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Hey Patreon,

I hope all is well. Climate Town just got a really nice writeup in the New York Times for doing climate and comedy, and I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who supports us right here on patreon. Without you, we never would have been able to take the time to make the videos we felt were important. I think there's a really loud drumbeat to publish every day or every week, and the fact that y'all are down for the deep research dives means everything to me. I can not thank you enough.

Rollie and the Climate Town Team




Zane Selvans

lol "Mr. Williams"

Ryder Bergerud

Did you get a chance to talk about how much the NYT loves getting paid for fossil fuel adverts??? https://www.desmog.com/2023/12/05/reuters-new-york-times-top-list-of-fossil-fuel-industrys-media-enablers/