather than ranting about all the nuances of coding. So let's fast-forward all this part!! (Get the joke?!... You do right?!... If you have played the release... Ahem... Ok... bad joke...).

As you can see (if you played the release) all it's done till almost the final part of the changing room scene. After that comes a transition scene that is not long, but kind of annoying because there are various characters to pose/change expressions. However, I have the base CGs done already and now it's only a matter of making the differences.

The Cafe scene is finished!! But I still need to code it into the game. The Cine scene is 70% finished... so I just have to finish it, and again, code it into the game. So that left us with the after-cine scene (the bathroom scene) and the final scene.

The bathroom scene should be the easiest to make, so I'm not really worried about that. The final scene however will be a pain in the ass!! So it all comes down to how much time It will take me to finish that scene. Still, the hardest part is done, so every other scene is much easier than what I've already finished.

So May has to be the month!! (if not any major problem arises).

The Premium Content for the Protagonist Tier and Above

The pics of Kanon in a motorcycle are an idea for a Pin-Up for the Premium content for TDK 2.0 release. It didn't come out as I planned so I'm discharging the idea... or changing it to the city (City lighting would suit the scene better). To be honest I'm not really making much progress with the Pin-Ups... mostly because I'm more focused on finishing the actual game, but also because inspiration is not hitting me for that. When I make Pin-Ups they are just a spur of the moment which I use to "rest" a little from the main work... So having an obligation to do them, is not helping.

Also, I thought that maybe you will enjoy more to see Kanon in a more HOT situation. So I was thinking of making the two scenes I skipped in Teaser~Xmas~Kanon the actual Premium content for the release. I'm talking about the scene that happens prior to the opening scene (in which Kanon is K.O. on the sofa) and the "next morning scene" (in which Kanon has Yukihiro chained). Perhaps because I've been working so much on Kanon these past months, I got in the mood to make them... So what do you think? Would you like that better?

By the way, the last pic is just a promotional pic for the final release, which I'm still working on.

This month's plans

Apart from finishing TDK 2.0 (This time for real!!... I hope...). I'm also working on DOM since I haven't done that last month. If possible I want to finish the first chapter too this month. Finishing TDK 2.0 will take priority of course!

I'm really curious about your thoughts and opinions on TDK 1.2, so hit me with them!! Also, you can join the Discord channel: https://discord.gg/sfQmRakp 

I need to clarify that even though is a Discord about Fullbluff Studio works, is not mine. A fan made it and was kind enough to invite me. I'm not too active there because of time... but I'll try to visit it and participate more often from now on.

Well, I think that's all for this W.I.P.

Stay healthy!!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

You don´t have to ask me twice if I want to see the scenes from Xmas...