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Part 5 of our Stick of Truth Gameplay. Taking on Al Gore and Man Bear Pig.


Jason Rogue

Let's go. Nice job defeating Al Gore, my strategy was just to make him bleed nonstop. He bled more than he can heal. Bull Rush and the Airhorn are going to be the best moves for you. Bull Rush destroys armor, while the Airhorn nullifies all buffs, like regeneration. Always make sure to upgrade your strap-ons and patches for your weapons and armor. Like, if your weapon does bleeding naturally, throw in some fire or gross out damage as well. Some patches make you heal after doing some bleeding damage. Trust me when I say the game's going to harder and Al Gore was just the tip of the iceberg.


Thanks for the tips, Jason! we loved the nut kick as it stunned but we are finding a lot more enemies immune to that. So Bull Rush has been our new go to.