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Hey patreon!

I hope everything is going great. We're hard at work on the next Climate Town episode, but I wanted to drop a little behind the scenes video about the editing part of the process. It may not sound very interesting or sexy, but it makes up for all that by being very tedious and technical. This particular edit bay BTS comes from the Saudi Arabia Oil Scandal video. Fun fact: They seem to be pulling back on some oil production, so ... COINCIDENCE?!??! Yes almost certainly, but I can dream.

So this one goes out to all my double dropshadow peeps. Have a great week and I'll see you soon.




Yousef Abbasi

Seeing your (seemingly Apple Silicon) laptop stutter - I have to ask, whats the spec of that machine? I know your videos are loaded with awesome, I had no idea regular Youtube videos could choke one of those.

Tom Lais

This is brilliant. Seeing you do this and having tried myself I will up my contribution as your platform is too good to loose to computer insanity Best .