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One more hint!! And that's it!!... If no one guesses it, then... There will be a winner... Wait!!... What?!...

Actually, there is someone that already got the answer (the next day the contest started)... but he agreed/wanted someone else to receive the prize!! So thanks to him there will be two winners!! I'll give the last hint in exactly 48 hours (from this post), and you have till the last chapter of Valentine (chapter 4... probably next month, but who knows), to guess it!!

The picture above is a 4-koma I made for the third chapter of Valentine's. I'll make another one that will follow this one! These two pages will be posted as an Omake (extra) for the 3rd chapter of Valentine's. I'm sorry they're no lewds, but I think I already gave you enough of that in Valentine, ?????, Xmas... etc... (And also because this is a public post... so no lewds allowed by Patreon!). I think some of these kinds of scenes (comical/slice of life) moments really add to the characters and flesh them out! So I think it's nice to add them from time to time.

By the way: The 4-koma format is read from up to down and the left column before the right (It's actually the right column before the left in the usual Japanese 4-Koma, but since this is for a Western audience, I inverted the columns).

The 4-Koma has its own utility and can be practical for some things, that's why I wanted to try it with this, to give me ideas of how I can use it in the future (it's my first attempt, so I hope it didn't come out too bad). I think short lewd stories could be totally made of this, so I first need to get used to it to see how can I take advantage of it in the future!

Well, that's all for this quick post!! Look forward to the last hint!!

Stay healthy!!



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