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I couldn't finish the additional content on time. Please forgive me...No!!...Nononono...Wait!! Don't touch that cancel button!! H-hear me out!! At least read until the end please!!...L-let's talk about it...!!

Jokes aside, I'm really ashamed I couldn't finish on time and I hope you can forgive me and give me a few more days to finish Teaser~Xmas~Kanon! I guess my nativity and inexperience weighted this time. I thought that since I have gained speed in making CG sets (be able to make them in just a few days), I could pull this off on time, but making a visual novel, even if it's short, it's a much more demanding task. After all, the CG sets I made lately consisted of one scene in one location. For this micro visual novel, I had to make 8 scenes in 4 different locations. If you add to that, writing the script, the programming, the corrections, and all other tasks that are necessary, well, you get the idea. Still, this will be finished before Valentine (I think it'll make a great Valentine gift, even though the new year is the setup). Nonetheless, I'll try to finish it as soon as possible, so you don't have to wait until the next weekend.

The first 5 images from this update are not only to apologize to you but also to tell you my idea for the reward (additional content) for this month. I thought of making a CG set in which Kanon (or if you like also the other heroines) do a cosplay show for you in your favorite outfits. Like I told you before, I can't make micro visual novels every month because I have to focus on the making of the current main visual novel Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko! and after I finish it, I want to make the Kanon's POV for Teaser~Date~Kanon!

I'm thinking of ways of making micro visual novels more often as a reward without them been such a time-consuming task, and I have a couple of ideas in how to do it...but I'll leave that for another update, so you can tell me your opinions. Of course, if you have an idea for some additional content you would like, please share it with me. I'm always up to listening to my Patrons.

Except for the 5th picture that is based on a scene from 55b, all the other pictures are original creations of mine. The third and fourth are from a little advertisement I did back in October, taking advantage of Halloween. I published them in the Illusion discord. The idea is that Kanon and Midori are disguised and ready to party!!...taking the proper measures of course! The rest of the pictures are a little preview of the first scene of Teaser~Xmas~Kanon! (I didn't include all the CG and dialogue from the first scene, just enough so you can have an idea of how it starts). Take also notice that I may still make corrections, so the dialogue or the CG could change in the actual release.

Well, this is all for this update, and one more time, please forgive me for not finishing on time! I'm working my ass off to deliver quality content, believe me!!




a few more ;-)


ahem but why dont you concentrate only to teaser kanon ?


Because I started working on Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko! as soon as I finished Teaser~Date~Kanon! To be honest I was planning to launch my Patreon after I finished the latter. I didn't expect my first work to have such positive reception. I thought I had to launch two or three free games to be known in the market. Plus, I don't want to get cloyed with Teaser~Date~Kanon! I think working on a new project will give me a fresh look at it. I'll focus on the Teaser~Kanon series as soon as I finish my current project Voyeur~One-way Mirror~Ryouko!