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This is the standard version (which everyone has played) + Kanon's POV till pretty deep into the changing room scene. Hard to calculate, but maybe 1/4 of what will be TDK 2.0. Thus a trial version (that I'll probably use in the future for promotion). You can have early access to it right now!

I'm sorry for posting this so late in the month, but I was working on it (making corrections) until some moments ago. I have been battling to finish TDK 2.0~Kanon's POV this month, but coding and putting everything together (and also making corrections) takes lots of time!! I was thinking about releasing the epilogue of Valentine as this month's reward... but, I would have been forced to rush to finish it, since I didn't give up on completing TDK 2.0 in April, till just 3 days ago. So instead of putting one project aside for rushing another, I thought it would be a much better reward to give you a preview of TDK 2.0.

There must still be corrections to be made, but they will be minor. Like, maybe adding a black screen and some more text before the logos and also changing a couple of CGs I'm not totally satisfied with. All the important parts will probably remain untouched.

I left the persistent data intact for this release, so you can play from Kanon's POV right away! There must be some saved files (that I use for coding) because of that (although they shouldn't), don't mind them if there are. If you don't see the Kanon's POV option on the main screen, just play the game from Start and after you finish once, it should appear (just fast-forward everything).

I'll make a W.I.P. info with more detailed info tomorrow. The final version will come in May. I'm really not too far away, but I still need time to finish some things.

The picture on the top is a W.I.P. for the promotion. I'm not satisfied with it yet... I'll keep working on it, but I wanted to show you a little preview of it as well.

Enjoy!! and let me know if there are some problems or bugs or whatever!

Edit: Ups!! Forgot the links!! Sorry... I'm really tired:







None of the new images are in this trial


There are a total of 151 new CG in the trial. (4 Base CG with variations). You can look at them in the image folder with the names: Mast##, Pickup##, BSF##, and BSK#. Kanon's POV starts with a new CG (Kanon in the toilet).