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I was sick with a strong cold almost all week. I began to feel the symptoms Monday night, and the next day I woke up with fever, muscle pain, coughing, and all that jazz... I actually thought it was Covid, so I went Tuesday morning to the hospital for a test. The result was negative, so it was a normal cold (but, since it's only 90% accurate you never really know). 

Luckily I'm feeling much better now, almost all the symptoms are gone. Sadly I couldn't advance much of my work this week (I spent most of it sleeping because of the medicine). I resumed my work yesterday (Sunday) and I'll try to finish it before the end of the month, but if I can't, don't worry. Remember that next month won't be extra content, so even if I don't finish by the end of the month I'll send the reward to all people that pledge the Main Character Tier or above this month by message and mail. You can change your pledge next month and you still will receive this month's reward.

This reward will also be available all next month for people that want to get it (so they can pledge the Main Character Tier next month to get the reward if they didn't this month). So in a sense, there will be a reward next month (this month's reward will serve for both months). Also, remember I'm changing Tiers next month. Review THIS POST to know how things are gonna be. In general terms: even if you don't change your pledge, you will just receive/get more benefits. Except for people in the Rival Tier, please change your pledge since I'll eliminate that Tier to make it into something different. Everything it's explained in that post. If you have any doubts, please message me.

I hope I can finish on time. I also need to make the Pin-Ups of Kanon in the Jogging Outfit. Again, if I don't finish them on time, I'll send them in a message to all the Patrons that pledged this month.

That's all for this update. I really need to work hard to make up for the lost time. I'm really sorry for the delay, I really didn't plan to get sick. I hope you can understand and please stay healthy!! (Since it sucks to get sick).



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