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Still working on Harem Series~Tomoe~Kunio's Initial Arc Part 1. The CGs will probably be close to the hundred. It's coming out really well. I'm confident I'll be releasing it this week, Saturday at the latest (if I don't run onto any unexpected problem along the way... let's hope I won't). As I promised, after I finish, I'll be working on Kanon's POV of Teaser~Date~Kanon exclusively until its release (hopefully at the end of next month or by September at the latest).

I've also been working on the Pin-Ups for this (and last month). I'm using the Jogging Outfit. Since this is a reward Pin-Up for both months I want it to have enough content, so I'm trying to make at least 20 images (maybe more). Fortunately, because of the nature of the outfit, it allows for various poses to be used. What I'm trying to do is a textless CG-set, where you can see what Kanon does sometimes in the morning (especially when she is frustrated by something). She does some stretching and goes out jogging. I'm posting some of them as a preview.

But this update is actually about Sachiko (Kanon's best friend). I needed to create the character since she will make a brief appearance in the final version of Teaser~Date~Kanon (Kanon's POV version). To be honest, I'm not totally convinced by her hair, and I also need to work on the clothing, but the base character is done... and she's actually based on Tomboy-chan from Voyeur (check THIS POST for more info on Voyeur): 

I wanted to use Tomboy-chan as the main wife in Voyeur, but after trying some clothes and watching some of her expressions, I realized she just doesn't have that Tomboyish look. She's more suited for a Cutie rather than for a Tomboy. But since she's so cute, I think it will be a waste to not use her... So, I decided to modify her and use her as Sachiko... and it turns out, she's perfect for the role!

I envisioned Sachiko as a cute, kind-hearted, and a little naive sweet girl... with a Huge rack!! I wanted her to have the biggest boobs of all my girls yet. Since all my girls are busty, I was worried her breasts will turn out to be too much... I was actually gonna make a POLL with three different sizes of boobs for Sachiko: One "normal" (the one I would normally use for a character with her body complexion), a "big" one (a middle ground between the "normal" and the "huge" sizes), and a "huge" one (the one I was planning to use)...but I'm actually very satisfied with the result, so I might skip the poll. Here's a little comparison between the three sizes:

NORMAL (more or less Kanon's size):

BIG (the middle ground):

HUGE (The one I think I'm gonna use):

The problem with the "big" size was that it wasn't that noticeable bigger, so there was not a significant difference when Sachiko was side by side with Kanon. I think the "huge" size looks pretty good... But what do you think?!

As a result, I really don't know what kind of poll I can make this month... Mmmmh... Do you have any ideas or requests?! ...

On a side note... by working again with old scenes (from the Teaser Date Kanon first release), I noticed my style has changed significantly (I think for the better). The changing room scene has very different IBL settings and illumination distribution than what I use now... I'll have to work with those settings when I start developing Kanon's POV, so the whole VN has the same style.

Well, that's all for this update. I'll go back to work (since I have tons of work to do!!). Till next update! Stay healthy!!




Normal and big are ok but huge .... a little to much


I prefer the middle one because sometimes if the boobs are too big, it will cover the waistline. But I will respect your decision :D