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I'm sorry for not publishing an update last week, but I was really busy trying to finish Teaser~Xmas~Kanon. This update will be about the plans for the next month and how the additional content will be distributed.

First of all Teaser~Xmas~Kanon was originally exclusive for people that pledge the Main Character tier in January, but since it ended up being much longer than I expected, I want to give more people the opportunity to get it (since it's part of the Teaser-Kanon series...and also because the published time was delayed). So I'll give it as additional content to Patrons that have pledged the Main Character Tier at least once from January to March. To compensate Patrons that have pledged that tier twice, they will receive the cosplay show in addition to Teaser~Xmas~Kanon. Finally, Patrons that have pledged that tier thrice (from January to March) will receive both contents plus one additional content I will be talking about next weekend.

For people that joined in February or March and want to receive more additional content, I've created the Rival tier ($15). This will allow them to get additional content from that month, plus past additional content of your choice from previous months (one past additional content per month).

As I said before, the additional content for February will be a cosplay show CG-set for various reasons. First, because I want to focus on the development of Voyeur~One-Way Mirror~Ryouko this month. Making another short visual novel will take a lot of time (I already learned my lesson), But don't worry I'll make more micro-visual novels (this time a real micro-visual novel since TeaserXmasKanon is a short visual novel rather than a micro-visual novel). In fact, the additional content for March will be a micro visual novel (I'll be talking about that on the update from next weekend).

The other reason for the cosplay show is because it fits the TeaserKanon continuity. If you have already played Teaser~Xmas~Kanon you know what I'm talking about. So I want you to tell me what outfits you would like Kanon to wear and I'll make a CG set with Kanon modeling those outfits for you (she might even change her expression and her comments depending if she liked the outfit or not). Then, when I work in future installments of the series, I'll make a poll so you can vote which of all those outfits would you like Kanon to wear. I'll construct a whole NTR sex scene based on the outfit you choose (I think a compromising situation in which Hiro is near could be interesting).

So please send me your suggestions (or post them here). You have the whole week. The idea is to have at least 8 or 12 outfits for her to wear in that CG-set. You can also ask for any of the other heroines to model an outfit for you if you like to (just put the name of the heroine along with the outfit, if you don't put anything I'll make Kanon wear it). Please put your suggestion in order of priority (in case there are too many of them and I can't make them all). This additional content will be released on the second weekend of March (in order for you to have all this week to send me your suggestions).

That's all for this update. See you all next weekend. Look forward to it, since I have a nice surprise for you all (I think you will love it). And don't forget you can always write me your thoughts and critics, your opinions are important for me to get better and better at this. Take care!!



Stiig Dahl Nielsen

I had a silly idea for a cosplay shown as a movie poster. So since it is not something taking place in the universe, not sure if it will work. -Minor spoiler for Teaser~Xmas~Kanon ahead- When Hiros grandpa talked about Hiros good heart, I kind of saw him as a Yoda talking to Luke Skywalker. So the characters could maybe be posted like on one of those old Star Wars posters with similar costumes and poses. Of course this would mean new outfits for all the characters, so maybe to much work. The characters I imagine they would be was: Hiro = Luke Skywalker Kanon = Leia Grandpa = Obiwan or Yoda Yokihiro = Darth Vader or Han Solo


The idea is pretty damn good!! But an artistic composition like that one will take a long time to make. Maybe a whole week. The cosplay show is more of a naughty nature rather than artistic. The idea is to show Kanon (and maybe the other girls) in sexy outfits. However, I like the idea enough to make something like that in the future! Maybe after I make Teaser~Trip~Kanon, since that entry will introduce new characters. So far, what I can imagine is Hiro and Yukihiro fighting with lightsabers for Kanon. I'll have to think more on the concept though.