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It's only hinted at here with Blake's comment of him stalking her across Anima but that was really Adam on the train, you can tell because he had the black blindfold on in it, compared to Yang's trauma creating a vision of Adam in the abandoned village where he still had the mask.

Alex Smith

Maria in this ep is hilarious.


The implication that he got stuck with JNR and had to kinda wait a day for Blake to catch up is amusing.

Megan Saunders

I love what Bethany was saying about Ruby really looking like a leader and a woman here. She's been leading RWBY and RNJR since the battle of Beacon in Vol 3, and she's tried to keep everyone's spirits up. Jaune called it out at the end of Volume 4 when he said "You didn't make us come out here with you - you gave us the courage to follow you." Oz also called it out to Oscar in Volume 5 when he said "She really is remarkable isn't she?" and "She has her quirks, her faults, just like everyone else. But she also possesses something unquantifiable - a spark that can inspire others even in the darkest of times." Ruby is really stepping into her own now, and I think this is the moment when she really embraces what Ozpin told her back in Volume 1: "Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?" And also - "You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility Ruby. I advise you to take some time to think about how you will uphold it." And yes, we finally see Adam again, learn he's been stalking Blake since the end of Volume 5. We've seen glimpses of him a couple of times - on the back of the train in chapter 1 of this season, and then again when Yang spotted him in the snow at the farm when they found the trailer and she thought she was just having a PTSD flash. Things will definitely ramp up from here!


God, i love Maria, shes so funny


Woah, i didnt even notice him in the background until you pointed it out! Thats so creepy.

Kierston Bell

That playback was great he even said it himself "way to sell it" 😂


I come once more to recommend Red vs Blue, its a halo show that was also made by Rooster Teeth and its so good, I think you guys would love it. Its a bit slow at the start but once the story picks up its like it never stops


Loved it, also I think Ruby is around 16 years old at this time.


Of the two Adam sightings, only one was really him - the one where Blake saw him on the train. Notice that when Blake saw him, he's in his current outfit, but it was his old outfit and mask when Yang thought she saw him, reflecting that her sighting was actually just the trauma freaking her out while they were all worn down.


lol, Ken -- busted by the instant replay! I was so much waiting to see both of your reactions to Adam showing back up and I wasn't disappointed! Despite how much I hate Adam as a person, I always appreciate how formidably he is animated; Blake is no pushover, but Adam's fighting always seems effortless for him, and it lends a healthy amount of anxiety to this encounter, especially knowing what happened back in Beacon. He is a scary adversary, both for his skill and for his insane relentlessness. I saw that look on Ruby's face too -- there is a mature steel in her face when she watches the Colossus stomp into view that I did not remember seeing before either. I also just have always loved Ruby's people-sense -- she manages to dress down her uncle Qrow without demeaning him as a person, and her ultimate goal is always to invite him to be his best self. I think Maria's jab at Cordovin is specifically harkening back to the first conflict they had, when Cordovin apparently stuck Maria onto the permanent flight screening list just for bringing "unauthorized cashews on ONE flight" -- according to Maria, lol. So... in your face, Cordovin!

Bryan Forquer

It's hilarious that people will actually look at the way Blake and Yang gave each other one of the softest looks, and still try to say that the Bumbleby ship is "forced", lol. The next two episodes are my absolute favorite of this volume! Also I have to give Ken major bonus points for the "fat lady" joke, can't wait for next week's reaction!


Are they saying its forced by the fandom or forced on the show? 🤔 Just curious because like you said, that look they give each other says a lot 😍

Bryan Forquer

It's mostly members of the fandom who just don't like the idea of Blake and Yang ending up together. A lot of them think Blake should've ended up with Sun, but at the beginning of volume 6. Sun said he wasn't interested in a relationship with Blake and he really just wanted to be a friend to her.


Thats alright! Just wanted to put it out there, I know you guys have a lot of series youre watching rn so absolutely no pressure. Love the vids ❤️