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Part 1 could be found here:


Part 2 links:



There's a bunch of unused images in the image folder. I needed to erase them but I didn't. The reason for it was that I thought it would be nice additional content (plus I didn't want to accidentally erase something that breaks the game). They are mostly the same pose with different expressions. Since this is the first time I make a close-up sex scene, I wasn't sure which expressions will be of use and which won't... So I made a bunch of them, to be able to choose whichever I need on the spot.

It has been a little crazy since this has become longer than I originally planned. Considering code lines (just text and commands, without scrip, options, screen, and other stuff) Teaser~Date~Kanon has about three thousand lines. Teaser~Xmas~Kanon has almost half of it. So this is almost half of Teaser~Date~Kanon in terms of content...It's too much for a micro visual novel. For that reason I'm going to give access to more people to this release (since originally it was only for patrons that pledge this tier in January) in the following way:

Taking into consideration a period between January - March:

People that pledge this tier once during that period will receive this VN

People that pledge this tier twice during that period will receive this VN + the cosplay content (check the update from this week I'll post soon after for details).

People that pledge People that pledge this tier twice during that period will receive this VN + the cosplay content + the additional content I'll be talking about in the update from next week.

I'm also making a new tier for people that want to get more (or all) the additional content (the Rival tier).

It has been very stressful but I'm glad I made this because I learned a lot. For instance, I learned that if I want to make mico-visual novels as additional content I have to make them much more concise and to the point. But learning from this experience I think I know how to do it from here on. I'll talk in more detail about it in the update from next week.



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