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I couldn't finish Teaser~Xmas~Kanon! for Valentine. This is really mortifying for me since I really wanted to!! (It would have been a great Valentine's day gift for you!!), but some RL issues as well as corrections I had to make delayed my work.

I don't want to put any excuses, but when you're working on a visual novel, sometimes you need to correct and redo things, and some other times you just make mistakes. Like the other day, I erase Kanon from one scene by accident after working for a little over two hours on posing her...I had to do the work all over again. Also, I didn't notice that damn watch when I was doing one of the scenes (7th picture). If you see the 6 first pictures (that I'm posting as a little preview), you'll notice Kanon isn't wearing that watch. So I had to make the takes for that scene again!! (without the watch). The last picture is a mistake I made with the cellphone, The cellphone screen should be showing the incoming call from Hiro, but I forgot to replace the texture. However, I'm not going to correct that scene, since the mistake is minor and I already programmed it (that scene it's done and I'm not going to change it!!).

I don't want to promise you anything since I thought I could finish it for Valentine but couldn't. However, I should be posting it in the next few days (I hope!!). Almost all the CGs are done and what's left is programming the remaining scenes, adding music, SFX, credits that kind of stuff... Still, it often happens that when I'm programming a scene I realize that I need one more CG or that one CG I'm using doesn't fit the scene as I imagined. In those cases, I have to make a new CG.

I can post more previews if you want, but I'm aware there are some people that don't like to see too much before playing a visual novel. So I'm refraining to put too many previews (that's why the 7th picture is cut, to not spoil it).

Finally, I want to thank the Patrons that wrote me to encourage me and tell me to chill and not stressed out! Thanks a lot for your understanding!! I'm trying to give you something of quality!! I really don't want to publish a half-assed work! So, once again, thank you a lot for your understanding! 




Ready to go.......................gimme