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Let's hope this is the right one 😜 Early ad-free access to RWBY Volume 6 Episode 8.


Tatsumi Ga Kill

Jaunes Reaction was completly justified after everything that happend. He knows now that Pyrrha died for a lost cause and he lost his best friend and potential lover thanks to Ozpins lies. I can completly understand him and im also mad at Ozpin but of course Oscar is not to blame here but Jaune was just paranoid and cautious...


Caroline Cordovin is actually based on the old woman that lived in a shoe. the first clue is when nora said your base looks like a boot.


Old lady in the Shoe. Nora's comment was a bit more direct.


I didn't hear it when I first watched it, but that instrumental of Red Like Roses when Maria and Ruby are talking gets me lol


Yaaaaaay! MORE RWBY! ❤️🤍🖤💛

Iejir Isk

Unfortunately, the poor kid has the poltergeist inside him, taking him over. Honestly, what is the best case for Oscar? That he stays Oscar long enough to drink with Qrow?


Maria in some way is covering for Yang and Qrow's comedy while they get to do something a lil more serious for a while


I think Maria is great too. Sometimes it is easy to forget RWBY and JNR are still teenagers (or just barely out of their teens) and doing things and faced with things that most adults couldn't even deal with. They are so competent and mature past their years that it's easy to overlook they are still kids. Qrow is great but distracted often by his own years of loneliness and depression, so Maria is a stabilizing force as well as a deep source of wisdom and perspective. Plus, she's just so darn funny and forthright and chill. Oscar is doing his best as well and maybe looking to fit in and find meaning in his life -- he was already somewhat unhappy on the farm and wanted more for himself. But he also doesn't get a choice about who he is becoming; he could try to ignore Ozpin but the fact remains is that they are slowly going to merge over time (including his ability to wield to Ozpin's magic) and all he could ever do is slow the process. Going home isn't much of an option, especially knowing what he knows -- but right now he has such a huge wall to scale in terms of gaining the team's trust.


RLR is Ruby's theme, and this show is really great with lietmotifs (assigning certain musical themes to each character), I try to listen for them all the time because there are so many of them and they trigger emotion from other powerful moments in the series.


I thought it was a lietmotif, but I'm not super versed in musical theory so I didn't want to make a fool of myself lol, and I have heard things like it in the past, but I've only seen volume 6 to 9 one time, so I know the earlier volumes better and that is why it stood out to me this time since I didn't have to pay super close attention to the dialogue again.


I feel pretty glad to get to hear more about Oscar in your analysis. You worded it well by claiming that although he's always part of the team he's still largely overshadowed with the presence of Ozpin and his decisions and his inner conflict is one that is difficult to talk and relate to, given none of us know what it means to lose your identity and having another soul in you. The separation gave him an opportunity to show himself as his own person this volume, so I am glad to see you two get to talk about him more and more.


I definitely agree! She's a perfect addition and part of what makes V6 feel so good and fresh overall


It's also easy to forget because everyone looks around the same age haha. Except for Maria obviously and some other characters they age up or down, but the majority look around the same age 🤗