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Full Watch Along Reaction to Hazbin Hotel Episode 5


Shatterpoint Gaming

More than Anything absolutely devastated my feels.Jeremy Jordan has an absolutely beautiful voice. Lucifer is quite the tragic character in this lore. Lucifer is a prime example of what Charlie could become if she fails at her goal.


On today's trivia : Alastor. While I can't answer most of your questions about him, especially regarding who's got him on a leash and other things like that, I can give you some interesting info that aren't in the show but were told by the creator during streams these past few years : - Alastor died in 1933, while he was in his 30s. He was a radio host and a serial killer living in New Orleans. He apparently had some moral code that he followed for his killings, not going after anyone randomly (and given his tendency to apparently target Overlords, he might have only killed powerful people). - He was killed (and subsequently sent to Hell) by a rifle shot to the head from a hunter who mistook him for a deer, while Alastor was burying a body in the woods. He may also have been attacked by the hunter's dog prior to being shot, as he apparently heavily dislikes dogs due to "backstory reasons". -Contrary to a lot of other sinners, Alastor has not taken on a new name when he arrived in Hell, and is instead using his real names. Other sinners in the show chose their name when they died (like Husk chosing this name to represent the fact that he's no more than a husk of himself, or Angel Dust chosing the name of the drug that killed him) Finally, about Lucifer being a bit underwhelming compared to what we could expect : Hell in this show takes from Dante's Inferno, meaning that Lucifer, while technically being Hell's "big boss", is still just a Prince of Hell, specifically the Sin of Pride, an equal to Mammon or Asmodeus. He's also not "the devil", as that names mostly refers to Satan, who is the Sin of Wrath, worshipped by Imps. So, in actuality, Lucifer is mostly just a fallen angel with shattered dreams. There's a huge circus theme around him, and in Helluva Boss we learned that he created LuLu World, the theme park that Loo Loo Land is plagiarising. So he's mostly just living with the mind of a child and trying to stay away from the life of an adult.

Rabbid Dawg

This was really helpful info, especially as someone else still new to the whole Hellverse - but wasn't it also a point made that elements mentioned before (like this info) and some things in the pilot considered 'loose' canon, subject to change? Not that any of this can't eventually be shown to be true, but more of a, 'hey these were the beginnings of the character....maybe?'. I really like this background info and the things we've seen in the comics, but I was unsure if this was supposed to be considered hard canon to the story we see in Hazbin.

Rabbid Dawg

I wish at this point they'd give us a bit of info regarding the hierarchy of those in Hell with power - just to give us more context of Lucifer's standing. As someone else here already mentioned, he's less the leader of all of Hell and simply a powerful being. I took this interpretation as sinners respecting him for his power but not for his authority - he seemingly has no interest in presiding over the Overlords here, in his 'Ring' (Pride). No one will mess with him or his daughter, but they don't seem to fear them either (this is why Charlie can be mocked for having her hotel, but no one is necessarily attacking her outright). I have no idea if we've been given the context of what this means in other Hellverse media. I know there's been a mention of other Rings with their respective Princes, there are Sins (Satan is the Sin of Wrath and considered a being completely separate from Lucifer), and the Ars Goetia (a special Aristocratic class of demons that rule over Hellborns), but perhaps someone here can enlighten me to more that has been uncovered in other media


Lucifer was the fallen angel of light and one of the highest/closest angels to god. In the show he was portrayed as a big dreamer who after he fell lost his will to dream and fell into depression. So partly why he doesn't seem so threatening could be that he never had any malice to begin with. Rather than being a demon king and leader of hell he's more of a fallen angel forced in the position of being the King of hell.


I think only the stuff from the Pilot was deemed to be loose canon, as Faustisse, who assists Viv for Hazbin Hotel, has confirmed most of what I've said in-between the Pilot and the release of the first season. As far as the comics go, they're closer to what Viv wants the backstories to be, so I think we can take them as facts unless said otherwise. And since it's mostly background stuff that would feel out of place in the show, I doubt they'd be retconned just like that.

Camron Taylor

Mimzy literally called him "your highness" and bowed. Overlords like Alastor only "mock" out of Jealousy, knowing they really can't lay a finger on them. That's the authority.


Ok, I already loved Lucifer. After the shock wears off, it's so obvious that this is Charlie's father. But hearing that ending song...I'm broken. He's so frickin amazing. What a good dad at heart. The growth of Lucifer and Charlie’s relationship in the ep is so heartwarming. You can tell he cares, he’s just unsure of how to show it. The closest thing Lucifer could think of was keeping her away from the people who crushed his spirit, even though it meant pushing aside Charlie’s own dream. But, when she finally convinced him, that line of “I hope we can start again. Not be pulled apart again” really tugged at my heartstrings. That entire song will forever be tied for #1 in ranking. They depicted depression really well. You get stuck in a haze and everything gets blurry. Like I am sure when Charlie asked Lucifer about his thoughts on the hotel, it was part avoidance to answer the question, part not wanting to be honest and hurt her feelings (as he is been doing throughout this ep.), and part him genuinenly not catching what she was saying and getting stuck in a haze/ zone again. Sure it comes off as ditzy in a way....but once Lucifer does catch on to what Charlie is saying he does reveal his views in a way he thinks won't hurt her. I will never get over "You could almost call me, daaaaaad" Lucifer: aggressively plays fiddle. I feel like Alistor hates Lucifer because he is so much stronger than him. He is one of the few people he cannot intimidate or play with his sheer strenght. So he tries to bother him in another way: "Stealing" Charlie aways from him. My guess on Alastor. Husk saying Alastor is one a leash as well...him and Lilith being gone for 7 years and Alastor just happening to show up at the perfect time for Charlie. I'm thinkin Lilith owns him and sent him to help her daughter. In the pilot Charlie calls her mom and mere moments later Alastor knocks on her doors, Lilith probably sent him to check on things and her daughter (the reason he was already "in the neighborhood" sorta speak when he saw her on the news) and then once she got the voicemail immediately ordered her scary little pet to go do whatever she asks of him. Perhaps he struck a deal with her when he first arrived in Hell and that's why he was an instant powerhouse able to rival Overlords. Perhaps she's working on something and forced him along for the ride similar to how he's dragged Husker into being the bartender.


the song More than Anything gets me everytime i watch this episode, in fact i think i cry more everytime lol


If you remember, in the first Episode when Charlie tells the story, she mentions that Lucifer "lost his will to dream" and that he was "never able to see the good of humanity" When you think about how old Lucifer is, his behavior makes a little more sense, like why he's so pessimistic, and why he's reluctant to let Charlie have this meeting. He's the one who gave free will to man, in his mind (only seeing the bad of humanity) of course he thinks everyone and everything is the worst. I actually like that they made him defy expectations of this "big bad imposing presence" because if you remember, Lucifer is an angel. A fallen one, yeah, but he's still an angel. Despite being the (depressed) king of hell, it makes sense he doesn't feel the same as other demons like Alastor.


yeah we had to rewatch the opening just for more info on Lilith and Lucifer and refresh on what happened. You can tell that Lucifer is scared that Charlie's optimism will lead her to be crushed like he was if she tries too much. 😢