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Early access to our DBZA 58 reaction


Skyler Van

The Guy in the crowd was voiced by Grant a friend of theirs. Krillin is Lanipator.


For context, Goku fought Tien in a tournament as a kid. They ended up fighting in the air and sent each other flying outside where the tournament was held. It would've been a double ring out if only Goku didn't slam into a Truck before Tien hit the ground. Goku later fought Tien as an adult and beat him. Around the same time, Goku reunited with ChiChi as an adult but didn't recognize her. ChiChi was pissed and would only tell Goku who she was if he could beat her. Goku ended up knocking her out of the ring with the air pressure from his fist. Then they got married, Goku put a baby in her, and now ChiChi stays home and cooks his dinner.

King Rama

Lol the thing with the bugs at the end is a callback to S1. Vegeta and Nappa stopped by that planet on their way to Earth. Remember Nappa's pet? lol same planet. After Nappa devastated it, they repopulated 1k years later, and the rest is history


Honestly, Cell's casual caring of Yamcha is one of my favorites of this part of the show. Also, the voice of "That makes sense!" Guy is Grant (I don't remember his last name right now). He's one of the two in charge of the team's gaming content, and he previously played Brock on that Cell Vs. Ash Ketchum video. Mentioning Grant reminds me: post-DBZA recommendation, DBCember. It's a fun countdown list done every year by TFS and, as you get further down the line, they get a lot more informative of the original show and manga. I think it'd be a fun watch for your "learning Dragon Ball" videos. ...bringing up DBCember also reminds me of another one-off recommendation: Dragon Ball Z Abridged Reviewed in 10 Words or Less. After you're completely done with dbza, this video by TotallyNotMark is a fun little review of the whole show that I think you guys will enjoy. It also introduces you to its creator, who actually got to be part of the last and (by a wide margin) biggest DBCember.


Oh man. S1 seems so long ago. And Nappa. We loved that guy and wanted him to keep showing up, but along the way we fell more in love with the other characters. 😊


Yeah Hercule is really not that much of a parody here 🤣 he offers the dumbest ideas of how Goku and Cell are fighting but people believe it because he's "the champ" In fairness, Goku and the Z Fighters haven't been in the World Martial Arts Tournament for years so the general public hasn't seen them use these kinds of moves before