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Still working on Harem Series~Tomoe~Kunio Initial Arc (Part 1). Is taking a lot of time because of various reasons, but I'm progressing smoothly if slowly... The main reason is taking so much time is because Tomoe's model is a girl. So far, when I've worked on a scene in Studio Neo, the models were a girl and a guy. I generally took basic poses and animations from SN and edit them as I needed to create the scenes. This time however I'm working with two girls, (because Tomoe's model is a girl). so the program recognizes him as one (I can't load poses from guys for Tomoe, because the model is a girl).

Of course, there are hacks to this (ways to transfer positions from a guy to a girl and vice-versa), but this hack takes time to do, as I have to make a boring and repetitive process over and over again: Pose the guy, transfer the pose to FK, load the hack, transfer the pose to a girl, save the pose, edit the pose in the actual scene to adjust it to my needs... repeat as needed...

I'm also experimenting with IK, and I'm realizing it can save a lot of time and effort, and also create more natural-looking scenes... if you use it right (sometimes it's just the opposite and just makes you waste time). I'm sure in the future, all my learning with FK and IK and its combinations will help me to create better scenes (and do them faster), but for the time been, please be patient with me.

But all this technical mambo-jambo might just bore you, so I'll go to something more interesting... like Kanon for instance. As you all know I'll begin to work on Kanon's POV for Teaser~Date~Kanon as soon as I finish the Tomoe's CG-set (hopefully this weekend). I published some info on Kanon (that I'm going to deepen on "Trip"), on my Pixiv account. All the details about my father's death and how I wanted to link it to my project (and how artists do that kind of stuff) are explained on that post (so check it if you're interested). What you really need to know is this:

"Kanon lost her mother when she was still a child. The relationship between her and her father was never easy. She was lost and confused... but thankfully she had a very very good friend on her side. This friend became an older brother to her. He did his best to replace the mother Kanon lost. If it weren't for him, Kanon would have probably lost her way and ended up becoming even more crooked, than she already is... or worse yet...

Do you remember when Hiro described his relationship with Kanon on the release of Teaser~Date~Kanon?!:

"...If I have to describe our relationship I would say that: if she's the throttle, then I'm the brakes...(Okay bad analogy, but still I think that'd describe our relationship pretty well)..." illust/86046515

Well, that's pretty much what it is!! Whenever Kanon tried to go off the road... Hiro would stop her!! He became the breaks, the Jiminy Cricket, the little angel on her shoulder; the voice of her conscience, that Kanon lost when her mother died. And Kanon is fully aware of that! That's why she loves Hiro, very, very much!!"

I just wanted to share that with you all. I'm making another update this week. Until then, embrace your loved ones (while you can, because no one is eternal)... and stay healthy!!

PD: I'm not sure if you want to know about FK and IK... they are some stuff you have to learn when you're using Studio Neo... I already said this, but if you would like for me to talk more about the technical stuff of my work, please tell me so.




Hi , when is coming teaser already cause i watch 3 months and i heard only about Tomoe's work and that you want or are going to work to teaser but nothing more . ( Sorry for this aggresive ask but i am waiting to the first project and i'l see that you focus yourself on 2 project ) And one more time Sorry , but i can't stay quiet .


No need to apologize. I'm aware people are waiting for Teaser with enthusiasm. The whole rearrange of the schedule, so I can work on my main projects was due to that... but rearranging everything is not something that can be done on the spot. I still own Patrons the reward of last month. That's why I'm working on Tomoe's CG set. I want the 20/10 schedule to begin to take place, but I can't do it until I pay all my debts (The stuff I'm owning to my Patrons on other Tiers). So once that's taken care of. I'll dedicate all my time to developed Teaser (Kanon's POV). I'm fully aware I've made several mistakes since I created this Patreon. This comes from the fact that I've never done something like this (I've never even written a story before). So I'm learning along the lines. I apologize for my lack of experience. But, to answer your question: I'll work on Teaser (Kanon's POV) as soon as I finished the Tomoe CG set (that I'm owning to my Patrons). It will become the only thing I'll work on until I finish (thus no extra content until then). I can't hope to release it this month, but I really want it to be released next month or at worst at the beginning of Setempber.